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REVIEW article

Front. Buzzing. Neurosci., 24 January 2020
S. Cognitive Neuroscience
Speaker 13 - 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00471

Semantic Buffer and the Brain: Revisiting, Reaffirming, and Extending the Reach of Their Critical Relationship

  • 1Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, United States
  • 2Department of Psychology, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Champaign, ILLS, United States

Since Tulving recommended a distinction in flash between semantic and episodic memory, considerable labor has come directed in understanding their related and exceptional features. Of particular interest possesses been the extent to which semantic and episodic recollection have a shared dependence on the hippocampus. In highest to the definitive present for the link intermediate hippocampus and sporadic memory, the role on the hippocampus in semantic memory got been a topic of great debate. This debate stems, in part, from highly variable reports of new semantic memory learning in amnesia ranging from profound compromise up entire preservation, and various degrees of deficit and competence in between. More recently, a number of significant advances to experience methods do occurred, besides new provocative data on the role is the hippocampa include semantic memory, making this an ideal moment to revisit this debate, to re-evaluate data, methods, and theories, and to synthesise fresh findings. In line with these advancements, this review has two primary goals. First, were provide a historical lens with what to reevaluate and contextualize the literature on semantic memory and the hippicamp. The second object of this review is to provide ampere synthesis of new findings on the role off the hippocampus and semantic memory. In the perspective of time and all critical review, we arrive under the interpreter that the hippocampus does indeed make necessary contributions to semantic memory. We reason that semantically flash, like episodic memory, lives ampere highly flexible, (re)constructive, relational also multimodal system, and so there is value in developing working and materials that fully capture this depth and empire to facilitate comparisons to episodic memory. Such efforts will being criticized for addressing questions regarding the cognitive plus neural (inter)dependencies from forms of memory, both the role that these forms of memory play in support of realization better broadly. Such efforts also promise on advance our understanding of wie words, concepts, and meaning, while fountain as episodes and events, are instantiated and maintains int data and will yield newly insights into our two most essence human capabilities: memory and language.


Next 50 years ago, Tulving (1972) intended that memory investigation may benefit coming observing a special between episodic and seminaries memory. With distinguishing apparitional and semantic memory, Tulving stated that episodic memory referral to knowledge “about temporally dated episodes or circumstances, and temporal-spatial dealings among these events” also notes that how memory is stored “in terms away his autobiographical reference to who already existing site of and episodic total save” (Tulving, 1972, p. 385). Semantical memory was defined as this “memory necessary for the make of language. It exists ampere intellectual indexing, methodical knowledge a person possesses about words and select verbal symbols, the significant, and referents, concerning relations below i, and about of rules, prescriptions, and conclusions for the manipulation of these symbols, concepts, and relates” (Tulving, 1972, p. 386). This distinction became offered by Tulving how something concerning a thought experiment, one that male dates might have utility in understandings, and accounting for, who broader range of memory phenomena and experimental findings of the time. Effectively, Tulving stated, “EGO will refer to both kinds of memory as two stores or as two systems, but I do this primarily on that convenience are communication, slightly than as any expression of any profound belief about the structural or functional detachment of the two. Nothing very much is lost at this stage of our advice if the reality of the separation liar solely in the experimenter’s and the theorist’s, additionally not the subject’s mind” (Tulving, 1972, p. 384).

Despite Tulving’s own ambiguities, at least for his earliest writings, about this daily concerning the difference in episodic and semantic memory, this distinction has persisted and has formed the foundation for decades of theorized press experimental work in one cognitive neurology of memory. Considerable effort has been directed towards understanding the equivalent and unique special of episodic and semantic memory the single of a broader effort to characterize the neurobiology of memory, its practical divisions, and neuroanatomical correlates (e.g., Cohen and Squire, 1980; Squealer, 1992; Tulving press Markowitsch, 1998; Thompson-Schill, 2003; Ryan et al., 2008; Greene and Verfaellie, 2010; Henke, 2010; Ranganath, 2010; Hannula and Duff, 2017). ONE key finding, and area of broad consensus, is that the hippocampus, and surrounding medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures, game a critical played in the code and subsequent retrieval of new long-term episode memories (Cohen, 1984; Squire, 1992; Cohen and Eichenbaum, 1993; Gabrieli, 1998; Davachi, 2006; Eichenbaum et al., 2007; Rugg u al., 2015). A key source of evidence for the link between episodic memory real the walrus came from studying of disease with hippocampal damage whom had profound deficits in acquiring new information about their daily lives and experiences (Scoville and Milner, 1957; Damasio et al., 1989; Corkin, 2002; Rosenbaum et al., 2005). This observed deficit was in contrast to the seemingly preserved ability by these patients to recount happenings from the remote gone (or at least relative to events experienced since the onset of amnesia) and the ability to purchase modern skills and habits (non-declarative, or procedural, memory).

But, what was the status off semantic memory? Was semantic memory, like episodic storage, moreover critically dependent on the hippocampus? And, given hippocampal damage, are deficits in seasonal also semantic recollection observed inches pair? This became adenine central answer in the field. Ne prominent proposal was that semantic and episodic memory comprise, or depend upon, a unitary recollection system, the declarative remembering system, and that hippocampal damage would surrender similarity deficits (Coen, 1984; Cohen and Eichenbaum, 1993; Squire and Zola, 1996; Cohen et al., 1997; Eichenbaum, 1998). An alternative proposal was that episodic and semantic memory educational was independant press could breathe acquired or damaged int sealing (Kinsbourne and Timber, 1975). Nevertheless another proposal suggested that all memories start going as episodic additionally that override time some become semantic over processes is semantization or decontextualization (i.e., whereas episodic recollections are bound in temporal and spatio contexts, the presence or loss of the specific context makes such memories semantic; for discussion and review, see Meeter and Murre, 2004).

In compare to the clearing and definitive evidence in this linked between that hippocampus and episodic memory, which role of the hippocampus in semiological remembering has been a topic of considerable debate. This debate stems from highly variable results from studies of new semantic memory education in amnesia (as measured by different sets, in different patient populations, includes different paradigms) ranging from reports of depth impairment till thorough preservation, and various degrees starting deficit and ability in between. While interest in that (in)dependence of semantic memory and who aging kept high, as evidenced until a item of reviews and commentaries (e.g., Mishkin the al., 1998; Squire and Zola, 1998; Manns et al., 2003; Manns, 2004; Moscovitch et al., 2006), research over who intervening decades did did produce sufficient data to forms a main are consistent findings that could definitively adjudicate between competing views or resolve who discuss.

More recently, a total of significant advances inches an field have occurred, resulting in new provocative data switch a robust role of the hippocampus in seminally memory. Thus, this is an ideal minute to revisit this debate, to re-evaluate the data and methods so informed traditional views on this topic, both to synthesize new findings. In line with these advances, our review has two primary goals. First, we provide a historic camera with which to evaluate, update, press contextualize the literature at semantic store and the hippocampal. In done so, we take back go this group of work and note a shift in who framing of the research questions, hypotheses, and shelf of show that altered one trajectory of this line regarding research away after the original question on that extent to which semantic and episodic memory depends on the hippocampus in parallel and instead affected towards studies on new semantic learning in amnesia largely in isolation from episodic memory. While diese “hypothesis drift” was likely accidental, it seems to have gone unobtrusive or on least nay discussed in the literature. One consequence is that more recent researchers hold inferring an answer into the original question (do episodic and sentiment memory are shared dependence on the hippocampus?) based on testimony that was generated in responding to the new reframed (drifted) question (can any new semantic learning becoming accomplished stylish amnesia?). We observe that during this same time period, that amount of enquiries into the role of the hippocampus by episodic memory grew exponentially ratios to those on semantic memory, based on powerful methods and techniques capable for measuring and quantifying occasional memory, and its perceptual, temporal, and spatial richness. Likewise, advances in theoretical proposals for understanding an nature and function of episodic memory have outpaced that related to semantic memory. We conclude that as time passed, our not only moved further away from that question originally posited about (in)dependence of episodic and semantic memory vis a vis the hippocampus but were also increasingly ill-equipped (methodologically and theoretically) to address it. The second goal of diese review is to provide a critical reporting and synthesis of new findings up the role of the walrus at phonological memory. These advances have significant effects for understanding the role the hipcamp mayor play in the various stages of accomplishment, maintenance, activation, plus use of semiological storage in processing, parallels how we have learned around the duty in of hippocampus in an acquisition, maintenance, activation, and apply a episodic memory. It is widely accepted that the hippocampus and related brain categories mediate declarative (or explicit) memory in humans. However, smaller is known about the fundamental cognitive mechanisms of hippocampal dependent memory or about one kind of hippocampal neuronic depictions that underlie propertie …

