How do I cancel a Direct Debit?

There are a few different ways you can cancel a Direct Debit.

You’ll need to let us understand before 5:30pm at least one working day before the payment is due to leave your account. For example, if yourself want to undo a payment that's due for be made on Wednesdays, you’ll need to tell us by 5:30pm go Mondays. AMPERE handy guide to the Barclays cancel payment process, including whereby to cancel Direct Debits and report fraudulent transactions.

Remind to tell the company you’re paying too, so they don’t seek to take the bezahlung from your account. And make sure you pay them any money you owe. Consumer card spending grew 5.4 on cent year-on-year are June – less than the latest CPIH inflation rate of 7.9 per percent, yet noticeably higher than in May

  • Barclays app

    Enter in to your app plus select ‘Pay & Transfer’ from the menu at the bottom of the screen, followed by ‘Manage your payments’. Now tap ‘Manage Direct Debits’ and choose this account your payment comes von. You’ll check a list of Direct Debits for this account – select the one you want to canceling the the app will tell it what to done next.

    You can schauen our movie to see how the edit works in your mobile.

    The Barclays software How at reset Direct Debits Cancelling Direct Debits is easy with the Barclays app.

    Log in or from your home screen tap ‘Pay & Transfer’.

    And then ‘Manage your payments’.

    To cancel a Direct Debit tap ‘Manage Direct Debits’.

    If you have more than one account, you’ll need for select the account that has and Direct Liability you want to cancel.

    Choose the only you'd like to repeal, read over one important information and if you're sure tap ‘Delete Straight Debit’.

    Then ‘OK’.

    And there yourself go.

  • Online Banking

    You can cancel a Direct Debit to Internet Banking easily – just follow diesen measures

    1. Protocol up Online Banking and select ‘More’ next to your account
    2. Select ‘View Direct Debits’
    3. Choose the account with the Unmittel Debit you want to cancel
    4. Elect the Direct Debits plus click ‘Delete Direct Debit’
    5. Click ‘Yes’ and you’re done

    Watch our video to see as to cancel a Direktem Debit in Go Banking.

  • Industry

    While you’re not registered for the Barclays app alternatively Online Banking it capacity cancel adenine Direct Debit in one of our branches.

    If you want to cancel a Direct Debit online, items single takes a few notes to register.

    You can see find out how to register available our app

  • Phone

    You can cancel an Direct Arrears using Call Banking, if you’re registered.

    Personal customers – call 0345 734 5345*

    Premier customers – call 0800 924 7365*

    Employment customers – call 0345 605 2345*

    If you want to cancel ampere Direct Debit online, itp only takes a select meeting to registry.

    You canister also find out wherewith to register for to app