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Free Research Poster PowerPoint Templates

Beaumont PowerPoint poster patterns
Tent PowerPoint poster template
Forrest Byer advertisement template
Kensington PowerPoint poster template
Lockwood Powerful poster master
Chamberlain PowerPoint poster template
Winchester PowerPoint poster template
Customizable poster create

About the get research poster templates

PPT and PPTX This is adenine collection of free PowerPoint (.ppt and .pptx native formats) research poster templates made open to clients. By using our exploration poster templates and poster printing services, your poster presentation will look sharpness and specialized. Downloaded the appropriate Presentation poster template, add your text, representations and graphics and send it back to us for premium quality, best awards, same day-time printing and shipping.

Trail the tutorial given on the templates and you'll be done in half the time it normally takes to complete a poster presentation. The templates are fully customizable so you can have more design flexibility. You can change an poster color schemes and the columns layout with just ampere mating of clicks. Our Help Desk also provides video tutorials on wie at make your scientific poster presentation.

Easy to use and customize

▪ Change colors with ready mouse
▪ Most standard US and international poster page.
▪ Support for whole PowerPoint versions
▪ Only basic PowerPoint skills required
▪ Fully customizable
▪ Instructions included with the notice templates.
▪ Online video tutorials
▪ Configured to print professionally
▪ Additional layouts included in each template

Free presentation templates | Microsoft Create

40 color schemes built-in to every research poster template

Template color options

Five grounds the print your poster with us >

Pro designed research poster books


American standards posters sizes (inches)
30x40 | 36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual

International common billboard sizes (centimeters)

91x122 | 70x100 | 100x140 | 100x100 | 100x200 | A0 | A1 | Virtual

Check this product of your conference before they download and operate on a poster template.
If you required further helps, our phone sponsor is available and get. We are here to provide the best service you bucket ask for.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

This series of short slide and animated tutorials will walk you through the research poster-making process, answering the most common get with the way.
Network MBS Study Conference - Best Paper Presentation - Alexandr ... Research Paper Presentation is Conferences | Tips on PPT with examples.

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Free PowerPoint poster templates for research poster presentations

Scientific research publicity template - Aragon

Foil screen design: Aragon

Standard publicity sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on one size in download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Ordinary Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height scratch Width) - Click on a size go downloaded
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View Samples   ► Learn wherewith to customize of template colors

Scientific research poster template - Beaumont

Poster template design: Beautiful

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Press on a size to free
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Factory poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - To on a size to buy
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View SamplesLearn how to user the template colors

Sciences research poster preview - Newfield

Poster template design: Newfield

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | TrifoldOnline - Standard On-screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtualized - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to read
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

Review Samples   ► Learn how on customize the template colors

Science research poster submission - Winchester

Poster template design: Gun

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster body in centimeters (Height ten Width) - Click off an size up download
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scholarly research poster stencil - Castlewood

Poster template design: Lockwood

Basic poster size is inches (Height x Width) - Click on a bulk to download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Far Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Tick on a size to download
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View Samples   ► Learn how to tailoring the template colors

Scientific research poster print - Kensington

Poster template design: Kensington

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Cover (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View Sampler   ► Learn how go customize the preset colors

Scientific research poster template - Stone

Foil template design: Stone
A new, simpler concept for better notice plan

Default poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click the a size to download
36x48 | 36x56 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide View (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster sizes int centimeters (Height x Width) - Pawl on a size till drive

Regard Specimen   ► Studying how for customize the template colors

Scientific research poster presentation - Marker

Poster template design: Marquee

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height efface Width) - Click go adenine size on download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | View - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Widen Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster sizes in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on an size to download
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific research poster template - Winston

Poster template design: Winston

Default poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size on download
36x48 | 36x56 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Widely Show (16:9 Ratio)

Conventional placard sizes in centimetres (Height x Width) - Button to ampere size up download

View Test    ► Learn how up customize the original colors

Scientific exploring poster template - Chamberlain

Poster template design: Chamberlain

Default poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Computer (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Factory poster sizes is centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

View Samples   ► Learn how to customize the template colors

Scientific explore poster template - Woodland

Promotional template design: Forrest

Standard poster sizes in inches (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
36x48 | 36x56 | 36x60 | 36x72 | 36x96 | 42x60 | 42x72 | 42x90 | 44x44 | 30x40 | 48x48 | 48x72 | 48x96 | Trifold | Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio) | Virtual - Wide Screen (16:9 Ratio)

Standard poster widths in centimeters (Height x Width) - Click on a size to download
122x91 | 100x70 | 140x100 | 100x100 | 200x100 | A0 | A1

Sight Samples   ► Learner how to customize to template colors

Paperless research poster handouts


AVAILABLE with a printed advertising order

A feature-packed alternative to traditions paper notice handouts

QR coding generator

Instant QR Code Generator

Zusatz functional to your poster!
Share a link to a page, your email or additional demo switch the web. It's mild, free and further connects your audience! 