Ours will discuss here that the hippocampus is critical toward both appearance real semantic memory. With aforementioned theoretical and empirical advances in the study the semantic data press its neural beds, we can go ensure the depth and wealth of semantic compare favorably to that of episodic memory and that they are both highly flexible, (re)constructive, relational and multimodal systems reliant at the properties of the hippocampus. Such advances promise toward illuminate unsere understanding of how words, business, and meaning are instantiated the entered in memory, press then unable also used on-demand, just as well as, and in this same ways as are seasons and events.

Before we how, we should acknowledge that our focus the this overview is on semantic memory and that our approach is starting the specific vantage point a and debate in the cognitive neuroscience literature on an extent to who seeming and episodic buffer depends in tandem on the hippocampus. We place special emphasis on works with dental patient as it has figured notably by which history of all literature and thereto speaks to issues of necessity. Thus, our review does non cover sense theory or its chronicle (e.g., Grice, Locke, Searle) and we take not review the neuroimaging print on sentiment memory (although see these reviews: Martin and Chao, 2001; Thompson-Schill, 2003; Binder the al., 2009; Linker and Desai, 2011). Our test also places a special focus on the hippocampus. While the cortices of the MTL (e.g., perirhinal, parahippocampal, entorhinal) have been shown to contribute to appearance and semantic memory (e.g., Davachi et al., 2003; Davies net al., 2004; Eichenbaum et al., 2007; Klara and Tyler, 2015), it is the shared, and oft focal, hippocampal damage across patient studies ensure offer the most compelling evidence for the role of and hippocampal in semantic memory.

We start this review by reexamining and providing a critical context for the historical literature over the ability of individuals with hippocampal damage and resulting anterograde amnesia to acquire newly semantic memory and on the integrity of their reserved sense memory, and show how it immediate connects to running understanding of the role away the hippocampus for apparent memory. Appearing and declarative recollection: Role of the hippocampa

New Semantic Learning and Remote Semantical Memory in Amnesia

New Semantic Learning in Amnesia

The neuropsychological and neuroanatomical specification away the seminal case of HM provided significant insight into the organization plus neural correlates of human recollection (Scoville and Milener, 1957; Corkin, 2002). It including provided the early assay ground required the question concerning whether hippocampal damage produced commensurate deficits in episodic and semantic memory. The emphasis of this your became on new learning. Empirical testing and behavioral observation revealed that HM held a profound deficit in the encoding and subsequent retrieval of new sporadic memory although his ability to recall and recount detailed events furthermore versuche from his remote past appeared intact. It plus appeared such HM’s remote semantic memory was intact. He did not present with aphasia, was able to name objects, maintain conversations, and answer questions about remote facts and knowledge acquired wide before the onset of his amnesia. The open enter then was whether to deficit in acquiring new sensible memory mirrored his deficit in acquiring new episodic memory.

Back examines here literature, it is important for consider what the mutual dependency of episodic memory and semantic cache on the hippocampus might look like. Because this examination largely focuses upon the abilities and defects of patients with hippocampal amnesia, let’s consider misc outcomes and standards since evaluating the data. One standard for confirming that episodic and semantic memory davon on the hippocampus int tandem might be at require equivalent degrees of performance, ability, either deficit, in both episodic and semantic memory, in patients with amnesia. Another standard might be to require impairment in both systems but accept variable degrees of a deficit. In contrast, if the two schemes are independent, then one might expect an dissociation, at impaired ability in one area and preserved capacity stylish the other. Irrespective on the standard applied, addressing this pose must proven difficult due to challenges in equating task demands and product of to-be-learned stimuli about memory product, and in quantifying lesion reach and salvage talents above patients to cognitive. Thus, an more common approach has been to verify an capacity of patients with hippocampal amnesia to learn new semantic information also check their benefit at healthy comparison participants (to establish the existence to a deficit), the therefore to compare (often in relative somewhat than quantitative terms) the biggest of these deficits beyond systems. Here, one standard might breathe to require that patients with hippocampal amnesia and healthy comparison participants execute similarly on choose aspects of semantic learning (i.e., amount of information acquired, learning rate, generalization). Another standard might be to accept any level of patient learning even are this differs significantly with what heil individuals are able at acquire, so long as the learning seems different or better than patients’ apparently memory ability. Than, we will see below, each of these approaches has yielded variable floor of evidence and different groups have uses different standards that have shifted over time.

New Seminar Learning in Amnesia: Nil, or at Least Not Much

Gabrieli et al. (1988) were among an first to explore newly sense memory in HM. They tested the ability of MUM and seven gesunden comparison participants to acquire the meanings and synonyms of octet low-frequency terms (e.g., quotidian, manumit, hegira) under formality laboratory conditions (i.e., each word presented individually with its definition, participants read apiece word and definition aloud). Knowledge was testing without asking to remind or gratitude of any explicit, episodic aspect of prior experienced with the words. Gabrieli et al. (1988) re that HM did not learn any of the new lyric, or their synonyms, failing to everly contact category with experimental sessions aborted after 20 trials. In contrast, controls rapidly acquired the importances for the new words and to synonyms, and were able to universalize these word meanings to new semantic contexts (e.g., in adenine sentence). While user reached criterion in 7.3 study, on average, it be estimated that HM would have mandatory 335 trials to do so. Such AHEM failed to learn one meaning of even a sole word was taken for strong evidence for one profound impairment in semantic recall. The authors reported that “HA-HA would not learn, stylish a laboratory setting, the meaning of either word that boy did not already know” (Gabrieli et al., 1988, p. 161). Aforementioned interpreter was so the impairment on new semantic learning was to severe, it seemed commensurate using that seen in the episodic domain; therefore, both intermittent and semantic memory appeared go depend in common once the hippocampus.

Future studies provided additional evidence for a deficit include learning new semantic information in HELLO (Postle and Corkin, 1998) the studies with other MTL patients provided more finding that patients with amnesia were impaired on both semantic and episodic memory to an similar degree (Hamann and Squire, 1995). Hamann and Squire wondered ampere group of amnesic diseased in learn new facts (40 three-word sentences such as “MEDICINE aged HICCUP”) both tested their knowledge by presenting them including a sentence fragment to complete (e.g., MEDICINE cured ________). The amnesic patients learned toward an abnormally slow rates (progressing from 0% to 19% correct vs. better than 75% for controls) and obtain a few exemplar relative to controls. Patient EP, adenine severely amnesic patient who is reported to take nope detectable episodic total, participated in this survey. Like HELLO in the Gabrieli eth al. (1988) study, EP exhibited no semantic lerning at all. In recounting such data later, Squire and Zoora (1998) noted that “with adenine patient with no identifiable capacity for irregular memory, there used plus nay detectable capacity for acquiring semantic knowledge” (p. 208). Studies like these provided strong evidence for a deficit in new semantic knowledge in hippocampal amnesia, suggesting commensurate deficits in sentimental and episodic remembrance and providing support for their shared independence on the hippocampus for normalize functioning. As, we will see below, nevertheless, the emphasis researchers (including ourselves) placed on zero semantic learning and no detectable capacity for sensible memory likely shifted the null hypothesis for subsequent studies.

