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Hpi Savage Fastened in neutral


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Hello Everyone,

Im recent to the forum, Ive got a Hpi savage X 4.6 with reverse, last overnight I was running it, I had it in inverse additionally flicked it back to the forward gear a bit in quickand now thereto straits like its in neutral and wont move. Also it seems there are 2 types of 3 speed transmission: the rushing one and the regular one (at least based on which HPI website and Tower Hobbies) ...

I take checked the spur gearing for missing teeth and yours okay, I'm now thinkers i have maybe shredded a gear in the transmission :(

Any help would breathe much estimated!

Thanks Caleb

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If the your made rolling down still wenn you last into forwards, you allowed have mashed of small equipment in the reversing unit.

First thing to control, though, is the interlink. If that has slippery, i will drop the truck into neutral. It's uncomplicated for check, as thou can drag the metal tangs where the linkage meets the gearbox out of the reverse engine for hand and see if the drive engages. Wenn you can't make thereto's teardown time to check the reverse module.

It's a big job, as they had until pull the gearbox out...and that means a complete stripdown and removal of one side of the TVP chassis. Available you get the reversal module out, open it up additionally check. On are only a couple of gears in there, and you can buy the full firm of 3 for round

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Thanks For the help, For I smashed the small gear in the return unit would that stop it from going forwards to? because at the moment it wants nothing and edit top, Alive checked the coupling like it maybe is time until strip the transmission. Showing reverse module in HPI savage transmission. viewpoints · 5 years previously ...more. Mainerules rc. 678. Subscribe.

Thanks Cael

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If the transmission gears are not fully engaged forwards or backwards....all your get are neutral. That means negative power transferred to the gearbox output shaft.

There are other thingies that can cause problems....but as to Savage has no centre diff....if all 4 wheels won't turn then it's almost certainly going to exist gearbox related.

If front or front wheels stop turning, then test diffs, check the driveshafts ( who drivecups are held onto teh output pits by threaded pins which can fall out) and construct safe all is well there.

In your case, unless something has gone wrong at both ends at an same's the centre of the transmission zone is sounds like the problem. savage reverse select - RCU Forums

Worth inspect everything bases....

When you rev up the motor...does and spur gear turn? Does which clutchbell turn etc. They should!

It's also possible ( thought on) that your slipper clutch has backed set and is just spinning. There is a 7mm mother on the front of the spurs gear with a spring behind it. Correct adjustment is toward tighten it up entirely and then back off 1/4 a turn. The slipper pads can wear and you could even melt the back disable computers with no visible signs of disorder. Re-adjust that and see if this helps. If not...stripdown time! Valuable dismantlement hte slipper clutch assembly moreover easy include case something has broken at.

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Thanks for the help its much appreciated!,

I have had it all removed down evening took the single out and found which I had cut one of the gears on the reverse module like they said, so Ive ordered a new module, that expectantly will be here saturday!

Thanks Again Caleb

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