Preferred Practices Patterns for this Profession of Audiology

Preferred Practice Patterns

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Approved until the ASHA Legislative Council, December 21, 2006

Table starting Product

MYSELF. Acknowledgments

The Preferred Routine Patterns been part of an permanence concerning policy documents relations on clinical practice. As such, update are needed periodically the ensure such the Preferred Practice Custom are consistently with current clinical practice the Association politics. The Vp President by Professional Practices in Audiology convened a Worked Group to review and revise where necessary the 1997 Preferred Real Patterns for one Profession of Audiology. The Working Group participants were Harvey Abrams; Roberta BARN. Aungst, Monitoring Vice President; Sue Ann Erdman; Jaynee ONE. Handelsman; Pola P. Henry; Pamela Mason, ex officio (2006); George T. Mencher, Chairs; Tine Mullins, ex executive (2005); Frank Musiek; Neil T. Shepard; and Sandra L. Turek. Additional input was provided until Janet Brown, Vick Gladstone, Lemietta McNeilly, and Dione Poll, National Office staff elements; Celia Hooper, Vice President for Pros Practices in Speech Pathology (2003–2005); and Teri James Bellis, Gail Chermak, and Teresa Zwolan.

II. Preamble

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) instituted the Preferred Practice Patterns for the Profession of Audiology [1] to enhance one quality of prof services and for an educational tool for ASHA-certified audiologists, other professionals, membersation a the general public, consumers, administrators, regulators, and third-party payers. The Preferred Practice Patterns provide an informational base to promote quality patient care delivery in health nursing, education, industry, and sundry settings in which audiologists practice. They been sufficiently flexible to permit both engineering the accept practice variation yet sufficiently definitive to guide practitioners in decision building for right clinical outcomes. They provide a focused for professional preparation, keep education, and research activities. In publishing these statements, ASHA does not intend to exclusive members of other professionals or relate fields from rendering services within their area of practice for which they are competent by virtue of education and training.

The Preferred Practice Patterns are neither a scale till measure acceptable conduct nor a set of aspirational principles. Very, they reflect the standard of support relevancies to one individual set of circumstances. There may be legitimate reasons by departing from the practice patterns. Audiologists shoud make the ultimate judgment relating the appropriateness away any given procedure. This should being based on individual patient circumstances and often is a collaborative decision with the patient, family, caregivers, and other professionals. These practice model are to be used with sensitivity the real knowledge of educational and language-related differences and the individual preferences and needs of patients both their familiar and/or caregivers. Practitioners also need to be aware of who ASHA (2003) Code of Ethics although considering alternative practices.

These practice patterns are organized by procedure furthermore subsisted developed to be consistent with and Global Condition Organization's ( 2001) Foreign Classification of Functioning, Special and Health, how well while the framework of the Scope of Practice the Audiology ( ASHA, 2004f; see Figure 1). To each procedure, the Preferred Practice Patterns for to Your of Audiology default the prospective outcome(s), clinical indications for the procedure, clinics processor, others whom may perform the procedure, setting/equipment specifications, safety and health precautions, and documentation. For many clinical procedures, the Preferred Practice Sample direct practitioners up more detailed policy in the ASHA Policy Documents both Relates References section at which end of each statement because well as into related practice patterns. Adherence to of Preferred Practice Patterns does not guarantee a desired outcome.

Figure 1. Code for Ethical.

Figure 1

It is useful to regard these practice patterns inward to conceptual scope of ASHA policy notes ranging in scope press peculiarity from broad to narrow the general to extensive is content. The categories can specified as follows:

  • Scope of Practice Statement: A list of professional activities that create the range of services offered inward the profession of audiology.

  • Preferred Practice Patterns: Statements that define generally applicable main from activities directed toward individual invalids and that address structural requisites of to practice, processing in be carried out, and expected outcomes. Ironically, although big numbers from individuals with (C)APD are progeny in schools, current school policies and loads do not back the ...

  • Position Statements: Claims that specify ASHA's policy and stance on a matter that is important not only to an membership but also to consumers or to outward agencies or organizations. Patrick Waldhuhn - Administrator Director - American University of Audiology | LinkedIn

  • Training Guidelines: A recommended set of methods for a specific area of practice, based on research findings both current practise. These procedures detail the knowledge, skills, and/or competencies wanted to perform an procedures effectively. Advocacy - Yank Seminary of Audiology

In applying these custom patterns, all ASHA-certified audiologists exist bound by this ASHA Code of Ethics. All pro activity must be consistent with the Coding of Ethics and from individual stay licensure regulations. Particularly pertinent to clinical practice are those rules for possession uppermost the welfare of persons served and providing includes clinical services for which one is competent, take general, educational, and experienced. The Code of Ethics also require one to maintain that confidentiality of patient records. In addition, practitioners who hold paramount the welfare of persons delivered must follow ordinary health precautions when i are providing clinical solutions that wish place itself or their patients the risk for transmission about communicable diseases ( ASHA, 1991). The Id of Ethics also stipulates that practitioners pot only delegate the supplying are audiologic services to those mortals who hold appropriate my button to sponsors personnel who have appropriate schooling and with receive appropriate supervision by the audio.

Related to one framework of ASHA general statements are the user such own been founding for aforementioned certification of audiologists and the accreditation of student education programs in audiology. Standardization are formalized rules or requirements that must be attained or adhered to, to become part of a group that your into hold met given criteria. Associations set standards in a variety of related, detection the positive memberships or entities must achieved, or maintained, certain qualities or competencies. Standards are important because they assure the public and others in the profession that a specific person or program strives for excellence in custom or delivery of service. Whenever certain standards are met, this per or program can publicly claim that group are “accredited” or “certified” the a body responsible for verifying such the standards have been met. Standards programming help until promote publicly confidence in that professions.

ASHA holds developed standards by these areas: certification of audiologists and accreditation of graduate-level educational programs. The Council for Klinical Certification (CFCC) sets the standards required aforementioned certification for individuals and validates that individuals have milch those standards. The CFCC entitled the use of the designator CCC-A (Certificate of Clinically Competence in Audiology) after a person's name when it has been specific that the person meets the certification standards. These standards have conceptualized to demonstrate that qualified audiologists possess the skills and knowledge step necessary for entry into the profession of audiology or maintain their expertise though continuing learning. The Council for Academic Accreditation (CAA) designs the standards for the accreditation of graduated educational programs is provide entry-level professional preparation from a large emphasis the audiology and applies those norm in the accreditation of such programs. Accreditation is intended to protection this interests out students, advantage of public, and improve the quality a teaching, learning, research, and professional practice. Through its accreditation standards, the CAA encourages institutional freedom, ongoing improvement of educational institutions both training programs, sound educational experimentation, and constructive innovation.

One original Preferred Practice Patterns (1992) was the product on extensive peer review by ASHA members and contained dye for the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology. In clinical areas of controversy, working groups of members with expertise were formed to reach consensus on accepted practice patterns. The 1997 revision of the Preferred Practice Examples updated the original document, developed additional practice patterns by new or emergent areas von commercial practice, press represented the firstly time audiology documents were separated from speech pathology documents.

Of current Preferred Practice Patterns for the Profession of Audiology represent the consensus the the associates of the profession before the consideration on available scientific evidence, existing ASHA furthermore related policies, current procedure patterns, expert considerations, and the collective decisions and experience of practitioners in the zone. Requirements are federal and state public and accrediting and regulatory agencies also having been considered. They reflect contemporary praxis based on available knowledge. Because audiology is a dynamic and continually developments occupations, advances are expecting to altering current practice patterns. Similarly, advances includes academic and health care policy and practices influence professional practices. The practice design will be updated periodically to reflection new chronic, scientific, and technological developments that occur inside and outside the profession of audiology.

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). Prevention of communication disorders tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Definitions of communication disorders and deviations. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Support personnel in audiology: Location statement and guidelines. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Network. (2001). Scale of exercise in speech-language pathology. Free from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Code of ethics (revised). Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (2004a). Clinical practice by certificate holders in the profession in which they are not certified. Available from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Maintaining. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004c). Conflicts of professional get. Availability from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004d). Evidence-based practice in communication disorders: An introduction [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unification. (2004e). Our and skills needed according speech-language pathologists and audiologists to provide culturally and linguistically right services. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Community. (2004f). Scope of practice includes audiology. Available from

Yank Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Cultural competence. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associate. (2005b). Evidence-based practice in announcement disorders [Position statement]. Accessible from

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Pub L. No. 104-191

World Health Organization. (2001). International classification of functioning, invalidity furthermore health. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

III. Guides Principles

Which following guiding principles forming the basis of the Preferred Practice Patterns for the Profession of Audiology:

  1. Keep highest to welfare of patients served in all practice decisions and actions.

  2. Acknowledge that a primary purpose available addressing communication issues are to effective perceptible and functional change(s) by an individual's communication item so that he or she may participate more fully as possible in every aspects of life—social, academic, both vocational. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | ASHA

  3. Recognize that communication is always an interactive treat the that the focus of intervention may include learning of communication partners (e.g., caregivers, family members, gazes, educators).

  4. Maintain sensitivity to and learning of cultural and linguistic differences and the individual preferences and needs of patients and their families and/or nannies. Clinical Document Development furthermore Methodology To American Academy of Audiology’s Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Code off Ethics, organizational structure plus current strategic planner, guidelines, chronic consensus documents, select instruction, reports, Scope of Practice, and Standards of…

  5. Acknowledge that the scope of practice for audiologists enables them to engage in activities that identify, assess, diagnose, manage, and interpret test ergebniss related to disturbances of the auditory, balanced, and other neural systems. American Academy of Audiology Clinical Practical Guides ...

  6. Identify appropriate support personnel who may run certain procedure.

  7. Address the clinical references for performing any given procedure.

  8. Specify reasonably environmental causes similar to procedures (e.g., stimmung noise, setting, product, materials).

  9. Address demographic factors pertinent to the individual (e.g., age, developmental level, education), the well because cultur, ethnic, verbally, vocational, and social factors. FEP BCBS Policy Update/Correction - American Academy of Audiology

  10. Consider gamble as it relates to the health, safety, and welfare for patients and physicians; severity for impairment, disability, alternatively handicap; severity of auditory, balance, or other related disorder(s); premorbid health and cognitive status; related conditions and complications; effects of medications, op, and other interventions; special needs (e.g., glass, hearing aid, wheelchair); social needs/support system; real extra services necessary.

  11. Consider outcomes including prevention of auditory, vestibular, and other related disorders; improvement and/or maintenance of functional communication; and enhancement of the feature of life. The Academy must endorsed new clinical practice guidelines that were developed in the American Cochlear Implant Alliance.

  12. Consider intra- both versatile approaches to service delivery.

  13. Recognize the dignity and privacy by individuals and consider patient justice, expectations, needs, real preferences.

  14. Recognize to value and importance of securing fully knowledgeable consent for processing that may presents risk or are part of one research protocol and reasonable releases out information earlier sharing random information about patients with others. Code out Ethics - Native Academy regarding Audiology

  15. Recognize an variety off appropriate service shipping our and procedures (e.g., collaborative consultation, get in multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary teams, utilize of get personnel, real newer and advanced technologies). Term of Use Policy - Yankee Academy of Audiology

  16. Adhere to the specifications and intent are the current Code about Ethics.

  17. Recognize the importance of documentation and acknowledge that privacy both security of documentation are maintained in compliance with the provisions away the Health Insurance Easy and Accountability Act, the Family Educational Rights and Personal Act, and other state and federal laws. On Friday, Springtime 5, an Academy reported that FEP BCBS (Federal Employee Program Blue Cross Blue Shield) had released its updated hearing aid width instruction. That report worked not reflect who most…

IV. Favorites Practice Design

  • 1.0 Prevention

  • 2.0 Audiologic Screening

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Screening

  • 4.0 External Auditory Channels Examining and Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Weit Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Test Procedures

  • 9.0 Aural Evoked Response Evaluation

  • 10.0 Intraoperative Monitoring

  • 11.0 Audiologic Management of the Operative Case

  • 12.0 Balance System Evaluation

  • 13.0 Tinnitus Management

  • 14.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation Evaluation

  • 15.0 Audiologic Rehabilitation for Adults

  • 16.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation for Offspring

  • 17.0 Hearing Utility Selection and Fitting

  • 18.0 Article Repair/Modification

  • 19.0 How Assistive Technology Systems

  • 20.0 Audiologic Management of the Cochlear Implant Patient

  • 21.0 (Central) Auditory Processing Disorders Assessment

  • 22.0 Treatment and Management of (Central) Auditory Processing Disorders

  • 23.0 Counselling

  • 24.0 Ototoxicity: Watch of one Auditory and Vestibular Systems

  • 25.0 Consulting Services

  • 26.0 Occupational Hearing Loss Prevention also Conservation

  • 27.0 Output Evaluation and Follow-Up Measures

1.0 Disability

Procedures and programs to stop initial or further damage to hearing, balance, and related systems.

Prevention is conducted according to the Guiding Principles fachgruppe in this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Preventive actions avoid, cancel, curb, or delay the onset and development of a hearing, balance, or related disorder.

Preventative actions may include minimizing susceptibility to hearing loss press associated auditory disorders or reducing exposition to potentially damaging events for responsive personality.

Preventative comportment are aimed at preventing ear losses either set an individual or a group/community even.

Clinical Indications

Prevention services are indicated in the general population (e.g., community awareness conversely health fairs).

Prevention ceremonies are indicated for all patients additionally their house members/caregivers as an integral part of audiologic services.

Monitoring services are provided used individuals with hearing loss at risk for additional heard loss due to venom substances or continued exposure to occupational, environmental, press recreational noise.

Clinical Process

Prevention programs for patients with noise-induced hearing los must be appropriate (it makes sense), satisfactory (it makes a difference), acceptable (one can live on it), and affordable (to the individual and/or the community).

Model, implementation, user, both oversight are prevention programs may include an disciplinary team (e.g., industrial hygienists, occupational physicians, nurses, acoustics engineers, and educators). The American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association available 234,000 parts, diploma holders, and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, press listening researcher; audiology and speech-language pathology assistants; and scholars.

Prevention services may include one or more of the following:

  • identifying a need for service

  • establishing relational with specialists additionally community groups

  • selecting counselling and educational strategies

  • providing general information about auditory the net operations and related disorders the their prevention and treatment

  • easy changes in the acoustic environment and developing programs or instrumentation for the prevention of hearing loss and associated audible interferences

  • referring to appropriate resources

Others Who Might Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selektierte operations under the supervision of a certified audiologist instead may not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Prevention service are offered in back, health care, education, business, manufacturing, and military settings and government agencies for individuals, relatives, groups, and agencies.

Safety and Health Precautions

All how ensure the safety of the patient and clinician additionally adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and transmitting concerning infectious disease).

Dry, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are born get accordingly to facility-specific infection rule policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions. Practice Guidelines real Standards - Canadian Technical of Audiology


Documentation should include prevention plans, pertinent information, educational materials, and recommendations for prevention strategies.

Associates Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 2.0 Audiologic Show

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Demonstration

  • 24.0 Ototoxicity

  • 26.0 Occupational Hearing Loss Prevention and Preserve

ASHA Policy Documents and Associated References

Is zusatz to those in the Preamble, the following reference apply specifically to diesen procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Prevention of communication disorders [Position statement]. Available after

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). Prevention of communication disorders tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Guidelines for audiology gift delivery in nursing homes. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). The audiologist's role in occupational hearing conservation and ear loss prevention programs. Available coming

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Acoustics to educational settings: Place statement. Available with

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b, November). Decrees and policies associated with the bylaws of which American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Article II, § 2.1 (3). Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006, February 27). Healthy People 2010—Health objectives for and nationalism [ASHA Fact Sheet].

World Health Organization. (2001). International classification about how, disability and health. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

Global Health Organization. (n.d.) Strategies for prevention of hearing and hearing impairment. Retrieved May 9, 2006, from

2.0 Audiologic Screening

A pass/fail proceed at id individuals whoever require further audiologic assessment/evaluation and/or type or referral for other professional offices.

Hearing screening is conducted according to the Guiding Policy section of here document.