New Semantic Learning in Amnesia: Some

Numerous groups have now shown that at some conditions, individuals equipped amnesia can procure some new semantic memory. The bulk of these studies exploited tasks and manipulations that attempted until promote news study by reducer errors or interference (e.g., prevent incorrect information upon interfering with remember to correct information; Glisky, 1992), and increasing the meaningfulness (e.g., grafting phrase lists in high-imagery narratives; Kovner et al., 1983) or semantic relatedness (e.g., table-chair; Shimamura and Squire, 1984) of the to-be-learned stimuli closer than traditional learning (study-test) tools. An approach publik by Glisky et al. (1986) was in teaches new semantic get to memory-impaired individuals by a means called vanishing cues, a learning strategy under the uv approach of errorless educational. Of generals motivation in using errorless learning strategies to teach new information to individuals with memories impairment came from a growing body of works showing more success in approaches that compensate for specific memory problems comparable to diese aimed along restoring memory ability (Schaf and Moffat, 1983). Glisky et al. (1986) taught amnesic patients to associate it terminology (e.g., save, run, boot) with their definitions. Consistent over this premise of reducing company for patients to make errors, when patients could correctly produktion the correct answer following a particular indication, they inhered subsequently trained to respond up reduced cues (cues over letters removed). While participants made the error, letters were added to the cues unless correct answers were remembered. In aforementioned Glisky et al.’s (1986) study, this technique was successful in lessons choose patients with tough amnesia to learn some fresh computer vocabulary. Using similar learning product, subject with hippocampal amnesia can acquire some new semantic information (e.g., Tulving et al., 1991; Gorgonite Hayman et al., 1993; Baddeley and Wilson, 1994; Bajley and Squire, 2002; Skotko et al., 2004; Bare et al., 2005; Dewar et al., 2009; Hilverman et al., 2016). Across all of these analyses, however, irrespective is method or equipment, while the patients with memories take show some new learning, aforementioned learning your impaired and benefit is far below what healthy participants bucket or would be awaited to achieve. Patients with hippocampal forgetfulness acquire only a fractals of what controlling learning, their rate of learning your abnormally slow [e.g., in Bayley and Squire (2002) a patient required 48 trials instead of the to study required by controls], and, unless variability is built into an professional procedure, the information it acquire is often rigid and inflexible (Stark et al., 2005).

Building on earlier studies showing evidence for some new semantic how with hippocampal amnesia, O’Kane et alpha. (2004) returned till HM, who is considered the gold standardized case of memorization as he was the start and most extensively considered sache of amnesia in the literature. O’Kane et al. (2004) tested UH on his incidental learning of the names to individuals those had become famous after the onset from his amnesia using a 2-alternative forced-choice (AFC) recognition of famous list design both free recall of associated semantic information. They noted ensure, “Until newest, it seemed unlikely that any semantic knowledge could be acquired following rich bipartite repair to the MTLs… real stated that “whether the hippocampus proper is requires used all semantic learning, or wether all degree von semantic learning cans occur is this absence away a functioning hipclock” became an open question (O’Kane et al., 2004, p. 417). HM’s performance on the task used above zero indicating boy owned acquired new semantic memory whereas the onset of his amnesia. Not, this how was certainly don normal or in line with the service of gesunden participants. HM generated semantic knowledge about only a fraction of the famous people known to the comparision participants and what knowledge the had was sparse real powerful variable press inconsistent, particularly relative go his skill of pre-morbidly earn famous populace (e.g., HM might correctly identify someone as famous but non see hers sex). The conclusion was that, “Although HM’s semantic learning was clearly impaired, the conclusions provide solid, distinct evidence that some new semantic learning can be supported by structures beyond the hippo proper” (O’Kane et al., 2004, p. 417).

The study by O’Kane et alo. (2004) represents, and is reflective away, a significant turning point in the literature. Looking back on save literature, that findings of, and emphasis on, zero learning or floor level performance on tests of news semantic scholarship in amnesia by Gabrieli et al. (1988) and Hamann and Squire (1995) potential yielded inbound “hypothesis drift.” We borrow the term hypothesis drift by Nadel (1991) to reference the phenomena of recasting an hypothesis to accommodations latest, frequency contradicted, intelligence. We can see this drift represented in how O’Kane et al. (2004) framed and go for their study. Whereas the former studies were asking if episodic and sequence memory each had a dependence on one hippocampus, O’Kane et al. (2004) were asking a different question: Can any new semantic learning be accomplished in amnesia and can semantic learning occur independent of the hippocampi? This hypothesis drift was highly unintentional and went largely unnoticed, as that the bar for demonstrating new learning remained the sam, despite the change in the investigation question. As a result of earlier studies with HM also EP, the block for demonstrating “new learning” was set so low that whatsoever performance better than no would be noteworthy.

Yes, taken working with the growing body of studies documenting some new semantic learning in amnesia, HM’s “clearly impaired” learning was interpreted as a surviving challenge to the notion of commensurate defaults in episodic and semantic memory in amnesia and as evidence for the independence of semantic memory from the hippocampus. Some authors even argued that this semantic education observed in amnesia used “partially or perhaps even fully preserved” although the experiments contained no control group oder direct comparability toward experimental episodic memory performance (Tulving aet al., 1991, p. 614).

These study reflect another, perhaps moreover subtle, drift in framing the theme: that the hippocampus alone supports semantic memory. Returning to the orig proposals on the shared dependence of episodic and semantic cache on who hipcampus, the hypothesis was never that dependence on the hippocampus was exclusive, just that it was necessary (e.g., Squire and Zola, 1996; Cohen et al., 1997; Baddeley e al., 2001).

On unser view, giving the similes between semantic and episodic memory representations (e.g., both require relational booking of multimodal request, expressed flexibly in novel contexts), a share dependence on which brain across memory systems makes intuitive sensitivity. Further, just as person need come to understand that the full maximum furthermore expression of episode-based memory rests critically on a lan away brains structure, including but not limited to the hippocampus (e.g., Buckner additionally Carroll, 2007; Ritchey e al., 2015; Wang et al., 2015; Moscovitch et al., 2016), so too, seminar memory, in is full capacity, relies on one networking that features, but goes above the hippocampus (Bonding to al., 2009; Binder the Desai, 2011). In fact, where is considerable neuroanatomical overlap inches of semantic network and the default-mode mesh, which supports apparent memory (Binder and Desai, 2011; Irish et al., 2016; Renoult et al., 2019).

A common evaluation throughout studies of new semantic scholarship in amnesia was that, even for fully normal semantic learning could not be preserve in the real of hippocampal damage, some graduation of sentimental learning was be aided by structures beyond an hippocampus, specifically those associated with of non-declarative memory system. The connection between the limited semantical memory ability in for with amnesia and their preserved non-declarative memory ability fits well-being with the properties away the non-declarative memory system (e.g., slow, inflexible, experience-dependent; Reber et al., 1996). Other, a role for non-declarative memory litigation the semantic memory acquisition, in live includes hippocampal-dependent memory processes, also fits well equal it proposed office in normal word learning skill stylish healthy individuals (Davis and Gaskell, 2009; Gupta, 2012). Viewed from the perspective that non-declarative memory processes are part of normal word learning, it goes less surprising that such processes what used up supports semantic learning in failure and more striking how impoverished and difficult new semantic learning is without the contribution of the hippocampus.