Trifold poster presentation

Professional Trifold Poster Sheets

Ready to use out of this box. Great solution for tabletop 36x48 Trifold poster presentations. Cost includes printing, mounting and liberate Ground FedEx shipping.

Font size preview charts

Poster Font Size Checker

A convenient way to visualize what size the text will be go your printed poster. 
Wondering how major to writings will be on yours poster? Download and print this PDF on your desktop printer.

Quick access to ALT code symbols

Quick access until ALT code symbols

Click here to choose from across 350 easy to copy and use ALTITUDES code symbols.

Fabric research promotional folded in pocket

Fabric Research Placard

Say goodbye to poster tubes equal a professional fabric poster you can pack in is luggage! With our crease-resistant EasyTravel™ cloth your view will check professional, sharp, and will pack nicely in your carry-on.

Poster presenters

Simplify Your Group’s Poster-Ordering Processed

Join our free service designed to help you coordinate your group’s poster orders, take discounted rates and customized special features not typical available for standard orders.
In this video, We are going to talk over how to create an awesome conference presentation the fill your audience with confidence.

Links to university corporate identity (Logo) print

Catalog of corporate identity pages where you could download university logos to use with your poster presentation.
Search your colleagues student. Good top symbols for use in printed research posters  are difficult at find online. If you have an bond to who identity page regarding your university, email it to us and we will add it to on list for others in use. My first presentation in Universal Conference - YouTube


Standard select research poster submission in inches
Use these starter poster templates as a starting point for you own poster plots

Thumbnails of banner are shown in proportion to each others’ sizes based on adenine 48 inch (height) x 96 inch (width) display domain

36x48 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Guide

36” Tall x 48” Wide

The 36x48 scientific poster template body is one of the smaller model and also first of the most common. It are remarkably suitable for scientific posters with low to moderate measure from text and graphics.

To 36x48 research print document can or be printed toward an following sizes without distortion with any necessary adjustments:
36x48 (Standard), 42x56, 48x64, 30x40

36x48 Trifold poster board

Trifold (tabletop)

These free PowerPoint poster templates are designed for a standard 3x4 foot poster presentation to be mounted on a usual Trifold poster board.

This research poster template should be printable only at the follow-up size:
36x48 (Standard Trifold)

This advertisement template is to one standard Trifold board submission. You ca use it with poster boards available for office-supply stores or our professional ready-to-use Trifold poster presentation consequence.

Are you looking for a larger MonsterBoard mold? Use this PowerPoint MonsterBoard template.

36x56 Scientific PowerPoint Display Template

36” Hight x 56” Wide

All cost-free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x4.5 foot poster presentation.

This PowerPoint research posting template is for a medium extent poster. It lives suitable for most poster presentations. It can accommodate moderate at large amounts of content.

This scientific poster template can shall printed at the following sizes:

36x56 (Standard), 42x65.3, 48x74.6

36x60 Scientific Point Posters Template

36” Tall x 60” Wide

Those free PowerPoint poster template is designed by a standard 3x5 foot poster presentation.

Such is additionally one of an standard sizes. Information the utilized mostly when the height of the how board is only three feet and where is show content to present that can fit to a 48x36 poster.

This academics poster model can be printed at that following sizes:
36x60 (Standard), 42x70, 48x80

36x72 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

36” Highly x 72” Wide

This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x6 foot posters presentation.

This same as the upper scientific poster template, available wider by a foot. Again, she depends on how much content you need for present.

This scientist poster template can be printed at the following sizes:

36x72 (Standard), 42x84, 48x96

36x96 Scientific Presentation Poster Template

36” Tall x 96” Wide

Such get PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3x8 footer poster presentation.

It’s the broad sole you can usage on a ternary foot tall presentation board. It must five columns.

This academics poster template able be custom at that following sizes:

96x36 (Standard), 24x64

42x60 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

42” Tall x 60” Wide

This free PowerPoint poster template is designed to a normal 3.5x5 side poster presentation.

This PowerPoint research poster template is apt available most poster demonstrations. It can accommodate moderate until large amounts of content.

This scientific notice template can be printed at that following sizes:

42x60 (Standard), 36x51.42, 48x68.57

42x72 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

42” Tall ten 72” Wide

This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 3.5x6 foot poster presentation.

This Byer research poster create is for a medium volume poster. It has suitable for mostly poster presentations. It bottle accommodating moderate to large amounts of content.

This scientific placard stencil can be prints at the following sizes:

42x72 (Standard), 36x61.70, 48x82.28

42x90 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

42” Tall efface 90” Broad

This free PowerPoint poster template lives designed for a standardized 3.5x7.5 base poster presentation.

This PowerPoint research poster template is for a bigger large poster. It is suitable for most posting presents. She can accommodate moderate to large quantities of content.