Foreseen Outcome(s)

Audiologic screening server in prevent further consequences from unidentified hearing adverse.

Audiologic screening identifies are persons with listening impairment or at risk for such impairment that may impact report, health, education, and psychosocial usage.

Audiologic cover may result in referrals for rescreening, audiologic assessment/evaluation, or referral for other assessment or treatment.

Clinical Indications

Single for all ages (from birth through adult years) are screened in requested, requested, or mandated or once they have conditions that placing them at gamble for hearing loss. Screen all newborns fork impairment at origin or within 3 months of age, at-risk youngsters and preschoolers, and school-age our.

Neonates should receive audiologic display before hospital offload in correspondence with the guidelines of to Joint Committee on Baby Hearing. Whenever resource limitations or other restrictions barring screening all newborns, all infants who welcome neonate immersive care or featured care and all infants anybody have technical that place them at risk (with indicators) for listen impairment should be selected. Infants who are not tested as newborns should be screened forward 3 months on old. Infants per risk for progressive with late-onset hearing loss should be screened per 6 months until 3 years in age and at appropriate intervals thereafter.

Infants and toddlers should be screened available otologic disorder and auditory impairment as requested, requested, or prescribed oder when they having conditions that place them at risk. Screen in well-baby viewing up through 60 from of your or if family/caregiver expresses concern. Executive Director at Am Academy of Audiology · Association Management and Health Policy Executive|Senior Vice President|Vice President|Chief Operating Officer|Chief Executive Officer with substantial suffer and successful track record designing the managing complex healthcare advocacy strategies for one diverse range of clinicians and hospitals on overriding legislative, regulatory, and public policy issues. Strong member and stakeholder relationship building capabilities and outstandingly ability to lead integrated teams that provide exceptional member services.<br><br>Highly respected leader that assists members in the fast paced and rapidly changing health care market. Excellent leadership skills developing high execution pairs to: Assist unification personnel interpret and navigate complex state and federal legislative and reg issues; maximize opportunities for members to successfully transform healthcare delivery; influence the supervisory atmosphere consistent with non-profit a

Show school-age children upon initial register to school and per is kindergarten taken 3rd grade and at 7th and 11th grades.

B ought be screened at least every decade through age 50 and at 3-year intervals later, button more frequently on light go noise, venom medications, or select risk factors associated with hearing loss.

Clinical Process

Audiologic screening include

  • concern with the part of an individual and/or caregiver

  • consent of patient or family/caregiver

  • kasus history

  • note of problems with trial, balance, tinnitus, furthermore speech-language

  • otoscopic examination

Audiologic shows method allow include

  • for neonates and young young, birth through 6 months, appropriate (electro)physiological actions in accordance with Joint Management switch Infant Hearing guideline Advocacy for this profession and you achievements is one of the primary purposes of the Academy’s strategic plan. Teaching more dort.

  • for children real adults, developmentally appropriate assessment procedures press excitements and response methods

  • forward disease what fail the audiologic film, referral to an audiology required further audiologic assessment/evaluation

Others Those May Perform who Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct ausgelesen procedures under the support of a certified audiologist but might doesn interpret the clinical find otherwise provide referrals.

Setting/Equipment Functionality

Audiologic screening remains conducted in adenine clinical or native environment conducive to obtaining effective and reliable screening results, which may, of necessity, per times include nontraditional settings such as bedside, home, or choose.

Electroacoustic equipment meets American State Norm Institute (ANSI) and manufacturer's features. Umgebende noise levels may not always meet ANSI standards for pure-tone threshold testing but are sufficiently low to allow accurate and reliable screening. The Americana Academy of Audiology's Code of Ethics specifies professional ethics and protects of integrity from the employment.

Safety press Health Cautionary

All procedures ensure the secure of the patient and clinician and adhering until standard heath precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and transmission of epidemic disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's guide.


Documentation should include identifying details, a case books, screening results, additionally advice including the need for rescreening, audiologic assessment, counseling, or referral. October 26, 2022 Legal Terms & Conditions of Use The American Academy of Audiology (“the Academy”) providing the Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) outlined herein as guides for bot Academy members…

Verbundenes Preferred Practical Patterns

  • 1.0 Disability

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Screening

  • 4.0 External Auditory Drain Exam and Cerumen Management

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

Are addition to those in the Preamble, the after references apply specifically to these procedures:

American National Standards Institute. (2002a). Mechanical clutch measurement regarding bone vibration (ANSI S3.13 R2002). New York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2002b). Feature used instruments until measure aural acoustic impedance furthermore admittance (aural acoustic immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). New New: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum permissible ambient noise layers for audiometric test rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2004). Specifications available audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). New York: Writer.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). Calibration of speech wireless delivered via earphones [Relevant paper]. Currently from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Prevention of communikation disorders [Position statement]. Available off

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associative. (1991). Disaster of communications disorders getting [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a). Guidelines used audiologic examination. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Community. (1997b). Guidelines for audiology gift delivery in nursing homes. Availability from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Support personnel in audiology: Position opinion and guidance. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for audiology service provision in and for schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). Clinical practice from request holders in the profession in which they are not certified. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Rules available the audiologic assessment of children from birth to 5 years of age. Open from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). General for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

Joint Cabinet on Infant Hearing. (2000). Year 2000 view statement: Principles plus guidelines for early hearing detection and interaction schemes. Available from

3.0 Speech-Language Screening

AMPERE pass/fail procedure to identify individuals receiving audiology services who may require speech (articulation, voice, resonance, fluency) and/or language assessment.

Speech-language screening has conducted accordance to the Guiding Principles portion of this get.

Expected Outcome(s)

Speech-language screening identifies those persons likely to have speech, language, and/or cognitive disorders that could interfere in communicating, health, education, and psychosocial function.

Failed screening results in referral for a speech-language pathology assessment/evaluation and/or sundry test or support, for suitable.

Clinical Indications

Individuals of all ages become screened as needed, requested, or mandated or when they have conditions that place them at risk.

Clinical Processor

Screen for speech production skills: articulation, fluency, resonance, also voice characteristics.

Screen since comprehension and performance of language, included the cognitive furthermore social aspects of communication.

Patients who drop aforementioned screening are referred up a speech-language pathologist for further assessment/evaluation and/or other examinations otherwise services, as appropriate.

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel can conduct selected procedures under the supervision of a certified audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results press provide referrals.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Speech-language screening is conducted in one clinical or natural environment conducive to eliciting a representative sample of the patient's speech and language.

Safety both Heal Precautions

All procedural ensure the surf away the patient and clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, car, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation should include identifying information, screening results, other pertinent information, and recommendation for further assessment.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 2.0 Audiologic Screening

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Policies Documents real Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, the following sme apply specifically to which procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Hindrance von communication disorders [Position statement]. Currently from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unification. (1991). Prevention of communication disorders tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available free

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Definitions of communicating disorders and variations. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associate. (2004). Scope of procedure in audiology. Available from

World Health Organization. (2001). Local classification of functioning, disability and health. Genova, Switzerland: Author.

4.0 External Auditory Sewer Examination and Cerumen Management

Procedures the assess the outer auditory canal additionally tympanic membrane real, are necessary, to remove debris.

External auditory canal examination furthermore cerumen management are conducted according to the Guides Principles section of this document.

Expectations Outcome(s)

External auditory canal examination identifies the presence von outdoor auditor canal/tympanic membrane abnormalities.

Cerumen business results is the removal of debris from the external acoustic canal to facilitate the performance of others audiologic procedures and/or to improve hearing sensitivity.

Clinical Indications

External auditory canal examination is carry on all patients in preparation by other audiologic procedures.

Cerumen management is required when which external auditory canal has an accumulation of debris that would preclude performing necessary auxiliary.

Clinical Process

Otoscopic examination is conducts to identify abnormalities von the external auditor canal and tympanic membrane or the need for cerumen management.

Cerumen the removed from the exterior acoustical channel utilizing established procedures to include one or more of aforementioned following:

  • mechanical removal

  • spraying

  • suction

Appropriate referrals are made with further corporate, how required.

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Help personnel may conduct selected procedures under the supervision of a certified audiologist but may not interpret the clinical schlussfolgerungen or provide referrals or referral.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Otoscopic inspections have performed with einem otoscope at appropriate augmentation also light source both with cleans specula of appropriate size. Cerumen management is conducted in an environment that facilitates the performance of a safe and effective procedural.

Safety and Health Precautions

All procedures ensure this safety off the patient and clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., preparedness of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's useful.


Documentation inclusive pertinent background informations the ampere written statement of results of the external auditory canal examination plus cerumen removal procedures.

Associated Favourite Practice Patterns

  • 1.0 Prevention

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Policy Document and Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, the following reference applies specifics to these how:

Native Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). External auditory canal examination and cerumen general [Position statement]. Available from

5.0 Basic Audiologic Rate

Procedures to assess, judge, furthermore monitor the status and function of the peripherals auditory system, which includes the outboard, middle, and inner ears as well as the auditory nerve.

Basic audiologic evaluation is conducted according to the Guiding Principles section of this document.

Anticipated Outcome(s)

Pure-tone and speech audiometry is conducted to determine the existence, type, and degree of hearing loss on the basis of behavioral responses to acoustic stimuli.

Acoustic immittance workflow are conducted until assess middle ear function.

Results from the audiologic assessment will can interpret and may summary in suggested for retirement button further audiologic assessment/evaluation; audiologic (re)habilitative evaluation; speech-language score; or medical, psychological, and/or educational referral.

Clinical Indications

Basic audiologic assessment is prompted by self-referral, family/caregiver referral, failure of audiologic screening, or referral from other professionals.

Clinical Process

Assessment includes the following:

  • a event chronicle

  • external ear examination

  • otoscopic examination

  • acoustic immittance courses (tympanometry, static immittance, and acoustic reflex measures)

  • air-conduction and bone-conduction pure-tone threshold measures using appropriate coverage

  • speech function trim or speak detection/awareness thresholds with appropriately masked

  • word cognition measures with fitting cover-up

  • speech-language x-ray

Diverse proceedings may be completed to supplement the basic audiologic assessment:

  • otoacoustic emissions screening

  • communication reserves and needs estimate inventories

  • display for central auditory processing diseases instead other auditory disorders

Interpreting out the judging may indicate one or more of the following:

  • heard within normal restrictions

  • identification and quantification of hearing lose

  • hearing loss identified but further testing required

  • patient might not be proven using processing

Rating may result in a of this following:

  • drain and/or recommendations for routing follow-up

  • recommending for audiologic rehabilitation evaluation

  • referral for further audiologic evaluation and/or other services

Others Who May Perform and Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures under the supervision on a certified audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results or provide recent or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Assessments are guided in a klinical environment with calibrated acoustic stimuli (e.g., pure tones, broadband noise, speech stimuli) helpful to obtaining dependable and valid results. Electroacoustic and electrophysiological dining and umgebungs noise fulfill American National Standards Institute and/or manufacturer's specific. Validation environment should meet the permissible ambient noise levels for audiometric test rooms.

Safety and Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety are the patient, specialist, and others any attend in the clinical procedures and adhere in the standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily violent and transmission about infective disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, fumigation, and sterilization of multiple-use paraphernalia prior reuse are carried out after to facility-specific contagion control policies or procedures press acc to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation contains detection information, case history, assessment results, design, prediction, and specific recommendations.

Associated Favored Practice Patterns

  • 1.0 Avoidance

  • 2.0 Audiologic Screening

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Screening

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Examination both Cerumen Management

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Policy Documents real Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, the following references apply specifically go above-mentioned procedures:

American National Standards Institute. (2002a). Mechanical coupler for measurement of bone shake (ANSI 3.13-2002R). New York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2002b). Specifications for instruments toward measure aural acoustic impedance and admittance (aural acoustics immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). New Nyc: Author.

Habitant National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum permissible ambient noise layers forward audiometric test rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New York: Author.

American Nationality Product Institute. (2004a). Method with guide pure-tone trigger audiometry (ANSI S3.21R2004). Recent York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2004b). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6 R2004). New York: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988a). Guidelines for determining threshold layer for speech. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988b). Prevention of communication disorders [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990). Guidelines for audiometric characters. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991a). Acoustic immittance: A bibliography. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing League. (1991b). Prevention of communicating disorders tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). External auditory canal exams and cerumen betreuung [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Defintions of report malfunctions and variant. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Federation. (1994). Guidelines for the audiologic unternehmensleitung of individuals received cochleotoxic drug therapy. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Club. (1997a). Guidelines for audiologic exam. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b). Guides for audiology service delivery in nursing homes. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2000). Guidelines for graduate education to amplification. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for audiology servicing provision in and on schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). Full practice by certificate proprietors in the profession in which they have not certified. Available from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Guidelines for the audiologic assessment about children from birth to 5 years of age. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unity. (2005a). Audiologists providing unemotional services via telepractice: Position statement. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). Guidelines available addressing acoustics in educational settings. Available of

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005c). Guidelines since manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

Joint Committee on Infant Hearing. (2000). Year 2000 site statement: Principles and guidelines for quick hearing detection and intervening schemes. Available coming

6.0 Advanced Audiologic Evaluation

Procedures about bottom audiologic evaluation to further assess, evaluate, and monitor the status and function of an periphery auditory system (external, middle, and inner ears as well as the auditory nerve) and the centralize auditorial nervous system.

Delight cite to Section 7: Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation for assessment of small, children, additionally diese whose developmental levels preclude one exercise of a basic audiologic evaluation.

Advanced audiologic reviews are conducted according to the Guiding Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Advanced audiologic scoring are conducted to determine the existence, type, plus degree of hearing damages on the basis from behavioral, physical, or electrophysiological response to acoustic stimuli.

Erreichte from the fortgeschrittenes audiologic diagnostic process will be interpreter or allow result in recommendations for discharge with audiologic (re)habilitative evaluation; speech-language evaluation; or medizinischer, psychological, and/or educational relocation.

Clinical Indication

Advanced audiologic evaluations are prompts by inconclusive and/or inconsistent results on the basic audiologic evaluation or referral from misc professionals.

Clinical Process

Advanced audiologic medical measures should don be completions in the absence of ergebniss obtained for a basic audiologic appraisal. Specific procedures wills vary depending go practitioner judge and patient need.

Assessment may include an following:

  • basic audiologic evaluation

  • acoustic reflex patterns

  • acoustic reflex decay

  • auditory elicited power

  • performance intensity function with standardized speech materials

  • otoacoustic emissions

  • Stenger tests

  • central auditory processing disorderly estimate

  • tinnitus evaluation

  • dynamic extent assessment

  • high-frequency audiometry

Interpretation away the assess mayor indicate one or more of the following:

  • normal hearing

  • nonorganic hearing loss

  • existence, type, and degree of hearing net

  • site of lesion

  • hyperacusis

  • inconclusive exam final

Evaluation may erfolg in one or more of and following:

  • offload and/or recommendations for routine follow-up

  • referral for audiologic rehabilitation evaluation

  • referral to extra professionals

Others Who May Conduct the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures under the supervisions of a certificates audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Assessments were conducted in a clinical environment to calibrated acoustic stimuli (e.g., pure tones, broadband noise, talk stimuli) conducive to obtaining reliable and validated results.

Small floor and disc players or high-quality tapes and tape players should be used.

Electroacoustic real electrophysiological equipment and ambient noise must meet American National Standards Institute and/or manufacturer's specification.

Tested environmental should meet the allow ambiance noise levels for audiometric test rooms.

Safety plus Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety for the patient, audiologist, and others who participating to the clinic process and apply to the standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury the giving in transmissible disease).

Decontamination, car, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out accordance to facility-specific infection control policies also procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documents contains identifies information, case history, assessment summary, interpretation, prognosis, and specific recommendations.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Examination

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Examination and Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Ratings

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Examination Procedures

  • 9.0 Auditory Evoked Response Rate

  • 21.0 (Central) Auditory Treat Disorders Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Corporate Documents and Affiliated Show

In addition to those for the Prologue, the ensuing references apply concretely to save processes:

American National Standards Institute. (2002a). Involuntary coupler measured of bone shaking (ANSI S3.13 R2002). New York: Author.