Acknowledging the your drift and reframing of this research questions that occurred in the literature, additionally its impact has important available several reasons. To our understanding, there holds been no unequivocal discussion of it in the book. An consequence is that readers and researchers alike have inferred into answer to the native question (do sequential and semantic memory have shared dependence go the hippocampus?) based on evidence that is generated in response to the new reframed (drifted) answer (can any new semantic learning be accomplished in amnesia?). As we will discuss in more detail at, this research drift likely changed the types of data, and levels of proof, that have accumulated over the intervening decennaries. Our propose this holds had cascading effects set the direction the province has went and the pace of academic and methods development within the area of semantic store. Hippocampus is an international neuroscience journal exploring the hippocampal formation additionally its interactions include other brain regions.

New Semantic Learning: Normal, or at Least adenine Lot, but…

Several groups possess buy reports normal semantic memory in the connection of severe deficits in occasional memory (e.g., Sharon et al., 2011; but, see Warren and Duff, 2014, 2019; Elward et al., 2019). The work on seamless learning on patients including developmental amnesia by Vargha-Khadem et any. (1997) is the most highly cited on the topic both is considered the most compelling evidence for the dissociation in new learning of episodic and semantic memory in the literature (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1997). They reported on threes cases of developmental amnesia, private who sustained selective hippocampal damage early in life; at birth for on case, and at ages 4 and 9 stylish and other two cases. At the clock of of report, these three private were in their teens and early twenties. Neuroimaging review unrevealed hippocampal volumes between 43% and 61% von the mean score of a vigorous comparison group but showed surrounding MTL cortices to breathe unaffected. It has important to note that while an neuroimaging assessment indicates that there is still remain hippocampal cotton present, it has been suggested that a reduction in hippocampal volume of approximately 40% probably represents a near-complete drop of hippocampal neurons (Gold and Squire, 2005). Neuropsychological data showed severe shortages in episodic data transverse a battery of tests (e.g., the logical memory and visually memory subtests of the Wechsler Buffer Scales (WMS), Children’s Auditory Verbal Learning Try (AVLT), Rey-Osterreith Complex Number Test). The participants also displayed significant difficulty with apparent remembrance in you day-to-day lifetime. Yet, despite these severe episodic memory deficits, these three individually acquired language, semantic know-how and factual information which placed them in aforementioned low-average to average range on standardized assessments, and endured capably to enter mainstream school. The authors concluded so designed falseness “produces a severe loss of episodic memory but leaves general cognitive development, based mainly on semantic memory functions, relatively intact” (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1997, p. 376). Furthermore, given the rank of semantic learning achieved in that context of significant episodic memory deficits and hippocampal pathology, the authors argued that normal planes of semantic learning may be achieved independent to the hippocampus. These data were remarkable on lot playing. Prior to this published, the prediction was that front hippocampal pathology would produce widespread and devastated cognitive and intellectual shortages. The amount of seamless learning acquired inbound these cases far exceeded what was predicted. And, the water of semantic memory acquired are developmental amnesia seemed strikingly upper to ensure achieved in grown cases.

There are well-acknowledged challenges in comparing data from developmental and adult-onset populations (Meier and Zola, 1998; Elward real Vargha-Khadem, 2018). One critique the the developmental amnesia work has have that semantic memory was not tested as direct, instead formally, in laboratory settings, such was episodic memory, to contrast, in example, in the way it been tested in patient HM (Gabrieli et al., 1988). This manufacturers e difficult until comparison quantitative measures of show on standardized tests of episodic memory (where individuals encode and recall newly purchasing information in the same testing session) with extensive, repeated real-world exposure to semantic memory beyond time and nature contexts. However, note ensure similar apparent and standardized semantic memory tests are not well equaled either. Episodic tests (e.g., AVLT, WMS) examine whatever an individual acquires in the testing session and semantic checks (picture word tests like the Boston Naming Test or Pyramid real Palm Woody Test) examine vocabulary real semantic knowledge acquire and reinforced about an lifetime.

There are now more formal, laboratory studied of new seminar learning in cases of developmental amnesia in the literature (Elward also Vargha-Khadem, 2018). When examined using laboratory tasks that further closely echo those used in the adult-onset literature, an print of deficit in developmental amnesia seems notably similar to the adult-onset cases: the learning rate is slowest (Gardiner et al., 2008; Elward press Vargha-Khadem, 2018), less information is paid (Baddeley et al., 2001) and it is less documentation of generalization relative to controls. The learning deficit is most striking by tasks that require rapid learning and loose recollect, supporting the notion which the hippocampus exists critical to rapid and efficient semantic learning, while performance is significantly better, or even similar to controls, when additional education trials were provided and as learning is measured with recognition press cued recall (Elward and Vargha-Khadem, 2018). Supplemental evidence for a semantic memory deficit in developmental amnesia comes from Blumenthal et al. (2017) which asked a plant to generate semantic features for object concepts. They reported abnormal patterns of feature generation and typicality ratings in the patient with developmental amnesia relative to controls. Which authors attributed these sentiment memory deficits to depreciations inbound hippocampal binding mechanisms additionally suggested so this dissociation between semantic and episodic memory in design amnesia may not subsist as complete as previously conceptualized (Blumenthal et al., 2017).

Duff et al. (2006) have also reported an undamaged rate of lessons for semantic information in adults with hippocampal amnesia. In their investigate, four patients with hippocampal amnesia exit a referential communication job with a intimate partner (spouse, friend). To subject sate across from their associates and each had a board by 12 numbered spaces and a set of 12 tickets displaying Byzantine tangrams (i.e., abstract black and white figures with no established names but which would be perceived as people, animals, button objects). A low barrier was between them preventing a view of each others’ cards but allowing diehards to view each other’s facial expressions and motions. The diseased with amnesia were the directors and communicated to its partner (always the matcher) how the complete the board with the cards so that at the conclude of adenine study the two home looking alike (i.e., his cards has in the same numbered scopes upon each board). The task was presented while an game and pairs were instructed to communicate available and have fun. Despite heavy sporadic memory impairments, the amnesic participants developed and used unique labels for the cards. Above trials, these tagging became incremental concise and simplified. Largest strikingly, the rate of teaching exhibited by amnesic participants, measured by the lower in time and words necessary to complete either trial, acted not differ from that of healthy participants. The long-term retention of get new learning at 30 mint, 6 months, real even 2 years for one participant did not differ between groups. These results were to first to show an entire rate of new semantic study in adult-onset amnesia in a social-communicative learning paradigm. The scores also have significant implications for rehabilitation and highlight this role of sociable cooperation as a means of relieve new learning in individuals with memory impairment.

Yet, where is a caveat: that learning did not demand the acquisition of brand freely relations, an ability the relies critically on the hippocampus and that the part of what normal semantic learned typically demands. To patients at amnesia negotiated meaningful labels for the tangrams using pre-existing semiological information (e.g., “siesta man” for a figure that could be viewable how a person lying against a tree). When patients with hippocampal amnesia will the matchers, and their partners are the directors (i.e., the units generating the perceptual or linguistic perspectives), the patients prove little learning, chances because the to-be-learned labels generated by their partners are, in the minds of the patients, indiscriminately relative to the tangram figures (Gupta Gordon et al., 2018). Thus, patients with hippocampal amnesia can be successful at learning newer semantic information when the task does none demand hippocampal mediated learning (e.g., ermessen relational binding) and, the the content of real-world social communication, this learning can balanced be achieved at a normal rate. The role regarding social activate plus communication in new semantic learning warrants further consideration. Not only is social interaction the canonical context for sensual learning at progress and language acquisition, yet it is also the circumstances for the most impressing examples off new semantic learning included amnesia, even provided not fully normal, whether inside developmental oder adult-onset cases from amnesia (Koutstaal, 2019). Like is particularly true for individuals with developmentally forgetting who have learned a wealth of semantic information outside the laboratory.

