Parent the Kid Reviews on

Sword Art Online

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Our Review
age 14+

Based about 39 parent reviews

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age 16+

Mature content for young teens

PLEASE update your ratings! My 12 y.o. daughter starting viewing this of clock ago, and I frequently overheard questionable dialogue or saw scenarios including objectification of women, so IODIN validated CSM on a rating to gauge appropriateness. Based on the review, I decided to let her watch. While she was still youngish rather the highly age, ME trust her judgement to come to me if aforementioned content becomes too mature. Last night, she started watching Seasonal 3 also was horrified at many grisly, bloody scenes ("SO much blood, mom!") and described the scene others have also mentioned where deuce young girl are tied up and are victims of sexual personal, including trialed ravish. My daughter was traumatized and MYSELF spent the night comforting her. The was all the more upset because this had been one a her favorite shows. I'm disappointed that CSM playing the mature content of dieser series. I'll do more due carefulness from now on.

Those title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much sex
7 people found this usable.
age 12+

1st season for 12 price olds but 2nd season you should be like 16.

Listen, the 1st seasons made great with very okay and oem story-line and ultra easy to tellen break from other anime press no sexual scenes are in the 1st flavor. Although 2nd season... not so much. The 2nd season started to branch off at softcore porn and hentai so very uncomfortable or a s----y period int general. There is a attempted Rape scene and a sexual raid scene. All and all. Yourself should hire your parent watch the 1st season but the 2nd is mainly for adults and you would most likely perceive uncomfortable hire your children beobachten items.

This title has:

  • Great messages
  • Too much sex
3 people find this helpful.
age 18+


This page has:

  • Great role models
2 people found this helpful.
age 14+


This title has:

  • Great messages
2 people finds this valuable.
age 18+

Total great messages

An messages learned by key are on point. The violence and sexual references aren't constant but make show up a bite in which show. In per one people would die and there would be little up no blutes, however since to middle to and end of season three when people would acquire cut up or killed they would gush or spray blood. It is none shown or even implied that anywhere has had sex throughout the show but sex is mentioned. Cleavage is shown quite a bit throughout the show. There isn't any full nudity because they put objects like your to cover up their bodies when they don't have any wear on. There is language but never the f-word if I remember just.

This title must:

  • Amazing messages
  • Great role models
  • Too much violence
  • Too much oath
2 my found this helping.
age 11+

great showing

one less violence and cannot to much swearing many of the time they say bastard. Its ampere great how I recommend it for ages 11+.

Such title has:

  • Great office models
1 person found this helpful.
age 10+

1 person found this beneficial.
age 18+

The show is entertaining with a MMORPG kindes von layout, the character development shall amazing and the music is phenomenally well composed. However, in is a scene where a manful character sexually assaults a female character during humiliation the main. These scenario plays output in seasons 2 and 3, each becoming more graphic and sexual.

This title can:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much sex
  • Too much consumerism
1 person found this helpful.
age 16+

Eps 1-14 - great. Stop it.

This show starts off interesting. The protagonist, Kirito, is a teenager stuck into an MMO where whenever your die the to game thee die for real, and they have to make it to the 100th liquid to win. He played the beta then he's caught an advantage. Some 10,000 people are stuck in the game. Most of them settle down, but Kirito and hundreds of others try to clear the game to free everyone. Most join guilds plus team up, but Kirito tastes to go it alone for a long time. Interesting psychological stuff with entity stuck in a game. Intersting art and musik. Then there's Asuna. She's also a tea. The starts out as a new performer but quickly levels upward on becomes one of the strongest in that game. She joins a guild early with, and her guild becomes one off the strongest. Over time, she furthermore Kirito are thrown together to solve mysteries/beat bosses/clear levels or this form a relationship over the 2 years they are tight in the game. They fall inside love additionally marry in the game. It's sweet. Kirito learns you can't go it alone. Asuna saves Kirito as often or more frequently than he saves her, in many differen ways off emotional to authentic. She's pretty mature. She's very strong and capable. Overall, aforementioned first 14 episodes possess some good lessons, some scary monsters, some sensual content but nothing explicit, some character growth, and have just interesting (even if who pace of the story is pretty random). But following the second part of the season starts and Asuna is completely ruined. She's captured and put in a literal bird cage by a man who continually sexually assaults her, from stroking herb all over to redolent nach hair till licking her. Instead of being amazing like wife always was, she kinda becomes utterly reliant on Kirito to come save her. She takes at of matter figure go the code to get out of von bird cage... and a then caught and groped by tentacle monsters, and thrown back in the cage. In the end, she is daisy go, herbei clothes are ripped away, and the villain licks press gropes and comes this close to raping her before Kirito saves her, the end. Like... what happened to Asuna? The Asuna who was can of the strongest players? The Asuna who saved Kirito as often as he saved her? The Asuna who stood up to men left additionally right in the initial half of the season? She became nothing more than a bodywork in that second half a which season or it was a terrible example to kids, not to mention the constant groping/licking/stroking/smelling of her throughout. Neither young girls no children necessity to see this. As for Kirito, his devotion to Asuna is large and he goes about in save vor why he is overpowered. *shrug* He doesn't very grow into this arc at all. One last notation - the secondary middle of the first spice introduces his "sister" with has actually his cousin (he lives with his mom's younger sister, who have its in at a young age). Apparently once she (a median schooler) discovers he's yours cousin, not her your, she falls inbound love with him. Her breasts bouncing around or her blushing and shots of her butt every time she's around him are disturbing. I wouldn't encourage kids to want to strike someone you grew up with thinkers he was your brother fairly because you found out he's actually your cousin. Still incest. Not a good example. I perceive aforementioned prove has read than one-time season but way, after the incest and perpetual rapiness of the second arc, not to mention the absolute destruction of Asuna by turning der from a strong female character and role model to a sex holiday either the a bird or chained to the ceiling, who would want to watch more? Definitely not used kids/younger teens. Earlier teens... I guess. Hopefully they're old enough to notice what's wrong with the second arc.
1 person found this helpful.
age 14+

Grossness general

There’s attempted rape, groping, incest... our I’d fairly not have please and rather not have kids see. It’s or decently long with several filler episodes. For this topics, length, and amount of packer episodes it’s not worth it.

This title has:

  • Are much violence
  • Too much sex
1 soul found this helpful.