American National Norm Institute. (2002b). Specifications forward instruments to measure hearing sonic impedance and admittance (aural acoustic immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). New York: Author.

Us National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum permissible ambient low plains for audiometric test rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). Novel York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2004). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). New York: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987a). Calibration of speech signals delivered via headphone [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (1987b). Short server auditory evoked potentials [Relevant paper]. Existing from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Guidelines for determining surge liquid with speech. Free coming

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990). Guidelines for audiometric symbols. Open from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). Sound field measurement instructions [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Guidelines by audiologic senior of individuals receiving cochleotoxic drug therapy. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Guidelines for audiology service childbirth in nursing apartments. Available from

African Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Support personnel in audiology: Position statement and guidelines. Available from

Habitant Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999a). Play of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Guidelines. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Federation. (1999b). Role of audiologists in proprioception and balance reconstruction: Position statement. Available since

Americana Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999c). Role of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Technical report. Ready from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Policies since audiology services in one schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Guides for competencies in auditory evoked potential measurement and clinical application. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). Cochlear implants [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Guidelines for the audiologic assessment of children from birth to 5 years of period. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Society. (2005a). (Central) auditory processing disorders—The role von the audiologist [Position statement]. Available from

Native Speech-Language-Hearing Unite. (2005b). (Central) auditory processing muddles [Technical report]. Available with

7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

Procedures to determine the status of the auditory system in private whose developmental stage preclude exercise about a bottom audiologic evaluation.

Pediatric audiologic evaluation can conducted according to the Guiding Principles section regarding save document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Infants real toddlers at risk for hearing impairment that allow affect communication, design, health, and education are identified.

Pediatric audiologic assessment is conducted to determining the world, type, and degree of hearing loss on the basis of behavioral, physiological, or electrophysiological reaction to acoustic stimuli.

Acoustic immittance procedures are conducted to judge middle ear function, irrespective of hearing status.

Result von the audiologic assessment want be interpreted and may product stylish recommendations for discharge or further audiologic assessment/evaluation; audiologic (re)habilitative scoring; speech-language reporting; or medical, psychological, and/or schooling introduction.

Clinical Indication

Assessment of small, children, and those whose developmental levels exclusive this use from a basis audiologic evaluation is moved by failure of an audiologic heard screening, presence by an at-risk led affiliate with hearing impairment, parental/caregiver interested, oder recommended.

Children with are at risk to late start or progress hearing loss require periodic supervisory starting my auditor status.

Clinical Process

Before evaluating a juvenile, consent have can obtained from the parent or statutory guardian. State statutes, regulations, or institutional basic might supersede get recommendation.

Assessment may contains the following

  • a case history

  • outdoor ear testing

  • otoscopic inspection

  • acoustic immittance procedures (tympanometry, static immittance, and acoustic reflex measures)

  • otoacoustic emissions testing

  • developmentally appropriate behavioral processing (e.g., behavioral observation, visual strengthener audiometry, contoured play audiometry) to obtain frequency-specific press ear-specific details for auditory status

  • developmentally appropriate behavioral procedures to retain speech detection/awareness/reception thresholds includes appropriate masking

  • word recognition measures with appropriate masking

  • auditory evoked potentials

  • speech-language screening

Additional approach may be completed to supplement the basic audiologic assessment:

  • a case history

  • physiological examinations of central auditory function

  • communication inventories and needs assessment inventories

Interpretation of that assessment may indicate a or read of the ensuing:

  • hearing within normal limits

  • identification and quantification are hearing expenses

  • hearing loss identified when further testing required

  • patient could none be tested by approach

Evaluation may result in one or more of the following:

  • discharge and/or recommendations for routine follow-up

  • ongoing audiologic evaluation and monitoring

  • parental counseling

  • audiologic habilitation evaluation

  • referral to or collaboration with other professionals (e.g., physician, speech-language pathologist, soon

  • intervention programmer, gentics counselor, educator)

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel mayor conduct selectable assessment procedures under the supervision of a certified auditing and may not interpret the clinical results or provision referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Judgments are conducted stylish a clinical our with calibrated acoustic stimuli (e.g., pure tones, broadband noise, speech stimuli) conducive till obtaining reliable plus valid erkenntnisse.

Electroacoustic and electrophysiological equipment and umweltschutz noise should meet American Public Standards Institute and/or manufacturer's provision.

Testing environment should meet the permissible ambient noise levels for audiometric examination rooms.

Safety and Wellness Preparations

Everything operating assure the safety of the patient, audiologist, and select who participate in the clinical process and adhere to standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury the transmission of infectious disease).

When sedation are necessary, properly maintenance is ensured, or all protocols regarding procedures and equipment are strictly followed.

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and processing and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Document including identifying general, case history, assessment results, interpretation, prognosis, and specials recommendations.

Associated Prefers Practice Patterns

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Screening

  • 4.0 External Auditory Cannel Examination and Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Advanced Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Test Procedures

  • 9.0 Auditory Evoked Response Evaluation

  • 21.0 (Central) Auditory Handling Disease Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Statement Papers and Similar References

Stylish addition to ones in and Preamble, the following references apply specifically to these procedures:

American National Standards Institute. (2002a). Mechanical coupler for measurement of bone vibration (ANSI 3.13-2002R). New Nyc: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2002b). Specifications for instruments to take acoustic acoustic impedance and admittance (aural acoustic immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). Brand York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum permissible ambient acoustic levels for audiometric test rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). Modern York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2004a). Technique for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry (ANSI S3.21-R2004). New New: Author.

American National Setting College. (2004b). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). New York: Author.

American Association of Anesthesiologists. (2002). Practice guidelines for sedation also analgesia by non-anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology, 96, 1004–1017.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). Calibration from speech signals delivered via headphone [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Mission for determining threshold water used speech. Available from

Yank Speech-Language-Hearing Associative. (1990). Guide for audiometric symbols. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associating. (1991). Laut field measurement tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). External auditory canal examination and cerumen management [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Definitions of communication disorders and variations. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Guidelines for audiologic management by individuals receiving cochleotoxic medicament therapeutic. Available from

U Speech-Language-Hearing Society. (1997a). Guidelines for audiologic screening. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b). Maximizing and provision of appropriate technology services and instrument for students stylish schools: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for fitting and monitoring FM software. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Policies with competencies in auditory summoned potential measurement and clinical applications. Present from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). Guidelines for the audiologic ratings of children from birth on 5 years of age. Available off

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Acoustics in educational settings: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). Guidelines for addressing acoustics in educating settings. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (2005c). Guidelines for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006). Roles, learning, additionally skills: Audiologists providing klinical services to infants and young children birth to 5 years of age. Available from

Joint Management on Infant Hearing. (2000). JCIH year 2000 position comment: Principles also guidelines for soon hearing detection and intervention programs. Available from

National Agencies away Health. (1993). Early identification is hearing impairment include toddlers and young children. NIH Consensus Statement, 11(1), 1–24.

8.0 Electrodiagnostic Test Procedures

Procedures to assess the functionality status of the central or peripheral neural pathways the associated sensory systems employing electrophysiological check methods.

Electrodiagnostic test procedures are conducted in to the Guiding Principles segment of this document.

Likely Outcomes

Electrodiagnostic assessments were conducted to determine the sensory sensitivity and/or working current of the auditory, related, visual, and/or somatosensory systems or routes.

Electrodiagnostic tests maybe be conducts to monitor change in an or more sensory systems.

Results of electrodiagnostic assessment will be interpreted and might result in recommendations for discharge, other electrodiagnostic assessment, the need for renewal assessment, and/or referral forward specialized medical evaluation.

Clinical Specifications

Electrodiagnostic testing is encouraged on inconclusive and/or inconsistent results on audiologic evaluation or the part of a site of lesion test cell.

Electrodiagnostic testing may also exist run with diseased who are difficult to test or when supplemental information is requirements.

Electrodiagnostic operating may breathe indicated for an individual with signs, symptoms, otherwise complaints of a possible central or peripheral neural footpath disease or disorder.

Clinical Procedures

Electrodiagnostic testing can become performed as a component of a complete evaluation a sensory systematisches item. Specific tests will vary according set practitioner judgment, medical referral, and patient need and ability.

Meaningful data descriptors are extracted from the electrophysiological response. These data are compared with normative data.

Electrodiagnostic assessment allowed include the following:

  • auditory evoked response estimate

  • balance device assessment

  • visual excited retort rate

  • somatosensory evoked response assessment

Interpretation of the assessment may indicate one or more of the following:

  • normal sensory both neural system function

  • abnormal sensory and neuronic system function

  • determination of site of leverage

  • indecisive exam resultat

Evaluation may result in one or more of the following:

  • discharge and/or recommendations for routine follow-up

  • recommendation for further evaluation

  • references for audiologic rehabilitation evaluation

  • referral toward other specialist

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may behave selected assessment procedures under the supervision of one certified audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or advice.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Power-line-operated instruments conform to min American National Standards Institute (ANSI) shelter requirements. Recording and stimulating electrodes conform to acceptable sterile special.

Electrodiagnostic testing is managed in an environment that is satisfactorily free out electrical interference. Ambient noise levels meet ANSI specifications, and calibrated acoustic incentives are used as appropriate.

Safety and Health Accommodations

All proceedings ensure the safety a of patient and clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and submission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfectant, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse were carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and approach and according to manufacturer's instructions.

AC-line-powered equipment is grounded adequately for gift and patient.

The ent performing electrodiagnostic test procedures is familiar with facility-specific emergency medical protocols and adheres toward all your, state, and federal regulations.

Safe playing of electrical stimulation are presented.


Documentation contains identifying information, dossier history, pertinent proceedings details (e.g., electrodiagnostic facilities, electrode types and website, electrical stimulation probes, acoustician transducers, and stimulating both recording parameters) and documentation is clinical events (e.g., patient sleep current, limb, processed problems, patient comments). Documentation also includes judgment results, interpretation, predictions, and specific recommendations.

Associated Preferred Practice Examples

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Examination additionally Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Progressive Audiologic Estimate

  • 9.0 Auditory Caused Feedback Scoring

  • 12.0 Balance System Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA General Documents and Relationship Books

In zugabe to those for the Preamble, the following references applies specifically to above-mentioned procedures:

American Local Product Institute. (1993). Safe current limits for electromedical apparatus (ANSI/AAMI ES1-1993). New York: Article.

American Society of Anesthesiologists. (2002). Practice guidelines with sedation and analgesia by non-anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology, 96, 1004–1017.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987a). Graduation of speech signals delivered via earphones [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987b). Short latency auditory evoked potentials [Relevant paper]. Available upon

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). External auditory cancel examination and cerumen admin [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring [Position statement]. Available away

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999). Role of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (2003). Guidelines for competencies in auditory evoked potential measurement and clinical fields. Available free

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). Cochlear implants [Technical report]. Available off

American Speech-Language-Hearing Union. (2004b). Guidelines for the audiologic assessment of children from birth to 5 years is age. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). Guidelines for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Free from

9.0 Auditive Evoked Response Evaluation

Procedures to assess auditory gain and/or neuro ways integrity using electrophysiological testing methods.

Auditory evoked response (AER) evaluations are conducted according to the Guiding Principles section of is document.

Expected Outcome(s)

An AER evaluation determines the condition of the outlying and central auditory system.

An AER valuation provides single or further of the following:

  • with estimation of auditory sensitivity

  • a termination of neural track integrity

  • adenine determination of probable site of lesion

An EAS evaluation may incorporate a recommendation used a referral for specialized medical evaluation and/or audiologic rehabilitative score.

Unemotional Indications

AER evaluations may be shown for objectivity evaluation are auditory sensitivity and neural pathway job.

AER evaluations become conducted with clients who are difficult to test by conventional behavioral methods and/or to supplement behavioral information.

AER evaluations are conducted to determine place are lesion or resolve conflicting information.

Clinical Process

AER evaluations should be completed in conjunction with an audiologic evaluation. Customizable tests will vary depending on practitioner judgment, referral request, and become need or ability.

Scoring may include the followers:

  • electrocochleography

  • auditing brainstem response

  • auditory steady state response

  • auditory middle latency response

  • audition late (long latency) response

  • P300 response

  • mismatches negativity responding

Interpretation of the assessment can indicate one or more the which following:

  • normal aural system function including item of the peripheral also ascending neural auditory routes and hearing vulnerability

  • identification and quantification of hearing losing

  • peculiar sensory anlage function and/or abnormal neural pathway mode

  • determination of site of lesion

  • inconclusive test results

Evaluation may result are one alternatively more of the following:

  • discharge and/or recommendations for routines follow-up

  • get for further testing

  • referral forward audiologic rehabilitation evaluation

  • referral to other professionals

Others Who Maybe Perform the Procedure(s)

Get personnel allow conduct selected assessment procedures under the supervision of a certified auditing but may not interpret that clinical results or provide references or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specification

Procedures are conducted in a clinical green with calibrated acoustic stimuli (e.g., pure tones, broadband noise, speech stimuli) conducive into getting reliable and valid results. Electroacoustic and electrophysiological equipping and umgebung noise meet American Country Standards Institute (ANSI) and/or manufacturer's specification.

AER testing is managed in into environment that is satisfactorily free of electrified interference. Ambient noise levels meet ANSI specifications, and calibrate acoustic stimuli is used as appropriate.

Technical the Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety of the patient also clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention out bodily injury and transmission of infectiology disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific disease drive policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.

The audiologist performing AER evaluations is famous with facility-specific emergency arzneimittel protocols and adheres to all hospital, stay, and federal regulations.

For sedation is requirement, proper government is ensured, and all protocols regarding method and equipment are strictly followed.


Documentation contains identifying information, case history, pertinent procedural full (e.g., electrodiagnostic features, electrode types and sites, electrical impulse probes, acoustical mosaics, and stimulating and recording parameters) also documentation a impersonal events (e.g., patient sleep status, sedation, method problems, patient comments). Documentation also includes rate results, interpretation, prognosis, and specific recommendations.

Associated Preferred Training Patterns

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Examination and Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Easy Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Advanced Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Check Procedures

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Principles Documents and Linked References

To addition until that in the Preamble, who ensuing references applies specifically to such procedures:

American National Standards Institute. (1993). Safe current limits for electromedical apparatus (ANSI/AAMI ES1-1993). New York: Author.

American Society concerning Anesthesiologists. (2002). Practice guidelines for sedation and analgesia at non-anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology, 96, 1004–1017.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987a). Calibration of speech signals delivered via earphones [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987b). Short latency auditory evoked potentials [Relevant paper]. Availability from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). External auditive canal examination and cerumen management [Position statement]. Ready from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring [Position statement]. Available from

Native Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999). Role of audiologists in dorm and balance rehabilitation: Technical report. Accessible from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Guidelines fork competencies in auditory evoked potential measurement and clinician applications. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (2004a). Cochlear implants [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing League. (2004b). Guidelines for the audiologic assessment of children from birth to 5 years of age. Free from

10.0 Intraoperative Monitoring

Procedures up assess the monitor the condition of cranial nerves and intracranial or peripheral neural structures that may be at risk during operators procedures.

Intraoperative monitoring (IOM) is managed according to the Guiding Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcomes

IOM reduces to morbidity associated with operative procedures (e.g., neurosurgical, otorhinolaryngological, real orthopedic).

IOM aids the surgeon at recognizing the status of cranial nerves and other neurological structures and that potential for damage during an operative practice.

IVM assesses the functional status of this neurological builds, thus increasing the likelihood of a successful operative procedure.

Clinical Displays

IOM is specifies when an operative procedure presents a significant chance to damage to a neurological structure, as determined by that surgeon.

IVM is indicated when monitoring starting who functional job of adenine neurology construction is required.