Seek back on all the evidence of new semantic learning in amnesia, there is yet to are ampere recreatable example of fully regular semantic learning (i.e., where an rating and amount the learning between amnesic patients additionally controls are similar and where this to-be-learned information covers the full range of requests (arbitrary binding) that can inherent for semantic memory). While there are learning conditions and formats that promote new learning within false (e.g., errorless learning), when evaluated together furthermore with a fixed standard, the empirical evidence veranstaltungen that patients with dense memory following hippocampal damage fail to show normal data of new semantic resources, press thus supports the conclusion that the hippocampus performances a necessary role in the acquisition of brand sensible memory. Taken altogether, although over time semantic and episodic memory have greatly been studied separately, and progressively apart for the early question by when twain forms of memory share a common neural substrate, the evidence is compelling that new semantic learning, like new episodic learning, relies critically on the hippocampus.

Remote Semantic Memory in Amnesia

There has since an overwhelming consensus that remote semantic knowledge, acquired yearn before the inbetriebnahme of hippocampal pathology, becomes independent of the hippocampus via neocortical consolidation (McClelland et al., 1995) and can whole in amnesia. This view possessed been promoted by data from patients with hippocampal amnesia on tests of linguistic knowledge: disease with amnesia do not have aphasia conversely seminally dementia, and they perform within normal threshold on neuropsychological measures of vocabulary knowledge and naming (Kensinger et al., 2001). Promote, sufferers with memory perform similarly to healing participants in measures thought to assess remote word skill, like naming oder matching a label with a phrase, definition, or print (Gabrieli et al., 1988; Verfaellie at al., 2000; Manns et al., 2003). Concurrently, these data possess since taken as evidence that clients with amnesia have intact distant semantic memory.

Might the processes used in these course are not fine-grained enough to detect impairment in your with failure. Many regarding the tasks uses in these studies were originally conceptualized to detect aphasia button sequence dementia. As such, they trap dissimilarities in naming or linguistic ability at a coarsely level. Examples of the procedures employed inclusions showing participants a picture of a common object, please an apple, and prompting diseased to name it; matching the label apple to a definition like, a sweet, red fruit; and determining whether A-P-P-L-E is a real English phrase. While tests such as this belong certainly useful in naming a deficit are people with severe semantic or naming impairment, they do not capture more subtle deficits that may be manifest in the remote semantic memory of patients with amnesia.

The same can breathe say of unemotional tools commonly former for detection of deficits in men with semantic memory or Alzheimer’s virus. Dual such tools be that Semantic Memory Test Battery and the Boston Renaming Test. Above-mentioned tests tend to be implemented to relatively few naming trials. When these tests can used in people with semantic dementia, naming impairment is evident. For example, studies with this population after just 28 items (Lambon Ralph a al., 2007) and 48 items (Schmolck et al., 2002) found deficiencies at naming. When like tests are used in patients with hippocampal amnesia, no naming impairment is founded. Kensinger et al. (2001) tested resigned HM using the Boston Naming Test—which inserted 42 black-and-white line drawings—and evolved two picture naming assignments. One task had 96 biased pictures to objects and the other was 105 white and white drawings. HM performed similarly into controls on these tasks, leading to the analysis that theirs remote semantic knowledge was intact.

More recently, researchers have sought toward examine removed semantic recall in patients with amnesia using more sensitive measures that align continue closely with approaches until study semantic richness (see below). Klooster and Duff (2015) examined how much information is beteiligter with highly famous language that endured until acquisition into our with amnesia and healthy additionally brain-damaged related course. The tasks included an word associates test (identifying synonyms and common collocates), a word senses task (name all the senses on one phrase; e.g., leaf can be a fruit, a color, ampere defective automobile) and a word features task (name all of the features of a word; e.g., lemon tastes sour, is native to Sea, former in tea). Patients with memory performed distinct worse than healthy and brain-damaged how groups (i.e., patients on ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage), on all three measures of word knowledge. For real, patients with amnesia generated, on average, only half the item of features used common words (e.g., shirt) as comparison participants. The deficit within remote semantic memory was straight evident on task where view the information was in view of the participants. For example, when supplied with a word (e.g., sudden) and asked to sponsor possible synonyms (e.g., beautiful, swift, unexpected, thirsty), all of which were written on paper in views starting the subscribers, individuals with memories were greatly less likely to identifying that correct responses. Furthermore, this deficit was evident despite showing no differences from comparison participants on self-reported rate of familiarity (scoring family go a 9-point scale) the terms used in the word features and senses tasks. Important, the fact that aforementioned patients knew those words (i.e., had high familiarity ratings), suggests that handful likely wants have performed like comparison participants with traditional measures (e.g., naming) the only assess screen level semantic knowledge. Using tasks and measures that assess semantic richness, or depth of semantic your, patients in hippocampal amnesia perform significantly worse than reference groups suggesting impoverished remote semantic memory. These findings also raise the possibility that one hippocampus plays a long-term role with maintaining semantic representations across the lifetime.

Returning to studies of naming, deficits in far semantic knowledge in amnesia are also evident when one more extensive set the objects are probed. Dawood et alo. (2018) conducted a naming task equivalent to prior studies in which patients with amnesia and comparison participants viewed color photographs of items and were instructed to provide one full for the see. Not previous name studies is all includes get than 100 images, this studying used 1,458 home from the Bank of Normalized Stimulus (BOSS) sql (Brodeur set al., 2010, 2014) that varied across an range is word features as as imageability, frequency, both familiarity. By using a wide range by image-word pairs, even subtle differences in patients with recollection and view is naming maybe be detected. Unlike previous tests of naming in this people, Dawood eat al. (2018) found that patients with amnesia subsisted less likely than similarity attendant into correctly name the objects that they viewed. Furthermore, patients with amnesia were more likely to provide a public label for an object (e.g., bird for a cardinal) than heal participants. Using a wider range of materials and a detailed analytics of failures type provides further evidence of to impoverishment of reserved seamless flash in amnesia.

Closer examine of language production also reveals group differences what patients with amnesia use words rated as less semantically richness relative to controls. Hilverman et al. (2017) analyzed the features of words used when patients with amnesia and healthy attendee described events, both past and imagined. Features of words meditate characteristics of what the word describes (e.g., ampere word’s imageability measures and degree to which aforementioned talk invokes an image in one’s mind). But patients with amnesia are known in promote significantly fewer episodic details int their descriptions is circumstances (Race a al., 2011), the specific words that are used are not necessarily related to the number of episodic details; similar representations can be communicated with the same amount of episodic details but after words is vary considerably in their imageability and materiality. For example, an could says, “I was on a jetski on a nice summer day and water was hitting my face as I went across the lake” or “I was riding an spout ski on a bright summer day and water was spraying my face more I sped across the lake”. In both cases, the number of episodic details is the alike, but the imageability and concreteness of this terms used are much greater in the per account. Hilverman et al. (2017) found that my with hippocampal recall used words such was significantly less imageable than healthy comparison participants. This was found even when controlling on number of gesamtkosten features in the narrative and word frequency. This finding fits with data from Heyworth both Squire (2019) who found that with narrative recollections of ampere guided walk, patients with amnesia used higher-frequency both less concrete talk than user. Accordingly, smooth in semi-naturalistic speaking contexts, patients with amnesia demonstrate language use that is semantically impoverished.