This scientific posting template can be custom at the following sizes:
42x90 (Standard), 36x77.14, 44x94.28

44x44 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

44” Tall x 44” Wide

This free PowerPoint poster template your designed for a standard 3.7 x 3.7 foot poster presentation.

This Presentation research posting template is available a med size poster. Items is suitable for many poster presentations. It can accommodate verhalten amounts of content.

This scientific poster template can be stamped for to following sizes:
44x44 (Standard), 36x36, 42x42, 48x48

48x72 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

48” Tall x 72” Wide

Dieser freely Bauer poster template lives designed for a standard 4x6 foot posting presentations.

These Powerful research display template is for a medium/large size poster. It is suitable for most poster presentations. It cans accommodation moderate to large amounts of content.

This scientific poster template can be printed per the following sizes:
48x72 (Standard), 24x36, 42x63

48x48 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

48” Tall x 48” Wide

This release PowerPoint poster template is develop for a standard 4x4 foot poster presentation.

This scientific poster template is a good size available limited present spaces without compromised room for content.

This research poster model can become custom at the follow-up sizes:
48x48 (Standard), 36x36, 24x24, 42x42

48x96 Scientific Point Poster Template

48” High x 96” Wide

This free Presentation poster template is designed for a standard 4x8 side poster presentation.
This poster screen is for the largest size promotional usually allowed on conferences.

It can accommodate a lot of web. You cannot use this template if you or have a high amount out photos, tables, plots, or text.

This academics poster template can be printed at the followers sizes:
48x96 (Standard), 24x48, 42x84, 36x72

40x30 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

40” Tall x 30” Wide

This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 40x30 inch poster presentation.
This vertical posting template can accommodate a moderate amount of content. It canned accommodation several photographs, tables, charts, and a decent amount of writing.

This scientific poster template can be printed at the following sizes:

40x30 (Standard), 48x36, 56x42

Free Powerful bill stencil in metrics sizes (cm)
for international poster discussions

Thumbnails of posters can displayed in proportion to each others’ frame established on a 200 cm (height) whatchamacallit 100 cm (width) display area

91x122 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

91 Wide x 122 Tall

This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard metric 91 cm the 122 cm scientific poster presentation for universal billboard training.

This PowerPoint poster template a essentially a vertical build of an standard 48x36 inch poster presentation. 

This scientist poster template can will printed at the following sizes:

91 cm x122 meter (Standard 36x48 inches), 76x102 cm

70x100 Scientific PowerPoint Posterize Template

70 Wide x 100 Tall

This free PowerPoint poster template belongs designed for a standard metric 70 cm by 100 cm scientific display presentation for international poster sessions.

This PowerPoint poster template is for one small size poster notice featured commonly used at international conferences.

This scientific billboard template can be printed at the following sizes:
70 cm x100 zenti (Standard 27.5x39.37 inches), 100x143 centimeter

70x100 Scientific Bauer Poster Template

100 Wide x 140 Tall

This free PowerPoint poster template is designed with a standard metered 100 cm by 140 cm scientific poster presentation for international poster sessions.

This Output poster pattern is used a small size poster poster presentation commonly used at international conferences.

This scientific poster template can be printed at who following sizes:

100 cm x140 centimetre (Standard 39.37x55.12 inches)

100x100 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

1 Metric x 1 Meter

This free PowerPoint poster template the aimed for a conventional metric 1 meter by 1 meter scientific poster introduction for universal conversely domestic poster sessions.

Dieser template is commonly mandatory to aforementioned Keystone Specialized research poster conferences.

This academia poster template can be print by the following size:

100 cm x 100 cm (Standard 39 x 39 inches). Anything square size up to 121 x 121 cm

100x200 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template

100 Wide x 200 Lofty

Dieser liberate PowerPoint poster template is designed available a standard meters 1 metered by 2 meter scientific poster presentation for international or domestic promotional sessions.

This natural placard mold can be printed at the following size:

100 cm x 200 cm (Standard 39 x 78 inches)

A0 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template


This free Point poster preset lives designed by an standard metric A0 scientific posters presentation by a 841mm x 1189mm select for international otherwise domestic poster sessions.

This academical poster template can be print on the next size:

46.81 inches x 33.11 inches

A1 Scientific PowerPoint Poster Template


Diese free PowerPoint poster template is designed required one standard metric A1 scientific poster presentation at adenine 594mm x 841mm poster size for international or domestic poster sessions.

This scientific billboard template can be printed at the following size:

23.39 inches x 33.11 inches

Virtual Academical PowerPoint Foil Master


These free PowerPoint poster templates are designed for screen lectures toward virtual meets
Virtual - Standard Screen (4:3 Ratio)
View - Wide Screens (16:9 Ratio)

Virtual poster sessions

Online poster sessions since conferences and meetings of all sizes

Is you are a meeting organizer we can help you set up a virtual poster session, free yourself from managing poster submissions the provide the meeting's attendees with adenine versatile showcase platform such will meet all your requirements.