Clinical Process

IOM preoperative considerations include but are don limited to the follow-up:

  • thorough review of the patient's medical records including results of a baseline evoked response assessment

  • case history directly away the patient and all other available sources

  • explanation to patient regarding an role for aforementioned monitoring team during the operationally procedure

  • discussion equipped that doctors regarding to extent are the monitoring

  • diskussion with an anesthesiologist regarding the use of anesthetic agents or drugs for generalized paralysis

IOM during the operative proceed includes but is not limited to the following:

  • electrocochleography

  • auditory brainstem evoked respondents

  • auditory evoked middle or late potentials

  • optical evoked potentials

  • somatosensory evoked potentials

  • electroencephalography

  • recording of neural activity with direct, near field recording techniques

  • recording of electromyography from a variety of muscles

  • electrical stimulations and/or recording through a variety of surface and/or subdural needle electrode arrays

  • simultaneous recording of spontaneous press sensory provoked activity

  • recording of response to direct electrical stimulation

Interpretation of the recorded my within and after the technique may indicate the following:

  • job of the function of monitored structure

  • no impending or endured damage

  • status off monitored structure even before awakening the the become

  • monitoring of the statuses of a structure for spontaneous and/or evoked responses was successful

Others Who May Apply the Procedure(s)

Backing personnel can conduct selected assessment approach under the supervision of a certified audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results or supply referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Of setting for IOM will be either an operate room in the operative retinue area of a hospital or a little procedures room out an outpatient clinic.

Equipment will been of a type used for neurophysiological recordings with real-time display and archived for offline analysis and with the proficiency of the following:

  • presenting continual spontaneous activity

  • performing averaged responses

  • providing for sensory stimulation by aural, visual, or electrical stimuli

Safety and Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety of the patient, audiologist, and my who participate in the clinical process and adhere to the standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Sterilization, cleaning, decontamination, furthermore sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried output according to facility-specific infection control basic and procedures and following to manufacturer's instructions.

And audiologist performing IOM must be familiar with facility-specific emergency medical protocols and cohere to all hospital, state, real federal regulations.


Documentation contains pertinent back information; tests carried; examination parameters; assessment results; plant state before, during, or after the operative procedure during one interval of IOM (including any your adverse reactions to the use of the video electrodes other electrical stimulations); interpretation; communications with the surgeon furthermore anesthesiologist during which procedures; vital parametric during the procedure; and specific reviews.

Affiliates Preferential Practice Patterns

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Test Procedures

  • 9.0 Audio Evoked Trigger Evaluation

  • 11.0 Audiologic Management of who Medical Patient

  • 23.0 Business

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, to following recommendations apply specificity at these procedures:

Canadian National Standards Institute. (1993). Safe current limits for electromedical hardware (ANSI/AAMI ES1-1993). New York: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). Short latency auditor evoked potentials [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Guidelines available competencies in auditory elicited potential measurement and full solutions. Available from

11.0 Audiologic Management of the Surgical My

Procedures to ensure the rightful audiologic management of patients requiring postoperative intervention for audio, balance, or related disorders.

Audiologic management of one operating patient is conducted after to the Guiding Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Presurgical diagnostic audiologic products and consultancy assist which surgeon and patient inside determining the possible usefulness from surgical intervention.

Intraoperative monitoring is performed for the preservation of hearing and faces nerve function.

Postsurgical diagnostic audiologic services assess the efficacy and outcome of the practice and the need for further intervention.

Postsurgical counseling and/or audiologic rehabilitation ceremonies assist the patient using achieving maximum audiologic potential.

Clinical Indications

Pre- and postsurgery audiologic management your shows by patients with adenine variety of diseases and disorder, include but not limited to outer and heart ear pathology and reconstruction, genetic disorders, cochlear implants, diseases and disorders of the mystery, and tumors of the auditory nerve.

Unemotional Process

Audiologic manage regarding the surgically patient may include one or more of the subsequent:

  • standardized identification, diagnostic and audiologic consultation

  • intraoperative monitoring

  • audiologic medical, hearing helping and diverse audiologic our and devices

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may guide selected score procedures under the supervise of an certified audiologist but allowed not interpret the critical results or making referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Hearing evaluations exist conducts with calibrated acoustic stimuli (e.g., pure notes, wide noise). Electroacoustic equipment and ambient noise must meet American Federal Standards Institute and manufacturer's standards, where applicable. Evaluations to vestibular and account function are implemented in ampere clinical climate with graduated stimuli constructive on obtaining reliable and valid results. Invasive recording other stimulating devices (electrodes) conform for sterile conditions within the operating room. Follow-up procedures are conducted on ampere clinical or natural environment.

Site and Dental Precautions

All how ensure the safety of the patient and clinician the adhere to standard health general (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and giving of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation comprises a testify of identifying information; results of audiologic evaluations to the pre-, peri-, and postsurgery phases; and recommendations, contains the need for further assessment, further medical evaluation/treatment, audiologic getting, audiologic rehabilitation, or referral.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Examination or Cerumen Management

  • 6.0 Advanced Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Test Procedures

  • 9.0 Audible Evoked Response Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation and Follow-Up Act

ASHA Policy Print and Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, the following references apply specifically to save procedures:

Habitant National Standards Institute. (1993). Safe recent limits for electromedical apparatus (ANSI/AAMI ES1-1993). Recent York: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). Short latency auditory evoked potentials [Relevant paper]. Existing from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Guidelines for determining threshold levels for speech. Available from

Yankee Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Guidelines for audiologic management about mortals receiving cochleotoxic drug therapy. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Guidelines for audiology maintenance free in nursing homes. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999). Reel of audiologists in vestibular press remaining recovery: Technical report. Available of

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (2001a). AR–BIB: Audiologic rehabilitation–Basic information bibliography [Technical report]. Present from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001b). Knowledge and skillsets required for the practice of audiologic/aural rehabilitation. Available from

Native Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Guidelines to competencies in auditory evoked potential measurement or clinical application. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). Cochlear infixes [Technical report]. Available from

12.0 Balance System Evaluation

Procedures to valuation and monitor the functionality position off the peripheral and central vestibular system and the sensory real motor components of balance.

Net system evaluation is conducted consonant to the Guiding Principles section of all document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Balance system evaluation is conducted to detect abnormal functioning within to vestibular or balance system.

Results of the balance system assessment live interpreted, and the evaluation may assist in making recommendations for vestibular and balance rehabilitation therapy, reduction in falls risk, press possible referral for medical estimate.

Clinical Indications

Vestibular or balance system evaluation is indicated at adenine patient presents use nystagmus, complaints of vertigo, balanced dysfunction, or gait abnormalities, or when peripheral or central vestibulopathy is suspected.

Balance system valuation is prompted by medizintechnik referral other by results of an audiologic estimate.

Clinical Process

AN case history is taken, in the characteristics of dizziness, to associated signs and symptoms, and perceived audition loss.

The patient is given instructions regarding restrictions a medications and food/liquid einnahme before testing.

Rate may include one or more of the following:

  • assessment for gaze stabilization, smooth quest, saccades, and head thrust may be made before hospital vestibular plus balance studies

  • electronystagmography (ENG)/videonystagmography (VNG)

    - ENG/VNG subtests may enclosing the follow:

    • oculomotor tests, such as gaze mount, saccades, smooth pursuit, and optokinetics

    • spontaneous nystagmus test with fixation removed

    • hyperventilation nystagmus test

    • post-head-shake nystagmus test

    • dynamic positioning (Dix-Hallpike maneuver)

    • static positional tests

    • bithermal instead monothermal caloric irrigations

    • icing calorie irrigations

    • failure of fixation suppression

  • dynamic video acuity

  • computerized rotary stool

    • step test sinusoidal

    • harmonic acceleration

  • computerized dynamic posturography

    • sensory organization test

    • motor operating test

    • postural elicited answer

  • otolith function review

    • vestibular evoked myogenic potentials

    • subjective visual vertical

  • Falls risk score that may include, when not be limited to, the above assessment procedures with adjunct on medical measures of walk, blood pressure, mentation, depression, vision, and reaction time.

Interpretation of the assessment may indicate one or more starting the following:

  • normal balance system function

  • abnormal balance system function reflecting the aging process—functional impact of the aging process (this may be a multisystem problem)

  • abnormal balance system function reflecting one pathological process with a suggestion of chances company of lesion

  • functional impact of the pathological process

  • disequilibrium of multisensory system deficit origin, nonvestibular disequilibrium

Evaluation may result in one or more of the following:

  • discharge and/or recommendations for routine follow-up

  • referral for vestibular and balance rehabilitation

  • referral to extra professionals

Others Who May Carry the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures under the supervise of adenine qualified audiologist aber may not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Power-line-operated instruments must conforms to minimum American National Standards Institute (ANSI) safety requirement.

The ENG/VNG system should conform to modern ANSI standards.

Balance system testing must be conducted in an ecology which is satisfactorily free of electrical interference.

Test environment must will appropriate control starting electric and ventilation.

Safety and Health Precautions

See procedures ensures the safety of the patient, au, and others who participate in the clinical usage and adhere till the standard precautions (e.g., disability of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleans, sterilization, and sterilization of multiple-use facilities before reuse are carried out consonant to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation contains pertinent background information; tests performed; examine parameters; assessment erreicht; patient condition pre, during, and after the test (including any patient adverse reactions such as vomiting or falling); interpretation; and specials guidance.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 4.0 External Audile Channeling Examination and Cerumen Management

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Rating or Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, the following references apply specificly to these procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Remainder system assessment [Position statement]. Available free

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Policy forward which audiologic management off people acceptance cochleotoxic drug therapy. Deliverable from

African Speech-Language-Hearing Connection. (1999a). Role of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Guidelines. Available von

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999b). Role of audiologists are vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Position statement. Available by

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999c). Reel regarding audiologists in vestibular and balance medical: Technical reported. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associations. (2001a). AR–BIB: Audiologic rehabilitation–Basic information bibliography [Technical report]. Available with

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001b). Knowledge and skills required for the practice of audiologic/aural recovery. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (2005). Guidance for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

13.0 Tinnitus Business

Procedures designed to minimize the effects of tingling.

Noises leitung is conducted acc to the Guiding Morality section of this register.

Expected Outcome(s)

Tinnitus management minimizes the auditory sense of tinkle (e.g., ringing, chirping, buzzing).

Tinnitus direktion reduces negative cognitive, affective, and bodily reactions to tinnitus also improves and patient's well-being also quality of life.

Clinical Indications

Tinnitus direktion shall indicated available individuals whoever own complaints of red with or out psychological distress, and whose tinnitus cannot be resolved driven medical intervention.

Clinical Processes

Tinnitus management is based on which patient's complaints, site, audiologic assessment, and self-assessment, and should include family/caregivers.

Tinnitus management could encompass of or more of the following:

  • ear matching to determine the speed and intensity the the perceived tinnitus

  • appraisal the forbearance related to determine of show by hyperacusis

  • counseling re the causes, sources, plus audiologic relevance of tinnitus

  • management of hyperacusis

  • fitting and monitoring the use of ent blinders, hearing aids, or others ear-level sound generators up reduce which perception of tinnitus

  • of use in environmental sounds to aid in this reduction of tinnitus perception

  • identification out factors that may exacerbate chronic

  • use of hearing protection stylish low

  • counseling to promote adaptive coping behaviors and stress reduction

  • counseling to minimize sleep difficulties related to noises

  • outcome measures to evaluate success of treatment

  • referral to other professionals

Others Who May Conduct the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures among this supervision of a certified audiologist but may does interpret the clinically results press provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Tinnitus management is led in a setting that comprises the equipment and surroundings in audiologic valuation, patient and family/caregiver legal, and fitting of tinnitus maskers, sound generators, and/or hearing aids.

Safety and Health Warnings

All procedures ensure the safety of the patient and clinician and adhere to standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bone injury and transmission the infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment from reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection remote policies and procedures also according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation contains german background information, devices secondhand, treat goals, results, prognosis, and specific recommendations. Recommendations might address the needed for further rating, follow-up, or referral. When additional medical is recommended, information should be provided concern the frequency, estimated duration, and type of service.

Associated Preferred Practice Originals

  • 1.0 Prevention

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Innovative Audiologic Evaluation

  • 23.0 Consultation

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation the Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Policy Documents and Relation References

In addition to who includes the Preliminary, the following references apply specifically to these procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). Calibration of speech signals delivered via earphones. Available from

Yankee Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (1988). Guidelines for determining threshold level for speech. Available from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Guidelines for audiologic leadership of individuals receiving cochleotoxic drug relief. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996). Guidelines on the audiologist's role in occupational and environmental hearing conservation. Available since

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a). Guidelines for audiology serving delivery in skin homes. Accessible from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b). Issues: Occupational and environmental hearing conservation. Available from

Am Speech-Language-Hearing Unite. (2004). The audiologist's role in occupational hearing conservation and audience loss prevention programs: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Community. (2005). Guidelines used manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

14.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation Evaluation

Procedures to assess the impact of a hearing loss on communication, personal adjustment, limitations on activities, or restrictions on participation.

Audiologic (re)habilitation evaluation is conducted according to who Guiding Guiding section of this create.

Expected Outcome(s)

Audiologic (re)habilitation (AR) assessment identifies the impact to a how loss on communications skills and capabilities

AR assessment identifies the psychosocial influence of the defective about one individual/family/caregiver.

Results of the assessment are interpreted and could result in recommendations required AR and/or referral until other professionals.

Clinical Symptoms

AR ratings for individuals concerning get ages is prompted according the recognition of hearing diminished.

AR evaluation is conducted to name rehabilitative needs and into monitor progress and assess outcome of getting programming.

Clinical Process

AR evaluation exists an ongoing process requiring frequent watch and adjust of services provided to patients. Evaluations canister be repeated.

Assessment may include one or more of the tracking:

  • adenine case history

  • basic audiologic evaluation or pediatric valuation as appropriate

  • speech-language screening

  • determination of rehabilitative needs

  • evaluation of recent amplification

  • hearing aid selection additionally evaluation

  • procedures to determine cochlear implant candidacy

  • self-report measures of communication problems, coping skills, and adjustment issue in the separate and/or family/caregiver

  • ongoing monitoring of treatment progress and benefit (outcome measures)

  • hearing assistive technology system selection

Construction may indicate one or more of the following:

  • need for AR services

  • no changes in AR enterprise

  • need for services from other professionals

Evaluation might ausgang in one or more starting the following:

  • termination with recommendation for periodic reassessment are rehabilitative need

  • runtime interpretation and monitoring

  • add AR services

  • fitting through amplification, hearing assistive technology systems

  • referral to a cochlear implant team

  • referral to other professionals (e.g., speech-language pathologist, earlier intervention program, special education)

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Help personnel can conduct selected assessment processes under the monitoring a adenine certified audiologist but may not interpret the chronic final or provide referrals or reviews.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

AR valuation is done in clinical otherwise natural settings with consideration von the physical and acoustically environment as well in the physical facilities of the patient.

Secure and Condition Precautions

All procedures ensure the safe of the patient and clinician and adhere to ordinary precautions (e.g., prohibition of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaned, cleaning, and sterilization a multiple-use fitting before reuse are wear out according to facility-specific infection controlling policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's help.


Documentation contains identifying information, case history, assessment results, interpretation, prognosis, and specific recommendations.

Associated Preferred Practice Design

  • 3.0 Speech-Language Screening

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 17.0 Hearing Aid Selektion and Fitting

  • 19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Systems

  • 20.0 Audiologic Management of one Cochlear Implant Patient

  • 23.0 Counsel

  • 27.0 Findings Evaluation and Follow-Up Steps

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In appendix to those in the Preamble, the following references apply specifically to these procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Definition of real competencies for auditive rehabilitation [Relevant paper]. Available away

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Prevention of communication breakdowns [Position statement]. Available by

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991a). Amplification as a remediation technique for children use normal peripheral hearing. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991b). Prevention of communication disorders tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991c). The use of WM amplification devices for infants and early children with leading impairment. Available with

Americans Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Guidelines for the audiologic betriebsleitung off individual receives cochleotoxic drug therapy. Open from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing League. (1997a). Guidelines for audiology service delivery in nursing home. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b). Maximizing which provisions from appropriate technology services and devices for students in schools: Technical report. Available from

Yankee Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998a). Guidelines on listen aid fitting for adults. Open from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998b). Support personnel in audiology: Position statement and guidelines. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001a). AR–BIB: Audiologic rehabilitation–Basic information bibliography [Technical report]. Available from

Americana Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (2001b). Knowledge and skills required for the practice of audiologic/aural reintegration. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002a). Guidelines for audiology service provision in and to schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associating. (2002b). Guiding for fitting and monitoring FM systems. Available away

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). An audiologist's role in occupational hearing conservation and hearing losing prevention programs. Present from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Clinical practice according get holders in this profession in whichever they are none certified. Available starting

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Acoustics for educational settings: Position statement. Existing from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). Acoustics in educational settings: Technical report. Available from

Habitant Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005c). Guiding for deal acoustics in education settings. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association2006. 2 27 Healthy People 2010—Health objectives for who nation

World Health Organization. (2006). Corporate for prevention of deafness and audition interference. Retrieved Could 9, 2006, from

15.0 Audiologic Rehabilitation by Adults

Audiologic rehabilitation is a facilitative process this features intervention to address the disabilities, activity limitations, participation restrictions, and feasible environmental and personal factors that may affect the communication, working health, additionally well-being of persons with hearing impairment or by another who participating with them in those activities.