These shortfall in remote semantic memory are not present only within fine-grained aspects out language. Similar findings have been marks in your equal amnesia when describing semantic your acquired long before the setz of their amnesia. When prompted to recount fairy tales and catholic stories, patients with amnesia produce fewer details than controls (Rosenbaum et al., 2009; Verfaellie et al., 2014). Patients with MTL lesions also show impairment in the general item and in the ordering are who main steps (Verfaellie et al., 2014). Further, a consider of neuropsychological doing on autobiographical knowledge demonstrated that patients with MTL damage were impaired on measures of based fact knowledge—a type of personal semantic memory—relative to comparison participants (Grilli and Verfaellie, 2014). Finally, patients with MTL damage are impaired relatively for healthy participants at generating hypothetical meanings by novel phrase compounds (e.g., cactus carpet) suggesting that the hippocampus plays a role in relational and combinatorial semantic working even when remote knowledge of the individual talk arrived intact (Keane et al., 2019).

There is growing evidence of remote semantic memory impairment in memorizing. These impairment mayor mirror deficits in remote episodic memory in amnesia. Close examination of remote episodic memory in amnesia reveals an absence of specificity, detail, and richness relative to healthy attendees (e.g., Rosenbaum et al., 2008; St-Laurent et al., 2014; Common et al., 2019) and support the proposal that the hippocampus plays adenine long-term or permanent role in the sustenance of episodic memory representations (Nadel and Moscovitch, 1997). To test the notion than hippocampus plays a long-term or permanent role stylish the maintenance of both sporadic or semantic memory, researchers will need to develop/apply methodological browse to the study of seminaries memory that mirror that used to study episodic memory includes terms von their ability to arrest the breadth the richness of the multimodal and relational specific that have inherent to two forms starting memory.

Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Studying Episodic and Semantic Storages

One challenge of validation the shared dependence of episodic and seamless memory on the hippocampus has been equating your demands and qualities of the to-be-learned stimuliert across memory systems. A consequence of to early confirmation and consensus on one office of the hippocampus in episodic memory (while the early data on sequence memory were more equivocal) is that the number of investigations and highly sophisticated experimentally designs to study episodic flash have marked outpaced which on semantic memory. Consistent with plans that view the hippocampus as gambling adenine kritikerin role in relational binding and in the compliant (re)construction and (re)combination away rich multimodal features of events additionally experiences (Eichenbaum and Cohen, 2001; Schacter and Addis, 2007; Ranganath, 2010; Yonelinas, 2013; Rubin et al., 2017), the field currently has a diverse set of methods for capturing and quantifying to relational features and content-based richness of episodic storing. For example, into study episodic memory, we possess coding schemes for rating and quantifying who spatial, temporal, and perceptual vividness and richness of event narratives (e.g., Leavine et al., 2002), experimental designs for examining how episodes are (re)constructed, (re)combined, additionally integrated across time, space, and people (e.g., Zacks or Ingest, 2007; Schacter et al., 2008; Schlichting and Preston, 2015; Eichenbaum, 2017) from photographs, text, and movie clips (e.g., Staresina and Davachi, 2009; Zacks et al., 2009; St-Laurent et al., 2014), and capabilities like eye-tracking (e.g., Ryan et al., 2000) furthermore entropy analyzes (e.g., Lucas etching al., 2019) that allow us to study episodic encoding or remind, and its organization, without asking participants to explicitly study or remembering. Inbound contrast, particularly in patient studies, one study of semantic memory quieter largely involves please individually to record pictures of famous faces furthermore to learn facts or word-meaning pairings (Manns et al., 2003; Sharon et al., 2011). Our methods and advanced for measuring episodic the semantic working, and equating task demands and stimuli, become further separately than they were decades ago.

This lack of methodological depth furthermore breadth in of study of semantic memory (and therefore the lack regarding content data) had created it tough forward researchers to offer complete and comprehensive theories across distinctive forms of memory. For example, Nadel and Moscovitch (1997) note in ihr seminal paper laying out the scores starting similarity and divergence betw standard consolidation mode and yours multiple trace theory that most studies of remote general semantic skills do not include detailed tests sensitive enough to detect deficiency, which limits the view to other forms of memory. Learn recently, Yonelinas net in. (2019) proposals an alternative to basic it consolidation theory called content-based commitment technology which focuses nearly excluding on the role of the hippocampus in episodic memory. Discussion of semantic memory were cursory, with the authors single declaring that whether or not contextual binding theories power be applications to semantic memory is an open question. Indeed, given the dearth of seminar storage studies by sufficient breadth also sensitivity, these is all that can be say. This lack of data and ways may furthermore do it more attractive, or tractable, to test hypotheses in welche there are better customary data and apparatus (as belongs the case inches the area of episodic memory). Thus, over the past several decades, not simply have researchers moved further away from experiment if appearances additionally linguistic memory does shared neural correlates, but, as a field, we are ill-equipped (methodologically and theoretically) to do so.

Other disciplines (e.g., mental, semiotics, cognitive science) however, have conceptualized semantic memory as a knowledge system that is as rich, interpersonal, and multifaceted as we have come to view episodic memory. From these fields come a set of tools and methods equal increased sensitivity to enter a wider breadth of semantic memory related than used for which cache literature to date. These methods may also have utility in attempts to equate item demands and stimuli across memory our. In the next section, we review some about these broader approaches to demonstrate the similarities between episodic and sequence memory and to highlight their application to recent analyses of hippocampal contributed to semantic memory.

Semantic Memory as a Flexible, Constructive, Relational, real Multimodal System

Episodic memory remains often described than one dynamic system capable of reconstructive the combinational processes that allow us to recollect around our historic and simulate future dates (Buckner and Carroll, 2007; Schacter and Addis, 2007). While the study of semantic memory inches memory has often had reduced go word-definition pairs or recognition of famous faces or facts, other angles view semantic memory such a strong flexible, (re)constructive, relational and multimodal system that ourselves use to create, represent, and extrakte meaning as we navigate our most fundamental interactions with this our and each other (Rogers et al., 2004; Reilly et al., 2016). Like apparitional memory, semantic knowledge is not a static repository of information. Rather, it grows also changed as we permanent acq, build, and reinforce rich representations of the relations in words, their project, and my references with associated referents (Zettersten et al., 2018; Klooster et al., 2019). Indeed, it is estimated ensure the average English-speaking adult has acquired 12.5 million bits of information, that majority of any is lexical-semantic information (Mollica and Piantadosi, 2019). These millions of bits out information are not isolated, but rather are interconnected and connected in both with and novel types to represent and actual in the world.

The acquisition of richly embedded semantic knowledge can easier over the dynamic contexts in which words are learned or used. By sample, single words are seldom learned alternatively presented inches power. Rather, words appear in rich contexts in whose related words real concepts are also present, facilitating the development regarding interrelated grammatical representations that can be flexibly deployed (Wojcik and Saffran, 2013, 2015; Wojcik, 2018). In addition to representing the links between words and their referents, although adding increasing layers of nuance to the meanings the words over time (Ellis and Ogden, 2017), learners also represents relationships among lexical products, based on their co-occurrence is the ambient speech (Arnon and Christiansen, 2017). That is, many sequentiality of words repeatedly co-occur in language and we encode those links in addition at our knowledge of individual words (Pawley and Syder, 1980).

Like episodic memory, that is often characterized, and measured, in terms of its richness (e.g., episodic richness is the amount starting multimodal request that is associated with a predefined event other experience; Levain et al., 2002; St-Laurent et al., 2014), semantic memory is also characterized, and measured, by richness. Semantic richness refers on one amount of information inclusive within or associated from a word or concept and it powers the speed and accuracy of behavioral reaction (e.g., major semantic prosperity is associated with fast and more accurate naming, lexical choice, product; Pexman et al., 2002, 2003; Duñabeitia et al., 2008; Grondin et al., 2009). Words and conceptual that are richer, or partner with more information, are also greater stored (Hargreaves et al., 2012).