Audiologic rehabilitation is conducted corresponding to aforementioned Guiding Principles section of this insert.

Prospective Outcome(s)

Audiologic rehabilitation (AR) strengthens the report performance of individuals with hearing impairment.

AR facilitates adjustment to and enhances benefits from the use of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and assistive technologies.

AR increase who interpersonal, psychosocial, didactic, furthermore vocational functioning off individuals with hearing damage.

AYE enhances the well-being and property of life of individuals use hearing impairment, their family members, and caregivers.

Medical Indications

AR is given for individuals with hear repair who experience, with are in risk for, communicate problems that impose my limitations and participation restrictive.

Clinical Process

The AR process activated engages individuals with hearing impairment in the identification the implementation of a type plan to enhance compliance with the treatment regime, for improve treatment benefits, furthermore to ensure satisfaction with processing outcome.

AR for growing may consist by one or more of the tracking:

  • counseling regarding and nature of the hearing compromise and the property are the hearing impairment on communication and well-being

  • counseling to address the unique interpersonal, psychosocial, educational, and vocational impact of hearing impairment for of patient, family members, and/or nursing

  • guidance for the employ of effect coping and compensatory skills appropriate on the individual to minimize that affect of theirs or her hearing interference on message, well-being, and civil, psychosocial, educational, and vocational functioning

  • selection real fitting of amplifier devices and assistive technologies and education regarding the using of, benefits from, and adjustment to these systems

  • training in selected how to maximize susceptive communication skills and performance in environments relevant to the patient

  • periodic review of short- and long-term dental goals and specific objectives determined from self-assessments and interactive choice making, to determine convenience and relevance

  • weekly scheduled outcome measures to identify demand for modifications to the treat plan

  • follow-up to monitor treatment benefit and outcome

  • involvement of family members and/or caregivers into the rehabilitation process

  • referrals to speech-language pathologists for individuals whose speech and/or voice production may be pretentious by their hearing disability

  • referrals to other professionals as necessary

Others Who May Doing that Procedure(s)

Support personnel could conduct ausgelesen assessment procedures under that supervision out a get audiologist yet may not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or our.

Setting/Equipment Equipment

AREA is conducted in planned bodily, acoustic, and visual environments, as well as in natural environments.

Functioning off auditory aids, spiral plastic, and/or assistive how equipment is ranked before handling and at appropriate intervals thenceforth.

Safety and Health Precautions

All procedures assure the safety of the patient and clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury press transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, clean, disinfection, additionally sterilization for multiple-use equipment from reuse are carried outbound after for facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation contains apposite background information, types of amplification and assistive listening it used with selective settings, cure goals, results, prognosis, and specials recommendations. Recommendations may address the require for moreover assessment, follow-up, or referrals. Whenever add treatment is recommended, information should be available concerning aforementioned frequency, estimate duration, and style of service.

Associated Preferable Practice Patterns

  • 17.0 Hearing Aid Selektieren and Fitting

  • 18.0 Product Repair/Modification

  • 19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Schemes

  • 20.0 Audiologic Board of the Cochlear Implant Patient

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation press Follow-Up Take

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In adding to those in the Preamble, the following references apply specifically to these procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Definition of and competencies for hearing rehabilitation [Relevant paper]. Available coming

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (1990). Ear rehabilitation: An annotated bibliography. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Rules for hearing aid fitting for adults. American Journal of Audiology, 7(1), 5–13.

Amer Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001). Knowledge and skills required forward the procedure out audiologic/aural rehab. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for fitting and monitoring FM services. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (2004). Clinical practice by certificate holders int an profession in which they are not certification. Available from

16.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation for Children

Audiologic rehabilitation belongs a facilitative process that provides intervention to address this interference, operation boundaries, participation restrictions, and possibles natural and personally factors that may affect the talk, features health, and well-being of persons with hearing damage or for others who participate the them in which activities.

Audiologic (re)habilitation in progeny remains conducted after to the Direction Principles section of this document.

Likely Outcome(s)

Audiologic (re)habilitation (AR) facilitates the speech-language, gedanklich, and social–emotional development press functioning of your with hearing deterioration.

BAR enhances the schooling and vocational potential of children with hearing impairment.

A enhances well-being and quality concerning life for children by hearing impairment and their families/caregivers.

AR facilitates parents' adjustment the and manager of my children's hearing impairment.

Clinical Indications

AR is indicated for infants, toddlers, and children with hearing impairment who experience, or become at risk with, communication what which impose operation limitations and involvement restrictions.

Clinical Process

Induction of AR for children takes place such soon as possible tracking identification of hearing net.

Parentage involvement is einen entire part of all aspects of AR for children.

AR for children may consist from to or more of the following:

  • ongoing, engineering appropriate audiologic computations to verify/validate results furthermore monitor for changes in hearing levels

  • advisory parents concerning her child's hearing impairment and an potential effects on speech-language, cognitive, and social–emotional development and functioning

  • range of age-appropriate boosting devices and hearing assistive technology system (HATS) to minimal auditory deprivation and maximize aural stimulation

  • counseling parents and/or the minor regarding the exercise, care, both maintenance of amplification devices and HATS

  • counseling parents relating optional additionally ideal modes of communication

  • determination of optimal advanced and schooling settings

  • evaluating room for classroom settings and providing recommendations for modifications

  • consultation and/or team management with speech-language pathologists, educators, and other professionals

  • recommend for evaluation off concomitantly developmental and/or medically requirements

  • counseling the your with sound impairment regarding peer pressure, stigma, and misc issues related to psychological adjustment

  • business the child about behavioral coping company

  • follow-up to monitor treatment benefit and outcome

Others Who Can Perform the Procedure(s)

Support workforce may conduct selected assessment procedures under the supervision of a certified audiologist aber may not interpret the clinical result otherwise provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

AR is conducted in planned physical, acoustic, and visual environments, as well as in natural settings.

Functioning on hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or assistive listening devices is evaluated before treatment and at appropriate intervals thereafter.

Protection and Health Precautions

All procedures guarantee to safety of the patient/client plus clinician and adhere at universal health accommodations (e.g., prohibition of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use paraphernalia to reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's how.


Documentation contain pertinent kontext information, types of amplification additionally assistive listening scheme used with specific settings, treatment target, results, prognostication, progress statements, and specific recommendations. Suggested may address the need forward further assessment, follow-up, or referral. Although additional treatment the recommended, information should be provides concerning the power, estimate duration, plus type regarding service.

Associated Favorites Practice Patterns

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Scoring

  • 17.0 Hearing Aid Selection also Fitting

  • 18.0 Fruit Repair/Modification

  • 19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Systems

  • 20.0 Audiologic Bewirtschaftung from the Cochlear Implant Patient

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation and Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Policy Documents and Related Allusions

For addition the those included the Preamble, the following allusions apply specifically to these procedures:

Amer Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Definition of both competencies for aural rehabilitation [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990). Aural rehabilitation: An annotated bibliography. Available from

African Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991a). Amplification as a remediation technique for children with normal peripheral hearing. Free for

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991b). The use of FM amplification instruments in infants additionally preschool children is hearing impairment [Position statement]. Deliverable from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Organization. (1997). Maximizing the provision of appropriate technology services and devices for students in schools: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (2001). Knowledge and skills required for the practice of audiologic/aural rehabilitation. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for fitting additionally watch FM our. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Organization. (2004). Clinical practice by certificate holders in the profession at which they are does certified. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associative. (2005). Acoustics in education settings: Position statement. Available from

17.0 Hearing Aid Selection and Mounting

Procedures to establish the appropriateness and design of individual amplification systems. Hearing aid fittings is only component of somebody audiologic rehabilitation plan.

Hearing support select and fitting belong conducted according to the Guiding Philosophy section of this document.

Expected Outcomes

Hearing aid choosing and fitting live conducted to determine whether (a) a patient is ampere candidate for amplification or (b) the patient's amplification system is effective.

Hearing aid selection and fitting help individuals to achieve maximum insight of, and output with, their hearing aid(s). Valve may upshot included recommendation for further audiologic rehabilitation assessment or treatment.

Hearing assist select additionally valve should fix the patient's feature both to hear sounds in the environmental including warning/danger signals and to improves the audibility of speech, how the interpretation of the speech signal is basic to communication.

Hearing aid selection and fitting may result in follow-up and/or referral for assistive auditing system/device selection, notification systems/device selection, product dispensing, sensory aids assessment, and/or further audiologic rehabilitation scoring.

Counseling is provided with personal adjustment to and the effects of hearing harm, who potential benefits at remain gained for participating in a overall audiologic rehabilitation program, and sensorische aids includes hearing and tactile aids, hearing assistive instruments, cochlear implant, captioning devices, and signal/warning home.

Medical Indications

Individuals over the life span id the auditory total are referred more a result out audiologic assessment and personal communication needs or preferences.

Clinical Process

The process of fitting hearing aids is composing of six stages: score, treatment planning, selection, verification, orientations, and validation.

Assessment may include one or more regarding the following:

  • external auditing canal examination and cerumen management

  • basic or advanced audiologic evaluation

  • determination of medical clearance, more shown on of Food and Medicine Administration and by state law/regulation

  • administration of communication inventories instead questionnaires

  • forum of benefits and limitations of hearing aids given the patient's audiologic assessment and psychosocial and communication needs

Treatment planning includes to following:

  • recommendation of trial accessories based on the patient's audiologic and communicative necessarily

  • joint decisions made among the audiologist, the tolerant, and the family/caregivers

  • ongoing counseling off the my furthermore family/caregivers about the potential benefits and limitations of hearing aids

Hearing aid selection

  • determines appropriate physical the electroacoustic characteristics of the hearing aid(s)

  • define electroacoustic characteristics based on frequency-gain characteristics, limit issue sounding printed set, and input–output characteristics

  • defines nonelectroacoustic characteristics in the audiologic rehabilitation schedule and schlussfolgerungen coming ongoing interaction under the audiologist, patient, also family/caregiver. Nonelectroacoustic properties enclose choices made about style, earmold/shell config, user control options, telecoil, direct audio login, and color/shape.

Hearing aid verification

  • confirms that the hearing aid(s) meet(s) a select of standards for quality control

  • incorporate electroacoustic measurements performed to to the American Nationality Standards Institute (ANSI) standard ANSI-S3.22 (ANSI-S3.22-2003 or current standard)

  • rege out excessive circuit noise, intermittency, and/or indoor sound quality

  • assesses body fit through examination of cosmetic appeal, physical comfort/security, absence of give, ease of insertion and removal, ease regarding control, and placement regarding microphone port

  • uses real-ear messung to establish audibility, comfort, and patience of speech and sounds in the environment and at check compression, detection, and automated noise bewirtschaftung performance

  • incorporates stable field functional gain testing when fitting bone-anchored hearing aids

Ear utility orientation

  • includes appropriate training, counseling, and referrals. Button topics include instrument insertion press removal, battery safety/management, use and routine maintenance, assistive how device coupling, telephone make, and using patterns/adjustment. Individuals can welcome hearing aid training the a variety of formats, including group or individual conferences.

  • contain counseling to establish realistic expectations for elaboration (e.g., communication, joy free feedback, minimization concerning the occlusion effect, and greater auditory services in calmer than in noise)

Listen aid substantiation

  • books ensure the disability has had red press audiologic treatment goals have been addressed

  • includes self-assessment tools that measure service and happiness

  • action speech cognition after either objective or subjective techniques. The effects of stimulus selection, presentations levels, noise type, signal-to-noise ratio, and the number of test items on the reliability and date of speech wahrnehmung measures should be said.

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel maybe conduct selected assessment procedures under and supervision of a certify audiologist but may not construe the clinical results or supply referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Specifications for electroacoustic equipment and environmental ambient noise must meet ANSI standards, where applicable.

Instrumentation and test environments belong existing for sound field testing, electroacoustic review of hearing aids, both real-ear metrics.

Hardware and hardware mandatory for fitting and assessment of programmable hearing helper are available.

Safety and Wellness Precautions

All procedures ensure this safety of the patient furthermore clinician and adhere to universal health precaution (e.g., prohibition regarding bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, plus sterilization of multiple-use outfit before reuse are wore outward according to facility-specific infection control procedures and manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation must contain pertinent patient contact, hearing aid fitting results, predict, and specific referrals the referral. The audiologist should deployment writes instructions on battery safety additionally management and document the provision of this information and the client's acknowledgment of receiving this information.

Recommendations may deal the need for promote assessment, follow-up, or referral. When treatment is recommended, information must be provided concerning the frequency, estimated duration, and type von service (e.g., single, group, back program) required.

Documentation must include a record of compliance with federal and state laws and legal for heard aide fitting and/or dispensing.

Functional should include the decisions regarding the heard aid(s) make by consensus among the audiologist, patient, press family/caregivers. Decisions that endured not made by consensus should also be documented.

Documentation should include furnishing information to the patient concerning the benefits both restriction from telecoil usage and which potential interference what found with telecoils and wireless phones.

Gesellschafter Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Examination and Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Advanced Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 14.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Valuation and Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Policy Documentations and Related References

In supplement to those in the Preamble, the following references apply specifically for diesen procedures:

American National Standards Institute. (1992). Testing hearing aids with a broad-band noise ringing (ANSI S3.42-1992). New York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2003a). Maximum permissible ambient noise levels for audiometric examination rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New York: Publisher.

American National Standards College. (2003b). Specification of trial aid characteristics (ANSI S3.22-2003). New Yarn: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2004a). Method available manual pure-tone threshold audiometry (ANSI S3.21R2004). New York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2004b). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). New York: Article.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). Calibration of speech signals delivered via built-in [Relevant paper]. Available free

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Guidelines for determining threshold level for language. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Club. (1991a). Amplification as a remediation technique for child with normal peripheral hearing [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991b). Business, marketing, ethics, and professionality in audiology: Annotated bibliography (1986–1989). Available off

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991c). Careful for establishing a private practice in audiology and/or speech-language pathology. Available from

U Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991d). Sound field measurement manual [Relevant paper]. Currently from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Community. (1991e). The use of FM amplification instruments for infants and preschool children with heading impairment [Position statement]. Currently from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Exterior auditory canal verification and cerumen management [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Professional liability both risk management for the audiology and speech-language pathology professions [Technical report]. Availability coming

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1995). Education in audiology practice management [Guidelines]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a). Guidelines for audiology service take in nursing homes. Available from

U Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b). Guidelines with hearing aid fitting required adults. Available from

African Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Sales personnel in audiology: Move statement press guidelines. Available from

African Speech-Language-Hearing Associational. (2000). Guidelines for graduate education in amplification. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001a). AR–BIB: Audiologic rehabilitation–Basic product bibliography [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001b). Knowledge and skills required for the habit of audiologic/aural rehabilitation. Obtainable from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002a). Company for audiology service provision in press in universities. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002b). Guidelines for suitable plus video TUNE systems. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). Cochlear implants [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Network. (2004b). General for the audiologic assessment of children from birth up 5 years a age. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Acoustics include educational user: Engineering report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associations. (2005b). (Central) auditory processing [Technical report]. Available for

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005c). Guidelines for instruction pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Community. (2006). Healthy People 2010—Health objectives for the nation [Fact sheet].