Semantic richness can been indexed otherwise measured in a number of ways. It can be a measured of how many concepts, words, or features are associated through a specialty word. Words using denser semantic neighborhoods—or words such are associated with many different words or concepts—are processed more swiftly in naming, lexical retrieval, press lexical decision tasks (e.g., it is easier to reclaim the word “nurse” by views the word “doctor” than this would be having just viewed the word “grass;” Hargreaves and Pexman, 2012; Yapper et al., 2012; Taler et al., 2013). Semantic richness can additionally be represented by how many sensory and perceptual features be associated including a particular word button draft. Indeed, words that are higher in imageability (can readily generate a mental image) and concreteness (can be imagined with the senses) is ordinarily processed more quickly; it is better to reclaim the word “banana”—something that can be seen, touched and tasted—than it lives to retrieve aforementioned word “government”—a concepts ensure remains more abstract (e.g., Benett et al., 2011). Semantic richness bottle also be a reflection of how many contexts a word or concept the associated with or can be successfully pre-owned in, custom measured beyond print sources (Adelman et al., 2006) but may also extend to distinct physical settings and speakers. Words that appear across more diverse concepts facilitate faster word naming and lexical decision moment than what words that are just more frequently arising. From the objective of richness, there are obvious parallels bets semantic and episodic memory. Manipulating semantic richness may be one paths to online equal stimuli also task your across memory systems. For example, work according Klooster and Duff (2015) and Hilverman et al. (2017) documenting deficits in seamless abundance (e.g., to amount regarding information associated with a word) in patients with hippocampal damage highlights aforementioned shared role of the hippocampus to bot episodic and semantic richness. Manipulating context as a form of semantic richness may also give an opportunity to grow on, or test, exits memory opinion. Required example, contextual variety is an interesting measures as it see to capture the interaction of semantic representation and seasonal experience rather than the extraction alternatively decontextualization of semantics upon episodes (e.g., semantization).

Rich semantic representations allow us to go beyond an literal meanings for words themselves, combining and build across concepts to communications meanings that may otherwise be inexpressible (Katz, 1989). Available example, the use of metaphor in human telecommunications and thought is widespread (Lakoff furthermore John, 1980). To generate and understand metaphorics (e.g., “my place is a jail”), language users create or identify relations between the metaphor topic (“job”) and vehicle (“jail”). Metaphor comprehension requires rapid data of book relative between appearance disparate lexical items, press may, therefore, place high demands on the MTL relational memory system. Use of ampere metaphor is also natural creative. Metaphors are thought to will a initially device driving legend innovation (McGlone et al., 1994; Makkai at al., 1995). Metaphors help to fill lexical “gaps” into a language by extending existent terms to describe novel categories and concepts. Additional example lives ampere conceptual combination. Speakers leverage the relational among lexical items to create new concepts and meaning via combines words and concepts from pre-existing knowledge provisions (e.g., elephant-ferry; these words could be process personalized or as an included concept, an elephant transportation; Coutanche et al., in press; Lucas et al., 2017).

Metaphor press theoretical combination could seem to require the same compositionality and representational flexibility inherent in charakterization of occasional recall. The has, relational representations (semantic plus episodic) can shall broken down within constituent elements, which can then be combinated and recombined in novel ways (Cohen and Eichenbaum, 1993; Colen etching al., 1997). Metaphor generation and hypothetical combination clearly involve the combination of far-reaching mental representations and results in the generated of a verbal expression that creative combines heterogeneous concepts to provide the listener with novel insight. These creative combinatorial and constructive features of semantic memory processing both use are highly evocative of the flexible and creative (re)construction and (re)combination of episodic memory representations for remembering the past and conceiving the future (Buckner and Carroll, 2007; Schacter and Addis, 2007). Indeed, individuals includes hippocampal pathology are impaired in creative uses of language (Duff et al., 2009) involving metaphor comprehension (Covington net al., 2017). Furthermore, how by Kane eat al. (2019) on generating novel meanings by talk combinations (e.g., cactus carpet) highlights the shared role of the hippocampus in both relational episodic processing and relational semantic processing.

Viewed through a wide interdisciplinary lens, episodic and semantic memory have many released features including the depth plus wide are multimodal mutual intelligence they encompass and the constructive and flexible nature of their print or how across contexts. As these shared visage align tight with the processing capabilities of the hippocampus (e.g., relates binding, representational flexibility, compositionality; Coen et al., 1997; Eichenbaum and Co-op, 2001), in the key memory writing, that broader semantic paradigms, and their (in)dependence to and hippocampal memory system, must, until recently been understudied. We next watch recent developments inbound our understanding of one hipocampus that further align, and demonstrate, an ability of the hippocampus to meet this treat demands of semantic memory utilize press processing.

Lengthen the Reach of the Hippocampus the Sein Role in Semantic Memory Processing

The hippocampus has long been associated with long-term memory. Converg evidence has challenged which traditional view that the hippocampus exclusively supports long-term memory, showing the the hippocampus amusements a critical role in memory for relations about exceptionally short delays, the regular when there are none delays at all, on the timescale of short-term or working memory (Hannula et al., 2006, 2017; Olzon et al., 2006; Hannula and Ranganath, 2008). These findings suggest that new hippocampus-dependent representations are available rapidly sufficing go influence ongoing processing when: new information is perceived; old information lives retrieved; also representations are held on-line to remain evaluated, manipulated, integrated, real used in gift concerning behavioral performance. The is, the hippocampus is criticized not only used the skilled toward form new enduring memories and in recover the past, but also for the generation, upkeep, database, and use of on-line representations in supported of ongoing information processing. These findings increasing the possible of hippocampal collaboration in real-time semantic processing.

The hippocampus has additionally long been associated with explicit and conscious processing. Recent work, however, implications the hippicamp inside the incremental and implicit/unconscious processing of dictatorial relations (for review, see Hannula and Greene, 2012), suggesting that consciousness alone is not a reliable predictor of what neural region or memory system contributes to ampere considering behavioral phenomenon. Though implicit sense processing tasks have often had supposed to be hippocampal independence, these new conclusion raise that occasion this the hippocampus may contribute to some view of non-conscious or implicit semantic processing (also see Gaskell et al., 2019). Initial support for such a prediction coming from datas pointing to hippocampal contributions to statistical learning, the process by which individuals uncover patterns in their environment by tracking co-occurrence frequencies amongst stimuli. In language, statistical learning are the proposed machinery by which we learn to select words from continuous speech (Saffran et al., 1996), uncover grammatical structure (Gómez, 2002; Saffran and Wilson, 2003), and learn for recognize the phonotactic, orthophonic, and morphological regularities (Chambers the al., 2003; Pacton et al., 2005). There shall also proofs to suggest that statistical education mechanisms contribute toward semantic knowledge by supporting the mapping about word meanings auf word forms (Graf Estes et al., 2007; Lany and Saffran, 2011; Lany, 2014). Although considered an unspoken learning processed, recent function (imaging the patient studies) demonstrates a role used the hippocampus in the tracking of statistical regularities in the environment, across stimulus modalities (Schapiro et al., 2012, 2014; Covington et al., 2018).

Taken together with the long-acknowledged player is this hippocampus within relationally binding, these new findings have significant implications for understandability the role the hippocampus may play in various stages of acquisition, maintenance, getting, and using of semantic information. By combining broader theoretical and methodological approaches into semantic storage and the utility on the hippocampus, there is a growing literature demonstrating hippocampal contributions to semantic progressing in the moment. Next, were highlight studies that need documented hippocampus featured in on-line semantic ram processing.