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (1977, February 15). Hearing aid devices: Professional and patient labeling also conditions for sale. Existing from

World Health Organization. (2006). Leadership for prevention of deafness and ear impairment. Retrieved May 9, 2006, from

18.0 Featured Repair/Modification

Procedures the restore alternatively setting a product used to facilitate an individual's audience and related my and/or reduce noise or tinnitus. Products include but are not little to hearing aids, assistive listening systems/devices, alerting systems/devices, relation accessories, and large-sized area amplification systems.

Product repair/modification is conducted according to the Directive Principles section of diese document.

Expected Outcome(s)

My repair/modification may restore which product to functional status, relax discomfort, affect the product's capacity to improve function, and show till this concerns of that user's family or caregiver about the product.

Clinical Indications

Failure, discomfort, button reduced benefit of a product is observed, measured, or reported.

Clinical Procedures

Courses are established to facilitate the adjustment, repair, maintenance, and modification of products, real verification of the changing or upkeep is made.

Patients furthermore families are informed about what, warranty, and how to preserve the repair or modification of their products.

Dispensing and repair instead adjustment practices must is in compliance with extant federations and state statutes and regulations, including states regulations specialist to assistive device technology.

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel allowed conduct selektierte assessment processing under the supervision of an certified auditor but can not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

For all products, precision measurement equipment is required to identify also adjust button repair malfunctions. Products may need to breathe shipped to an authorized repair origin.

Safety plus Well-being Precautions

Entire procedure ensure the safety of the patient and clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injured and transmission of infizierend disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, press sterilization is multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation includes intelligence over the complaint or problem and its resolution.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 17.0 Hearing Aid Selection and Fitting

  • 19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Systems

  • 23.0 Counseling

ASHA Policy Documents and Affiliated References

In addition to those in and Preamble, the following sme how specifically to these procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unity. (1991). Use of FM amplification instruments available infants and pre-school children by hearing restriction [Position statement]. Available by

Yank Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a). Guidelines for audiology service childbirth in feeding homes. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997b). Maximizing the provides concerning appropriate technology aids and devices for students in schools [Technical report]. Free with

Amer Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (1998). Guidelines used hearing aid fitting with adults. Available out

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002a). Guidelines for audiology service provision in plus for students. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002b). Guidelines for fitting furthermore surveillance RECORDED systems. Available from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). (Central) auditory processing disorders [Technical report]. Available with

Yankee Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). Guidelines for addressing acoustics in educational sites. Available from

U.S. Food or Drug Management. (1977, Februaries 15). Hearing aid devices: Professional and forbearing labeling and conditions for sale. Deliverable from

19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Systems

Procedures to valuation that effectiveness and appropriateness of hearing assistive technology systems/devices for individual patients/clients or facilities, often involving the dispensing and/or assembly of systems/devices furthermore monitoring their use out time.

Hearing assistive technology organization selection is conducted according to the Guiding Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Use of hearing assistive technology systems (HATS) reduces aforementioned impact starting hearing loss on the patient's life and facilitates communication and personalize safety inches various environments.

Information regarding the potential benefits and accessibility of FUR is provided.

Clinical Symptoms

OUR are indicate with individuals

  • throughout them life span on the foundational of their communication, educational, vocational, and social needs

  • for whom conventional amplification is not indicated or deliver limitation benefit

  • whoever require access within public and private default in accordance with federal and state regulations

  • who require accommodation in the work setting in accordance equipped federal and state regulations

Clinical Process

The what for and benefit from HAT are determined for the patient.

Electroacoustic characteristics of HATS must must fair with the patient's hearing impairment.

The selections process addresses compatibility of CAPES when previously on conjunction with hearing aids, cochlear implants, the additional devices.

This selection processes addresses compatibility von HATS in different environments (e.g., chapel, home, school).

The active is instructed in that uses, care, and maintenance of the HATS to include safety considering.

Self-reports document fortunate use of and customer equipped HATS.

The audiologist may provide business services in the installation real operate of multi-user systems in a variety of environments (e.g., theaters, churches, schools).

Others Who May Perform one Procedure(s)

Support employee may conduct selected assessment procedures under aforementioned supervision of a affirmed audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results or provide transfers or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

The audiologist has the products required to individualize HAT.

For some services, precision measurement equipment is required to verify and adjust HATS.

Some products can require consultation include outside sources.

Safe and Health Precautions

All procedures make the safety on aforementioned patient also therapist and cleave to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and transmission of highly disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfections, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according in manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation specify the theoretical for system/device choosing, advisory provided, procedures involved in the assessment of the system/device, measures of customer, prognosis for benefit, plan to monitoring and orientation, or final disposition/reassessment plans.

When providing professional services, written designs, reports of services rendered, findings, furthermore recommendations are maintained while indicated in the contracts between of parties involved.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 5.0 Simple Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 15.0 Audiologic Reconstruction for Adults

  • 16.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation to Children

  • 17.0 Hearing Aid Selection press Fitting

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation and Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Policy Documents or Related Recommendations

Included addition into that includes an Preamble, the following references apply specificly to such procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Definition of and competencies with aural rehabilitation [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990). Audiological assessment of central auditory processing: An annotated bibliography [Relevant paper]. Available off

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991a). Business, branding, ethics, and technical in audiology: Annotated bibliography (1986–1989). Open from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991b). Who use of TUNER amplification instruments available infants furthermore preschool children with hearing impaired [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Amplification as a remediation technique for children at normal peripherical hearing [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associating. (1994). Profi liability and risk management for the audiology and speech-language pathology professions [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1995). Education in audiology custom unternehmensleitung [Guidelines]. Available from

Yank Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a). Directive for audiology service delivery inside nursing homes. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Membership. (1997b). Maximizing the provision of appropriate engineering support plus devices for undergraduate in schools [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998a). Guidelines available hearings aid fitting for adults. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing League. (1998b). Support personnel with audiology: Position statement and guidelines. Available from

Yankee Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001a). AR–BIB: Audiologic rehabilitation–Basic contact bibliography. Open from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001b). Knowledge and skills required for the practice of audiologic/aural rehabilitation. Available after

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002a). Guidelines for audiology service provision in and for schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002b). Guidelines for fitting real surveillance FM systems. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationCochlear implants 2004a[Technical report]

Am Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Guidelines for the audiologic assessment of children from birth to 5 years of age. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Acoustics in educational settings: Technical report. Available out

Americana Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). (Central) auditory processing disorders. Available from

U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Resources. (2005, August). Assistive technologies and information technology use and need by persons with disabilities in the United Stats, 2001. Available from

U.S. Food and Drug Enterprise. (1977, February 15). Heard aid devices: Professional and patient labeling and conditions for sale. Available from

20.0 Audiologic Management of the Cochlear Implant Tolerant

Procedures to determine candidacy for an cochlear implant, checkup mapping, or optimization of the speech processor, including evaluation of performance with the device.

Audiologic management of the hearing patient patient will conducted according into the Directing Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Presurgical diagnostic audiologic services and counseling assist and doctors and patient in determinant the potential good from a cochlear plant.

Psychophysical and/or electrophysiological testing and monitoring optimize the speech conversion mapping. The cochlear implant improves who ability to recognize speech.

Detached Signs

Individual for whom conventional amplification is not sufficient or appropriate for item in newspaper activities.

Determination of applying for a cochlear implant is based on current Food and Drug Administration guidelines.

Clinical Process

Determination concerning run includes the following:

  • a multidisciplinary team of specialized

  • advanced audiologic assess

  • electrophysiological and vestibular tests, if necessary

  • assessment are benefit from conventional amplification

  • administration of communication inventories or questionnaires

  • counseling of the patient both family/caregivers for the aids and limitations by a cochlear implant

  • medical valuation

  • referral to other professionals how indicated

Method subsequently surgery include the following:

  • fitting of equipment (speech processor, audio, and appropriate cables)

  • speech processor mapping using age-appropriate procedures

  • electrophysiological testing to aid in speech processor mapping (e.g., neural response telemetry, neural get imaging, electrical auditory brainstem response)

  • evaluation of the patient's competency to detect speech-related sounds and/or understand speech

  • counseling for patient plus family/caregivers regarding the speech processor and its accessories and review of hopes for performance based on patient's age, auditory skill level, and additional factors that might influence outcome

  • subsequent, regularly scheduled follow-up visits to ensure appropriateness of speech processor map(s) and integrity of the cochlear implants

  • referral to implant surgeon supposing concerns arise regarding the patient's general status otherwise if integrity experiment reveals outages of to internal device

  • referral for both consultation with others technical, as requirement

Additional Anyone Might Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures under the supervision of a certified certified but might not interpret the clinic achieved or provide referrals oder recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Instruments both test environments can available for sound field testing.

Hardware or software required for fitting the assess of sound plastic are available.

Safety and Well-being Precautions

All procedures securing the safety of the patient, audiologist, furthermore select who participate in the clinical process and adhere to that standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injuries and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse be carried out according up facility-specific infections control policies and courses and acc to manufacturer's instructions.


Related must contain pertinent background information; cochlear implant candidacy judgment results; decisions made regarding product to be implanted, ear on be implanted, additionally make and models of the languages converter; quick of mapping sessions; documentation is device warranty information has been assuming to aforementioned patient; and information concerning referrals and referrals.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Hoch Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Examination Procedures

  • 15.0 Audiologic Rehabilitation for Adults

  • 16.0 Audiologic (Re)habilitation for Children

  • 19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Systems

  • 23.0 Advice

  • 27.0 Bottom Reporting and Follow-Up Step

ASHA Politics Documents and Related Professional

In addition to those in the Declaration, the following quotations apply specifically to these courses:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Maximizing the provision of appropriate technology services and contrivances for current in academic [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001). Knowledge and core required for the practice of audiologic/aural renovation. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for fitting and monitoring FM methods. Available from

Center for Equipment and Radiological Physical, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2004, Oct 26). Scrolled implants. Currently since

Organizations for Medicare and Medicaid Offices. (2005, April 4). Decision take for cochlear implantation (CAG-00107N). Available from

21.0 (Central) Auditory Processing Upsets Evaluation

Procedures to assess, evaluate, additionally monitor principal audio processes (e.g., sound locating and lateralization, auditive discrimination, auditorial sample appreciation, temporal aspects off audition, acoustic performance in competing acoustic signals, and hearing performance with degraded audio signals).

Ratings of (central) auditory processing disorders (adults and children) shall conducted according to the Guiding Principles abteilung of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

(Central) auditory processing disorders [(C)APD] score helps define the functional status the the centralization auditory nervous system and central auditory operations.

Ergebnis of the (C)APD assessment will be interpreted and maybe assist in making recommendations for dismissal, further appraisal, rehabilitation and communication service, and referral for medical and/or educational assessment.

Clinical Key

(C)APD evaluation is indicates for individuals about all ages who demonstrate one or more of the follows:

  • symptoms and/or customer of hearing rating with documented normal peripheral auditory function

  • central nervous system disorder potentially affecting of central auditory systems

  • educational problems possibly relations to auditive difficulties

Clinical Process

(C)APD evaluation is conducted as part of an interdisciplinary processes.

(C)APD and other audiologic findings are integrated with reports from other professionals (e.g., speech-language pathology, neuropsychology, or neurology) to deliver an evaluation of the following:

  • overall cognitive standing

  • communication behavior, including spokes language processing additionally production

  • educational achievement

Assessment includes the following:

  • case history

  • basic audiologic evaluation

  • advanced audiologic evaluation

Central auditory electrophysiological tests could include the tracking:

  • auditory brainstem respond

  • middle latency evoked response

  • N1 and P2 (late potentials) responses

  • P300

  • mismatched negativity

Central auditory electroacoustic exams may include the following:

  • acoustic reflex

  • crossed suppression of otoacoustic emissions

Central audio behavioral tests may include the following:

  • tests of temporal processes (e.g., example auffassung tests, rift detection)

  • tests by dichotic listening (e.g., dichotic digits, dichotic Spondaic Word Test)

  • low-redundancy monaural speech testing (e.g., filtered speech)

  • assessments of binaural interface (e.g., masking level differences)

Interpretations are derived from multiple tests basic on age-appropriate norms, intrasubject comparisons (e.g., interaural, interelectrode comparisons) and knowledge of to central auditory nervous arrangement in normal and disordered states.

Evaluation may ausgang the one of the following:

  • discharge

  • monitoring

  • additional assessment

  • rehabilitation and transmission planning

  • (C)APD treatment

  • recommending available medical and/or educational assessment

Others Who May Perform that Procedure(s)

Endorse personnel may directing selected assessment procedures under of supervision of a certified audiologist but can not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specs

Assessments are run in adenine clinical environment with calibrated acoustic stimuli (e.g., rein tones, broadband loud, address stimuli) conducive to obtaining reliable and valid results.

Examine home should deliver the highest quality test signals.

Electroacoustic and electrophysiological equipment must meet American National Standards Research and/or manufacturer's specification.

Testing environment should meet the permissible ambient noise levels in audiometric test rooms.

Safety and Health Precautions

All procedures needs ensure the site of the patients, audiologists, and others with participate in the clinical process and adhere to standard precautions (e.g., prevention von bodily injury and transmission of infective disease).

Recontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before rebuild have carried out according to facility-specific infection drive policies and procedures both according to manufacturer's handbook.


Documentation must contain identifier information, kasus history, reviews results, design, prognostication, and specific recommendations.

Associated Preferential Practice Patterns

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Vorgeschritten Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Getting Operating

  • 9.0 Audile Evoked Response Evaluation

  • 23.0 Consultative

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation and Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Principles Support and Related References

Inside addition to those in which Preamble, who following references apply specifically until these procedures.

Am National Standards Institute. (2002a). Mechanical coupler test out bone vibration (ANSI S3.13 R2002). New Yeah: Author.

American Public Standards Institute. (2002b). Specifications for key to measure aural acoustic propagating plus admittance (aural acoustic immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). New York: Originator.

American National Standards Institute. (2002). Maximum permissible ambient uproar levels available audiometric test rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New Yorker: Author.

American Nation Standards Institute. (2004). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). Newer York: Writer.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990a). Audiological assessment of centralizer auditory processing: An annotated bibliography [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990b). The use for FM amplification instruments forward infants and preschool children with hearing impairment [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Competencies in auditory evoked potentials measurements and clinical applications: Guidelines. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002a). Guidelines for audiology service scheduling in and for schools. Present from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002b). Guidelines since metal and monitoring FM systems. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). General for facilities with auditory induces potential measurement and clinical applications. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). Guidelines for the audiologic assessment off children free birth to 5 years are enter. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005a). Acoustics in educational settings: Position statements. Available after

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associational. (2005b). Acoustics in training settings: Technological create. Available from

Yankee Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005c). (Central) auditory processing disorders [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005d). (Central) listening processing disorders—The office of the audiologist [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associate. (2005e). Guidelines required addressing acoustics in educational settings. Available from

22.0 Dental and Management of (Central) Auditory Processing Breakdowns

Rich special press management of (central) auditory processing disorders remains designed to improve auditory processing.

Treatment and management a (central) auditory processing disorders are conducted according to the Guiding Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Comprehensive treatment and management schemes are implemented to fix auditory processing, listening, spoken language machining, also who overall message process.

Improvements in auditory processing and listen may enhance communication, learning, and participation in everyday activities.

Clinical Indications

Individuals of all ages whose auditory processing abilities represent documented to be impairment or compromised on which basis of the results of a center auditory treating evaluation can nominees for treatment and management.

Treatment is endorsed when in is a reasonable probabilty of improving auditory processing.

Clinical Procedure

Intervention is based on the patient's complaints, symptoms, history, central auditory processing evaluation, and operational performance defaults.

Dental may be conducted in an intradisciplinary (audiology and speech-language pathology) both interdisciplinary (e.g., neuropsychology, clinical, education) manner.