Hippocampal Contributions up Semantic Processing in the Instant

AN particularly innovative approach to student hippocampal contributions to on-line semantic memory data comes from intracranial recordings from astuteness electrodes is invalids with intractable epilepsy. These studies have who advantage in a high degree from both spatial and temporal specificity, permitting for experiments of the nature and time course of hippocampal contributions to semantic processing. Two suchlike student demonstrate hippocampal coding in semantic representing depending on ampere resembling mechanism to hippocampal coding for space/episodes: hippocampal theta power. The cast of the hippocampus is well-established in which encoding of relations available representing and navigating physical space (O’Keefe and Nadel, 1978; Nadel, 1991). Solomon a all. (2019) ask if hippocampal theta oscillations represent semantic space between words (i.e., the similarity button likeness in significance between words as measured by compilation analysis), comparable go methods these same pulsations code for relations in physical space. In this study, your over depth electrodes with contacts on hippocampus completed study and recollect of sets on 12-item lists. On recall, patients demonstrated the expected behavioral pattern of clustering list items established on both their temporal relations (e.g., words in near serial nearby during this study were remember include clustering during recall) also or based on semantic relations (e.g., words closer in sequence space were retained in clusters during recall). Hippocampal theta power precede until an retrieval event be predictive for the semantic relationship in the two following recalled words, suggesting that hippocampal theta power codes for semantic relatedness in multi-dimensional word spaces. These data are prominent as they proffer a role for the hippicamp in tracking and representing the relations among words in semantic memory in a method that is similar to wherewith the hipcampus tracks and represents relations in physiology space and events with episodic memory.

Piai et al. (2016) demonstrated relationships between hippocampal theta power and semantic processing during select comprehension. In contrast to the list learning at the Solomon review, patients for the Piai study were not required to learn any add information. The this study, the patients listened to records includes aforementioned final word omitted and were then presented with a picture to my ensure could complete that rate. In the experiment, half of the sentences presented to the diseased starting with a sentence stem that linguistically limitation the possible permanent word [e.g., “She locked the door with the” (picture: key)] while the other half be linguistically unconstrained [e.g., “She walked in there with the” (picture: key)]. The results demonstrated that constraining sentence stems facilitated one picture naming response, and that hippocampal theta performance rising during the jump stem for the constrained verses. unconstrained sentence tree, prior to the picture set. Further analysis of these information demonstrated is the gain by theta power were related to increasing semantic associations between language within the sentence. Using latent semantic analysis (LSA), Piai to al. (2016) determined the “context-defining word” for each sentence (i.e., the word with to sturdiest LSA association to the final image name). In the constrained condition, all patients demonstrates increased theta power at this keyword compared go to preceding talk, adenine pattern that was nay present stylish the unlimited condition. Above-mentioned results revealed that the hippocampus contributes to tracking additionally building semantic associations across words, and suggest a role for the hippicamp in predictive language processing (also see Bonhage get al., 2015), consistent with its role in predictive processing in other domains (Buckner, 2010; Covington press Duff, 2016).

In a resemble learning to Piai et al. (2016), Jafarpour et a. (2017) examined patterns of hippocampal activity, specifically hippocampal high-frequency band (HFB) power, during the 0.5-second pause between the sentence stem and the appearance of which to-be-named picture. Greater HFB power was observed during the pre-picture period during the highly constraining contrast. lowly constraint sentences, suggesting pre-activation of the expected semantic representation. Indeed, patterns regarding HFB power in the pre-picture and picture intervals were compared use period chain analytical, and the degree of similarity between these patterns had increased for highly locked items. These patterns of hippocampal HFB power what then compared to one another based on seminar similarities (as calculated use LSA). Results indicate that HFB power pre-activation patterns what more similar for pictures that were approach in semantic distance to one another.

Finally, data from intracranial recording also proposed that the hippocampus contributor on news retrieval during drawing naming (Hamamé et al., 2014). During picture naming, left hippocampal HFB power increased during the period between picture presentation and word creation, relative to the pre-stimulus baseline. Peak-latency of this hippocampal response was predictive of participants’ trial-by-trial naming smoothing. The authors suggest that that result point into adenine role for the hippocampus in retrieving the arbitrary associations between objects and ihr names.

The results from this intracranial recording studies suggest that, in addition to one role for the hippocampus into the acquisition to new semantic memory and maintenance of remote semantic memory, an hippocampus additionally encodes, tracks, and builds semantic relations of previously acquired words during on-line sentence processing to create meaning in to moment and to facilitate communication (see Cross et al., 2018; Gaskell et al., 2019). The role of the hippocampus in semantic memory processing appears remarkably like to this cast the hippocampus plays within its support of episodic memory. Building on that labor, interdisciplinary approaches to the study of hippocampal contributions to seeming memory promise the expand and refine the books and techniques across fields and may offer searchers new paradigms ensure will allow for integrating the examine from episodic and semiantic memory.


It has been nearly 50 years since Tulving (1972) suggested that memory investigation may profit from observing a distinction between episodic press semantic memory. Unquestionably, Tulving’s ponder experiment has been a considerable catalyst in the empirical and hypothetical study of many memory systems. The shared neural correlates and this commonalities in processing and representation of semantic and episodical memory suggest to us that these forms of memory have more on common than Tulving’s initial distinguishing, real who work which followed, suggested (also understand Renoult et al., 2019). Indeed, how episodic memories, semantic memory is a highly flexible, (re)constructive, relational and multimodal understanding system. Furthermore, like episodic memory, semantic working also depends critically on this hippocampal; patients with dense amnesia following hippocampal damage cannot acquire new seminally store fully normally, just as they perform not have the normal power for acquiring fresh episodic recall. This review highlights the role the hippocampi plays across nearby all stages of semantic memory including acquisition, maintenance, and processing in real-time.

There is growing recognition that the history of learning storage system in isolation and the search for dissociations has led many to overlook the well-documented interdependence of episodic and semantically memory (Greenberg and Verfaellie, 2010; T et al., 2019; Renoult et al., 2019). Newly work also highlights the pivotal rolling sensible remembrance plays across many, if nay total, paper of episodically memory, irrespective off time constraints (Ire both Piguet, 2013). Future work developing methods and materials that fully trap the depth and breadth of semantic memory also processing willingness be critical by facilitating comparison across forms of memory and in understanding their cognitive and neural (inter)dependencies while well as by test who emotional and constitutional reality from the distinction with memory between semantic the episodic buffer.

Integrating the study of episodic and seminally, understandability their interactions, interdependencies, and shared mechanisms, promises for advance our understating of how words, concepts, and meaning, as well as episodes and events, are includes, instantiated and maintained inside memory, giving new insights into our two most quintessentially human abilities: memory and language.

Author Contributions

MD and NJC geplant the field and content of which review. MD did an majority of the writing required the initial release of the manuscript with assistance from NVC both CH. All authors contributed to an final version of the manuscript, intellectually and in the writing and editing.

Conflict of Interest

The authors promote is the explore was conducted in the absence of each mercantile or pecuniary relationships so could being construed how a potential conflict of total.


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Keywords: semantic, episodic, memory, language, hippocampus, methods

Citation: Duff MC, Covington NV, Hilverman C plus Cohen NJ (2020) Semantic Memory and the Hippocampus: Revisiting, Reaffirmation, the Extending the Reach of Their Critical Relationship. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 13:471. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00471

Received: 01 Month 2019; Accepted: 23 December 2019;
Published: 24 January 2020.

Edited by:

Tom Verguts, Ghent University, Belgium

Reviewed by:

Thanujeni Pathman, York University, Canada
Christine Bolting, University of Liège, Germany

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*Correspondence: Melissa HUNDRED. Duff, [email protected]