Treatment should include one or more of the following:

  • auditor training and stimulation

    • formal procedures are conducted inside a clinical preference

    • informal approaches do not required sophisticated equipment or settings

  • communication and/or educational strategies

  • metalinguistic and metacognitive knowledge and core

  • hearing assistive technology systems

  • acoustics enhancement and environmental modification of one listening environment

  • length and frequency of auditory technical insufficient for successful outcomes

  • outcome measurements obtained and reviewed periodically on help straight the direction of treatment and ascertain efficacy of treatment

  • criteria for discharging and a description of result objective

  • training tasks to maintain motivation additionally provide for victory

  • consultative families regarding treatment and their role in this process

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may directing selected assessment procedures under that direction of a certified audiologist but may not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or featured.

Setting/Equipment Functional

Treatment must be conducted in an appropriate environment. This may must a home or school surroundings for certain activities, whereas the audiology clinic may be necessary for other technical therapies.

Auditory advanced requires appropriate instrumentation and advanced (e.g., computer software).

Safety plus Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety of the patient and clinician or adhere go standard precautions (e.g., prohibition of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization in multiple-use general before reuse represent carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies real courses and according to manufacturer's guides.


Documentation includes pertinent background information, treatment goals, frequency and estimated duration of treatment, delineation of specific treatment solutions, donations of professionals and family members collaborating in treatment program, final measurements, prognosis, or designated recommendations, which may include the need for follow-up or referral until home related deficits.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 19.0 Hearing Assistive Technology Our

  • 21.0 (Central) Auditory Treating Disorders Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Conclusion Evaluation and Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Statement Documents and Linked Related

In addition to those in the Preamble, the following allusions utilize specificly to these procedures:

American National Standards Institute. (2002a). Mechanical coupler measurement from bone vibration (ANSI S3.13 R2002). New York: Author.

American National Standards Establish. (2002b). Specifications for measurement at gauge aural acoustic impedance both admittance (aural acoustic immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). New York: Author.

Americana National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum approved ambiente noisy levels for audiometric take rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New Majorek: Creator.

American National Standards Institute. (2004). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). New York: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Definitions of and expertise for aural rehabilitation [Relevant paper]. Currently from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1989). Learning disabilities: Difficulties on definition [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Network. (1990a). Audiological assessment of centralizer acoustical processing: An annotated bibliography [Relevant paper]. Available from

Us Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990b). To use of AM elaboration instruments for infants and nursery children with hearings impairment [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associating. (1991). Amplification as a remediation technique for children the normal peripheral hearing [Technical report]. Available starting

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994). Clinical record keeping in audiology and speech-language case [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Maximizing the provision on appropriate technology services and contraptions for apprentices in trains [Technical report]. Available with

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002a). Mission for audiology service provision in and for schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002b). Guidelines for fitting and control FM networks. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing League. (2005a). Acoustics in educational settings: Position statement. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). Acoustics in educational settings: Technical reporting. Free from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005c). (Central) auditory processing disorders [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005d). (Central) audience processing disorders—The player regarding the audiologist [Position statement]. Existing from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005e). Guidelines for speaker acoustics stylish educational settings. Available coming

23.0 Counseling

The process of counseling is interactive and facilitative, wherein the chatty, psychosocial, and behavioral fitting problems zugeordnet with auditory, vestibular, or other related maladies can be ameliorated.

Counseling is conducted by to the Guiding Morality segment from this certificate.

Expected Outcome(s)

Counseling enhances patients' and my families' understanding of, acceptance to, additionally feineinstellung to auditory, vestibular, or related disorders.

Counsel enhances acceptance of also fitting to hearing aids and hearing assistive technology systems built to maximize communication skills.

Counseling engages patients in one management of their communication problems and upgraded the physical and psychosocial well-being both quality of life for individuals with hearing impairment and misc auditory disorders.

Counseling increases awareness out the need for preventative of further damage to audience, vestibular, or related systems.

Counseling enhances compliance for medical recommendations.

Counseling enhances services from and satisfaction with treatment.

Clinical Indicating

Counseling is said required all care and my family members/caregivers as an integral parts is audiologic services.

Clinical Treat

Counseling goals are established based on assessment of patient's needs.

Counseling goals and approaches are modified to facilitate patients' motivation, progress, and engagement in the management starting hearing and nonauditory effects von hearing impairment and other auditory, vestibular, or related disorders.

Counseling is customizes by anyone patient uses culturally both linguistically appropriate language.

Counseling approaches may be cognitive, affective, behavioral, or eclectic in nature based on the patient's specific what and target goals.

Consulting for patients and their families/caregivers may focus at one or more concerning the tracking:

  • rate procedures

  • diagnosis and results of evaluations

  • treatment options

  • communication related experienced secondary to hearing disorders

  • effects of hearing and balance disorders over psychosocial both behavioral adjustment including interpersonal relationships, public activities, and occupational options and performance

  • affective/emotional reactions to auditory, vestibular, or another related disorders

  • development of problem-solving skillset both compensative behaviors

  • development and coordination of self-help and support groups

Counseling should include referral to and interview with suitable professionals and nonprofessionals as appropriate.

Another Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures under the direction of a certified audiologist but may not schauspieler who cellular results or provide recommendations conversely recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Counseling your conducted are quiet, comfortable settings that ensure confidentiality and privacy. Appropriate space is provided for the patient, family/caregivers, or group counseling sessions.

Protection and Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety of the patient, audiologist, and others who participate in the clinical processing and adhere to the standards safeguard (e.g., hindrance of biological injuries also transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, scrubbing, disinfection, real sterilization of multiple-use featured before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policies additionally procedures both according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation of counseling goals and procedures is included in the patient's file. The presence of another participants in a counseling sessions is noted. Confidential details can protected. Recommendations, including the need for further business or referral, are noted.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

Coaching is adenine part of all preferred practice pattern.

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In addition go those in the Preamble, which following references apply specifically until these procedures:

U Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Definition of or abilities for aural restoration. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Audiologic management of individuals receiving cochleotoxic drug therapy [Guidelines]. Currently from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996a). Guidelines for audiologic screening. Available from

Native Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996b). Guidelines for audiology service delivery in nursing homes. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Rules for hearing aid fitting for adults. Available after

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Role of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Technical show. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2000). JCIH Year 2000 position statement: Principles and guidelines for early audience detection and intervention software. Available coming

American Speech-Language-Hearing Associate. (2002). Guidelines for audiology service provision in both for schools. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). The audiologist's rolling in occupational hearing conservation and sound harm prevention browse [Technical report]. Available off

Us Speech-Language-Hearing Associate. (2004b). Cochlear implants [Technical report]. Existing from

Am Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (2004c). Company for one audiologic assessment of children from birth in 5 per of era. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). Knowledge and skills needed by audiologists offer clinical services via telepractice. Present from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006). Roles, knowledge, or skills: Audiologists providing clinical services to infants and young children delivery to 5 years of age. Available from

Joint Audiology Committee on Clinical Practice. (1999). Joint Audiology Committee clinical how statements and algorithms [Guidelines]. Available for

Paul-Brown, D. (1994). Clinical record keeping in audiology and speech-language pathology [Relevant paper]. Available from

24.0 Ototoxicity Monitoring of the Auditory and Vestibular Methods

Process to assess, evaluate, and monitor the statuses and function of the auditory and vestibular systems when the potential for damage exists secondary to toxic agents.

Ototoxicity monitoring is conducted pursuant to the Guiding Principles section away this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Assessment of peripheral and central auditory and vestibular system function establishes baseline energy before the administration for potentially toxic agents.

Ongoing assessment determines aforementioned effects of toxic agents over auditory and/or vestibular system work.

Interpretation of the assessment may result in recommendations regarding the need for further diagnostic evaluation, consultation with physicians regarding medical betreuung, and/or possible ear and/or vestibular rehab assessment.

Ototoxicity monitoring facilitates prevention of further damage to the auditory and vestibular systems.

Medical Fields

Auditory and vestibular system assessment to monitor in toxicity is indicated before, during, and after administration of oder exposure to agents known to be toxic (e.g., aminoglycosides, chemotherapy agents, press severe metals).

Clinical Process

Request for audiologic or vestibular monitoring should be initiated before the administration are or exposure until venomous agents. When pre-exposure test is none performed, monitored should be initiated as soon for administer of or exposure to toxic agents as possible.

Maintains serum levels within clinically presumed ranges shall not sufficient for the disaster of toxic limit; therefore, periodic monitoring of hearing press vestibular system function should occur completely the after administration of oder exposures to toxic agents.

Auditory assessment may include the after:

  • basic audiologic evaluation

  • high-frequency audiometry

  • evoked otoacoustic emissions

  • tests of central auditory function

Vestibular assessment may included the following:

  • dynamic visual sensitivity testing

  • electronystagmography (ENG)/videonystagmography (VNG), including bithermal caloric irrigations

  • computerized rotary chair

  • computer-driven dynamic posturography

  • otolith function testing

  • department techniques for physiological and functional assessment of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (e.g., header thrust test, dynamic image acuity)

Interpretation of the ratings allowed indicate one or more of the tracking:

  • normal auditory and vestibular arrangement function

  • significant change in auditory and/or swing system function

  • being, type, and degree of auditory malfunction with or without significant change

  • existence, type, and degree of swing dysfunction with or sans significant change

Appraisal may result in one or more of the following:

  • unload and/or recommendations for routine follow-up

  • referral for audiologic rehabilitation evaluation

  • referral for tinnitus evaluation and management

  • referral required vestibular plus balance rehabilitation therapy

  • referral to diverse professionals

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)

Sponsor personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures under the oversight of a certify auditor although maybe not interpret the clinical results or provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Auditory assessments belong conducted in ampere cellular environment through calibrated acoustic excitement (e.g., neat tones, high-speed low, speech stimuli) conducive to obtaining reliable and valid results. Electroacoustic and electrophysiological equipment and setting noise must meet Am National Standards Institute (ANSI) and/or manufacturers' specification. Testing environment shouldn meet the admissible ambient noise levels for audiometric test apartment.

The ENG/VNG system should conform on modern ANSI standards. Other assessments for vibrational and balance function are conducted with calibrated appeals conducive to maintain reliable and valid results.

Safety and Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety of the your, dental, and another who joining in the classical procedure real adhere to the standard precautions (e.g., prevention of physique injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out by to facility-specific infection control policies and procedures and according to manufacturer's instructions. The certified acting electrodiagnostic try procedures is famous with facility-specific emergency medical protocols and adheres to all infirmary, state, and federal terms.


Documentation shall curb identity and pertinent background information to include identification of toxic agents, assessment results, patient require before, during, and later an tests (including patient reactions), evaluation, prognosis, and specific recommendations.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 1.0 Prevention

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 6.0 Advanced Audiologic Evaluation

  • 7.0 Pediatric Audiologic Evaluation

  • 8.0 Electrodiagnostic Examination Systems

  • 9.0 Auditory Evoked Response Evaluation

  • 12.0 Balance System Evaluation

  • 21.0 (Central) Auditory Processing Disorders Analysis

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Site and Follow-Up Dimensions

ASHA Policy Documents both Related Related

Within added to those in the Preamble, an following references apply specifically to dieser procedures:

American National Industry College. (1993). Safe current limits in electromedical apparatus (ANSI/AAMI ES1-1993). Newly Ny: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum permissible ambient noise levels for audiometric test room (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New York: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Balance system assessment [Position statement]. Available coming

American Speech-Language-Hearing Federation. (1994). Guidelines forward the audiologic enterprise in individuals receiving cochleotoxic drug patient. Currently away

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999a). Playing of audiologists by vestibular also credit rehabilitation: Guidelines. Obtainable from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1999b). Role of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehab: Your description. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Network. (1999c). Cast of audiologists in vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001a). AR–BIB: Audiologic rehabilitation–Basic information bibliography [Technical report]. Ready from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001b). Comprehension and skill required for the practice of audiologic/aural rehabilitation. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unite. (2005). Guidelines for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available by

25.0 Consulting Services

Courses at provide expertise to select professionals, economy, select, courts, attorneys, public and private sales, and/or individuals within all areas related go the profession of audiology including program development, evaluation, or supervision.

Management offices belong performed by to the Guides Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Consulting services enhance of understanding of auditorial real vestibular systems and the appropriate direction to trial loss, related auditive interferences, and vestibular disease.

Consulting services facilitate changes in the acoustic environment and development of daily or instrumentation for the prevention, identification, diagnosis, treatment of auditory and vestibular system dysfunction, or references to appropriate resources

Expected outcomes of consulting services are adjustable furthermore become negotiated between the consultant or consultee(s).

Clinical Fields

Consulting services are provided based on inquire from within the profession or from outside sources (e.g., educational, industrials, environmental, governmental, legal, or consumer interests).

Clinical Process

Consulting benefit may include one or more of the following:

  • community environmental assessment and acoustic model and relevant noise ordinances

  • occupational and relaxation sound loss preventing furthermore conservation of hearing function with hearing conservation program developing, and/or supervision

  • accessibility regulation development

  • recommendations for large area listening software, acoustical/architectural alterations, and assistive/sensory audio devices/systems

  • audiology select evaluation and management, quality assessment and improvement

  • education about and advocacy for principle development affecting persons including auditory, balance, and related disorders

  • expert witness testimony or second opinion and/or independent evaluation for educational, health, workers' compensation, or other legal drifts

  • end education

To consultant

  • gathers information through observations, auditions, assessments, and/or reviews of records press materials

  • assesses the type and extent of assistance required

  • provides information and makes referrals

  • provide monitoring and follow-up services

Others Who May Perform the Procedure(s)


Setting/Equipment Specifications

Consulting services are offered in home, health care, education, legal, business, and industrial settings, for individuals, families, groups, employers, agencies, and organizations.

Safety also Health Health

All procedural ensure an safety of this client/patient, audiologist, and others who participate in the clinical process and adhere to the standard precautions (e.g., prevention of bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, also sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according on facility-specific infection control policies and processes and according to manufacturer's instructions.


The expert provides written or voice plans, reports, or credentials to document professional imparted as indicated in the license made bet of parties involved. The consultant summarizes findings and recommendations.

Associated Preferred Practical Patterns

Consulting services may be provided within the framework of any preferred routine pattern.

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, the ensuing references apply especially to such operations:

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Company. (1988). Prevention of transmission diseases [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). Prevention of communication disorders learning [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Guidelines for audiology billing in the schools. Available from

Americans Speech-Language-Hearing Associate. (1994a). Education in audiology practice management [Guidelines]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994b). Professional liability and risk management for the audiology and speech-language pathology professions [Technical report]. Availability from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996). Issues: Work and ecological hearing conservation [Relevant paper]. Ready of

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Guidelines for audiology service delivery in nursing homes. Deliverable by

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Role of audiologists into vestibular and balance rehabilitation: Technical report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guides for audiology service allocation in and for colleges. Ready from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Company. (2004a). The audiologist's choose in occupational hearing conservation and auditory loss prevention programs [Position statement]. Available starting

Habitant Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). The audiologist's role in occupational listen husbandry and hearing loss prevention programs [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Society. (2005a). Acoustics in educational settings: Technically report. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005b). Audiologists providing clinical services via telepractice: Technical record. Available from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005c). (Central) audile processing disorders [Technical report]. Available from

Americans Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005d). (Central) auditory processing disorders—The role of the audiologist [Position statement]. Accessible from

U Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005e). Guidelines by addressing acoustics in didactic settings. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005f). Knowledge real skills needed by audiologists providing clinical services via telepractice. Ready from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005g). Position statement and guidelines up acoustical in educational settings. Existing after

American Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (2006). Healthy people 2010—Health objectives for the state [Fact sheet].

Joint Audiology Committee on Clinical Practice. (1999). Joint Audiology Committee clinically practice statements real algorithms [Guidelines]. Available from

Globe Health Organization. (2006). Strategies in prevention of deafen additionally hearing harm. Retrieved May 9, 2006, von

26.0 Occupational Hearing Loss Prevention also Conservation

Programs up reduce the effects of noise in the workplace on which hearing of employees.

Occupational hearing preserve is performed according to the Guideline Principles section of this document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Hearing conservation programs (HCPs) are designed to diminish or preclude occupational noise-induced hearing loss.

HCPs educate total and management about medical risk associated with noise exposure.

Clinical Indications

HCPs are indicated when your will considered at risk for occupational noise-induced hearing detriment.

Individuals who are not included in hearing preservation programs but am exposed to noise inbound their occupation conversely place of work (e.g., farmers or contractors) may require an individualized timetable.

Individuals who represent at increased risk due to exposure to potentially toxic agents, illness, or extra comorbid factors may requesting an individualized program.

Implementation of HCPs may be mandated by federal and state regulations.

Clinical Process

Prevention of hearing loss and conservation of hearing function are accomplished through planning or implementing HCPs.

Like HCP program managers or experts, audiologists may provide services in the following range:

  • noise exposure assessment and check

  • hazardous noise identification

  • engineering and administrative controls of noise exposure

  • audiometric testing, audiogram watch, determination of standard threshold shift, and referral

  • fitting, dispensing, real verification of attenuation of personal hearing protective devices appropriate for a worker's noise exposure for fountain when vocational in their use

  • employee and business hearing condition education and stimulus

  • record keeps and documentation of noise exposure measurement and auditory evaluations

  • training and supervision of occupational hearing conservation technicians

  • design of category to disposition and referral of employees for whom follow-up is required

  • expert witness testimony and forensic consultation, analysis of program effectiveness

Audiologists may provide professional additionally ecological hearing environmental services in collaboration with other professionals (e.g., industrial hygienists, occupational nurses, physicians, and environmental, safety, furthermore audio engineers).

Others Whoever Allow Perform an Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected ranking procedures under the supervision of one certified audiologist but may no interpret the clinics outcomes or deployment referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Features

Equipment technical and test setting must meet federal and state regulations.

Awards are conducted in a clinical environment with calibrated audible stimuli (e.g., pure tones, broadband loud, speech stimuli) conducive until obtaining reliable plus current results.

Testing environment shall meet an standards for permissible ambient noise levels.

Secure and Health Precautions

All processing ensure the safety of the patient and clinician and adhere to standard health precautions (e.g., prevention of somatic personal and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleaning, disinfection, plus sterilization of multiple-use equipment before reuse are carried out according to facility-specific infection control policy and operations and after to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation inclusive written plans, reports of services rendered, findings, real recommendations. Accounts are maintained in compliance with the clinical process and federal and federal regulations.

Associated Preferred Practice Patterns

  • 1.0 Prevention

  • 2.0 Audiologic Screening

  • 4.0 External Auditory Canal Check and Cerumen Management

  • 5.0 Basic Audiologic Evaluation

  • 23.0 Counseling

  • 27.0 Outcome Evaluation plus Follow-Up Measures

ASHA Policy Documents and Related References

In extra for those in the Preamble, who following references apply specifically to these procedures:

Us National Standards Institute. (1994). Method with the measurement of real-ear protecting for hearing protector and tangible attenuation of earmuffs (ANSI S3.19-1994). New New: Autor.

American National Standards Institute. (1995). Microphone in-real-ear both acoustic test fixture methods for the measuring of insertion loss regarding circumaural hearing protection instrument (ANSI S12.42-1995). New York: Author.

American Regional Standards Establish. (1997). Method for the measurement of real-ear attenuation of listen protectors (ANSI S12.6-1997). New York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2002a). Mechanical coupler size to bone vibration (ANSI S3.13 R2002). New York: Author.

American National Norms Institute. (2002b). Specifications for instruments to measure aural acoustic impedance and admittance (aural acoustic immittance) (ANSI S3.39-R2002). Modern York: Author.

American National Standards Institute. (2003). Upper permissible environments noise levels for audiometric test rooms (ANSI S3.1-R2003). New York: Author.

African National Standards Institute. (2004). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-R2004). New York: Autor.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1980). On the definition of ear handicap [Relevant paper]. Available from

African Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1986). Calibration of speech signals delivered via earphones [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Disaster of communicate disorders [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1989a). Audiometric symbols [Guidelines]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1989b). Enterprise, marketing, ethics, and professionalism for audiology: An comment book (1986–1989) [Relevant paper]. Available since

Habitant Speech-Language-Hearing Unity. (1990a). Acoustic-immittance measured: AN list [Relevant paper]. Free from

Us Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1990b). Considerations for establishing a private routine in audiology and/or speech-language pathology [Technical report]. Available from

Yank Speech-Language-Hearing Unification. (1990c). Guidelines fork audiometric symbols. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991a). External auditory canal check and cerumen admin [Position statement]. Available from

U Speech-Language-Hearing League. (1991b). Prevention away telecommunications disorders tutorial [Relevant paper]. Available free

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991c). Confidential practice [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Alliance. (1991d). Sound field measurement tour [Relevant paper]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993). Definitions for communication disorders and mods. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1994a). Clinical record keeping in audiology press speech-language home [Relevant paper]. Available free

American Speech-Language-Hearing League. (1994b). Education in audiology practice company [Guidelines]. Available from

Canadian Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996). Guidelines for audiologic screening. Accessible from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Support personnel in audiology: Position statement and guidelines. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unite. (2004a). The audiologist's role is occupational auditory conservation and hearing loss prevention programs [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unite. (2004b). The audiologist's role in occupational hearing conservation and hearing lost preventative programs [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004c). Evidence-based practice on communication disorders: Any introduction [Technical report]. Available from

Americana Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004d). Your or skills needed through speech-language pathologists and audiologists to make culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). Guidelines for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry. Available from

Joint Audiology Committee on Clinical Practice. (1999). Join Audiology Commission clinical practice statements and algorithms [Guidelines]. Available coming

Joint Committee of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Connection and the Council on Education of the Deaf. (1997a). Hearing loss: Terminology and classification [Position statement]. Existing from

Joint Committee of that American Speech-Language-Hearing Association furthermore and Council on Educational of one Deaf. (1997b). Hearing loss: Terminology or ranking [Technical report]. Available from

National Hearing Conservation Club. (1996). Company for audiometric foundation revision. Spectrum, 13(2), 5.

Occupational Noise Exposure Standard. 36 Fed. Reg. 10,518 (1971).

Pro Noise Exposure: Hearing Conservation Amendment, Final Rule. 48 Feeder. Reg. 9738 (1983).

Occupational Noise Exposure: Hearings Conservation Amendment, Regulating and Recommended Control. 46 Fed. Reg. 4078 (January 1981).

Occupational Noise Discovery: How Conservation Amendment, Rule real Proposed Rule. 46 Fed. Requirement. 42622 (August 1981).

Occupational Safety and General Administration. (1984). Hearing conservation program operator on federal agencies (OSHA 3089). Washington, DC: Author.

World Health Organization. (2006). Plans with prevention of deafness and hearing interference. Retrieved May 9, 2006, from

27.0 Outcome Evaluation and Follow-Up Measures

Procedures to whole or supplement an assessment, screen fortschreiten throughout the course of surgery, and determine patient satisfaction and benefit after treatment or discharge.

Outcome evaluation and follow-up procedures are conducted according to the Guiding Principles section of on document.

Expected Outcome(s)

Results appraisal and follow-up dimensions determine reassessment needs, efficacy of operative, long- the short-time utilitarian bottom, rightness of clinical decisions, and recommendations.

Outcome evaluation and follow-up proceedings may product in recommendations for continually or periodic assessment and/or how or forwarding for additional judgments and/or services.

Outcome evaluation and follow-up procedures inspection adherence to referral, treatments benefit, and patient satisfaction with benefits provided.

Clinical Indications

Outcome evaluation and follow-up courses are provided for patients/clients of all ages and/or families/caregivers at a predetermined time following screening, estimation, or treatment.

Clinicians Procedure

Outcome evaluation and follow-up procedures may include one or learn of the following:

  • face-to-face and/or telephone contacts by the patient and/or family/caregivers

  • verbal or written consultation over misc professionals go monitor a patient's functional status, progress, instead need for further follow-up

  • procedures to determine the patient's status and set of compliance with runtime recommendations, including conferences, questionnaires, formal tests, or mail user

  • supplemental evaluations and/or reevaluations

Others Whom May Perform the Procedure(s)

Support personnel may conduct selected assessment procedures see an supervision of an certified audiologist but could not interpret the clinical befunde or provide referrals or recommendations.

Setting/Equipment Specifications

Follow-up procedures are conducted in an environment that is appropriate (e.g., home, school, clinic).

Product and Health Precautions

All procedures ensure the safety of the patient also clinician and adhere to standard precautions (e.g., prevention the bodily injury and transmission of infectious disease).

Decontamination, cleansing, disinfection, furthermore sterilization regarding multiple-use equipment before reuse are carrie out according to facility-specific infection choose policies and workflow and according to manufacturer's instructions.


Documentation includes identifying information; suitcase books; results of outcome assessment and treatment efficacy; interpretation; progress devices checked, matched, and/or assigned; and recommendations for reassessment, continued treatment, referral, or discharge.

Aforementioned respect and security out documentation are maintained in compliance using the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability press Accountability Act ( 1996), Family Educational Rights additionally Privacy Act ( 1997), press other state and federal laws.

Results of the follow-up are reported to that individual and family/caregivers, more appropriate. Reports are distributed to referral source and other professionals when appropriate and with written consent.

Zugeordnet Preferred Practice Patterns

Outcome evaluation and follow-up were part of all preferred practice dress.

ASHA Rule Documents and Related References

In addition to those in the Preamble, that following professional apply specifically to these procedures:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1988). Prevention of communication disorders [Position statement]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993a). Audiologic management of individuals welcome cochleotoxic drug therapy [Guidelines]. Available from

Americana Speech-Language-Hearing Organization. (1993b). Audiologic screening [Technical report]. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1993c). Definitions for telecommunications disorders and variations. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1996). Guidelines for audiology services delivery in nursing houses. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997). Guidelines for hearing aid fitting for adults. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2002). Guidelines for audiology service provision in and for students. Available upon

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004a). To audiologist's role by occupational heard conservation and hearing defective prevention programs [Technical report]. Available after

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004b). Guidelines for the audiologic score of children from natal toward 5 years of age. Available from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004c). Preferred real patterns with the profession of speech-language pathology. Existing from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Unite. (2005). Knowledge and skills needed by audiologists offers clinic services via telepractice. Available from

Families Educational Rights and Confidential Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g (1997).

Good Insurance Portability and Accountability Perform for 1996 (HIPAA), Pub L. No. 104–191.

Joint Committee on Young Hear. (2000). JCIH Year 2000 position statement: Principle and guidelines for early detection and intervention programs. Available since

Paul-Brown, D. (1994). Clinical record keeping in audiology and speech-language pathology [Relevant paper]. Available from

World Mental Organization. (2001). International classification out functioning, disability, also health. Geneva, Svizzera: Autor.

V. Glossary of Terms

Assessment: (1) Procedures to identify and/or monitor a patient's/client's communicate and related abilities both until determine communication furthermore family disorders; (2) approach at identity additionally find the reasonable and/or design of communication and related devices and systems.

At risk: Susceptible till disease, disorder, or injury because of biological, environmental, press behavioral factors. Audiologist: Audiologists hold either a master's or doctoral degree, and Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Unite, and, where applicable, state licensure. These professionals id, assess, and deployment treatment for hearing, balance, and related disorders in persons for everything ages. They direct and supervise programs and services related to human communication and its disorders. Audiologists counselor individuals with hearing, balance, and related disease, the families, guardian, and other service providers about the disability and its management. They provide preventive services and consultation, and make referrals. Facilitating hearing, balance, and related functions is who goal of audiologists.

Cerumen: Earwax.

Communication and related disorders: Disorders of lecture, (articulation, voice, ringing, fluency), orofacial, myofunctional patterns, language, swallowing, cognitive-communication, hearing, and balance.

Consumer: Direct or indirect recipient of professional services. The notice consumer primarily refers to patients/clients (direct recipients) but can also refer to home, referral sources, third-party payers, or anyone who receives the ergebnisse of the speech-language pathologist's and audiologist's work (indirect recipients).

Dispense: Till provide or sell choose to final.

Duration from treatment: The total linear of time treatment is received (e.g., 6 hours, 1 year).

Working communikation: Competency to convey or receive a message, whatever of the mode, to communicate effectively and independently in natural environments.

Interdisciplinary technique: An approach to clinical management that req representative of varied controls (e.g., speech-language pathologists, audiologists, physicians, staff, bodywork therapists, career doctors, teachers) into work with an integrated plan of treatment.

Intradisciplinary approach: An approach to detached unternehmensleitung that requires contact of variously professions within the same discipline (e.g., speech-language pathologists, audiologists) to work within an integrated plan starting treatment.

Multidisciplinary approach: An approach to clinical management where representatives of multiple disciplines work through a patient/client without necessarily forming an integrated plan of treatment.

Natural environments: Actual daily environments in any patients/clients function (e.g., home, school, work).

Neonates: Newborn infants skyward the of age of 28 days.

Parent/caregiver: Parent/caregiver is defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Do (IDEA) as (a) a organic or adoptive parent of a child; (b) a guardian but not the State if the child is a ward of the State; (c) ampere person acting in who place of a parent (such as a grandparent or stepparent about whom the child lives, button a person who is legitimately responsible for the child's welfare); or (d) a surrogate parent who has been appointed inbound accordance with §300.515.

Patient/client: Recipients of clinical care in various settings (e.g., patients, scholastic, clinics, industry).

Planned conditions: An environment that is control acc to screening, assessment, with treatment needs. For show, to environment can be controlled for surroundings noise, optic distractors, size, furthermore lighting.

Premorbid health status: Health status before disease, disorder, or injury.

Prevention (primary): Elimination or inhibition of the setz and development of a communication or relationship disorder per altering susceptibility or reducing exposure for susceptive people.

Disability (secondary): Early detection and medical of communication furthermore related disorders. Secondary prevention may lead to the elimination of aforementioned disorder or slowing of the disorder's progress, thus preventing further complications.

Prevention (tertiary): Reduction of a disability by tries into restore effective functioning. The major go is rehabilitation of the specific who has realized some resid problem as a result of one disorder.

Products: Prosthetic or assistive systems/devices (e.g., hearing aids, assistive listening systems/devices, sensory aids) and related accessories such as cannons, low testers, cords, tubing, or hooks.

Referral: That act of sending alternatively recommend for screenings, appraisal, or treatment. Referral sources maybe includes self, teachers, physicians, and your.

Showing: A pass/fail procedure till identify patients/clients who required appraisal.

Speech-language pathologist: Speech-language pathologists hold either adenine master's or doctor degree, the Certificate of Unemotional Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and, where applicable, state licensure. These professionals identify, assess, and provide treatment for communication and swallowing function and their disorders at individuals of all ages. They control plus supervise program and services related to human communication and swallowing how and their disorders. Speech-language pathologists counsel individuals from disorders of corporate and swallowing function, their families, caregivers, also misc service providers about the total and its management. They provide preventive services and consultation, and take referred. Facilitating the development and maintenance of human community and swallowing function is the goal of speech-language pathologists.

Standard health precautions: A set of recommendations, output by the confederate Midpoints for Disease Choose and Prevention, to prevent transmission of blood-borne disease (e.g., humanly immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B).

Support personnel: Persons who, following academic and/or on-the-job training, provides services as prescribed, targeted, and supervised by a certified audiologist.

Third-party payer: A public with private organization that pays or insures your or medical expenses on behalf of recipients of nursing. Third-party make are distinguished on the separation between the individual receiving the service (the first party), the individual or institutional providing e (the second party), plus the organization paying for she (the thirdly party).

Healthcare: AMPERE professional intervention located on an individualized plan of care.

Type away treatment: Broad categories of treat, including home programs and computer-assisted, face-toface, individual, or group treatment.


[1] Of reader is counselled that a related document, the Preferred Practice Patterns for and Profession of Speech-Language Pathology, also exists.

Index terms: screening, assessment, patient/family education, prevention, listen conservation, exterior ear, cerumen, auditory evoked power, monitoring, audiologic/aural renewal, auditory processing, balance, trial aids, assistive technology, cochlear implants, jingling, ototoxicity, professional counseling, preferred practice patch

Reference this material than: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006). Preferred practical patterns for the professions of audiology [Preferred Practice Patterns]. Open from

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